Life Purpose & Soul Path

7 Ways To Discover & Embody Your Highest Purpose

As you probably already know, you have seven main chakras in your body; seven energy centers that related to the different aspects of your life. Each one is very important and it has a particular need. When you can fulfill all the seven needs of your chakras, your life naturally soars. I’ve created a series…

The Karma Trap: 3 Life-Changing Distinctions About Your Karma

The idea of karma is one of the most widely misunderstood concepts among spiritual practitioners, and within spiritually-inclined societies. In fact, karma is so widely misunderstood that I prefer to use the term “soul issues” instead. The latter phrase is a better fit, as I explain in Champion of the Soul. The following three distinctions, taken from…

4 Programs That Lead to Blocked Abundance — How Many Are You Running?

The Ultimate Enema Even the most dedicated Law of Attraction students run into walls that seem insurmountable. There are programs that lurk in the darkest recesses that need cache clearing. Holding onto these ‘junk’ programs will only constipate the flow of positive energy into your life. Here are, what I like to call, the SHIT programs: S —…