
Trusting yourself. How?

Ah, trusting yourself, what big a subject right?? How do you trust yourself? We can all struggle with this at times, daily, or every second. I could give you tools, methods or something to do to trust yourself. These methods could work or not work for you. If a method works, great! You feel relieved,…

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud to Be an Introvert

In this article, you will find out why it’s a good thing to be an introvert, if you are one. It seems that finally the world is waking up to the idea that there is this kind of people called introverts among us – and not weird, or awkward, or embarrassing people, as they used to be…

Take Back Your Power with Awareness

Money For Nothing, Things For Free

“Money For Nothing, Things For Free” was originally published at RYVT. Can you imagine the possibility of having money for nothing, and anything you want for free? If not, that’s ok, because I can imagine it for you. And if I can imagine it for you, there’s a place in the universe where you know it too.…

Student Wants to be Good Neighbor, Mows 50 Lawns in 50 States writes: Most people don’t necessarily enjoy mowing the lawn – but Rodney Smith Jr. has made it his calling. The Greensville, Alabama student is spending his summer cutting 50 lawns in 50 states in order to inspire others to do the same. All the lawns that Rodney mows are owned by elderly or disabled…

Survey, the 10 Motivational Books Used By the World’s Top Achievers.

The 10 Motivational Books Used By the World’s Top Achievers – Survey shares: As Buddha once said, “we are what we think” —and positive thinking is an important step in any achievement, whether in your career or your personal life. So why not follow what inspires some of the most successful people on the planet? Maybe you are looking to make changes in the way you approach your relationships, or…



Alexandra Roach from writes:  Sometimes, I wonder if anyone else ponders as much about life as I do. I don’t think I used to, but even during my earlier years, I always wondered if there was more. More than getting up, eating, going to work, being social (or not), eating again, and going to…

Everyone wants to live longer in the modern era. Do you ?

Want to Live Longer?

Cherie Roe Dirksen of Conscious Life News writes: Most of us want an abundant, full life. I stumbled across a Tibetan proverb on my feed this morning that really made sense. Let me share it with you: “The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure” 1.…