3 Powerful Truths About Brave Mothers Who Undergo C-Sections

Motherhood is a daunting prospect to think about. It brings dramatic change to one’s life as new responsibilities, worries and hopes begin to churn in the mind. It’s also one of the most rewarding things a woman can ever do.

I recently spoke with a friend who was telling me how an older woman had berated and belittled her as a mother because she hadn’t given birth the “natural way.” While my friend was giving birth, something went wrong and they had to perform an emergency Caesarean section to save her daughter–an experience that so many other women can relate to.

C-sections aren’t some cop-out. They’re scary, and take a tremendous amount of strength, courage and faith.

Here are 3 truths about women who have C-sections that more people need to understand.

They have to wait until everything is said and done before finally knowing if things are alright

Many people are completely unaware that C-sections are actually a major surgical procedure that can have major consequences should something go wrong. Once the baby is safely removed and alive, the battle isn’t over. Doctors won’t know for sure whether or not the mother is okay until the anesthesia has passed.

Not to mention, the mother is fully awake and conscious when they start performing the surgery. While she might not feel the pain, she is very aware of what’s happening and experiences the dull, unpleasant sensations of the movement happening inside of her. For some, it is a traumatic experience, yet they endure because they know it will be worth it in the end.

They’re often all alone in the operating room

Not only are C-sections incredibly risky for both the mother and the child, the mothers who undergo them often find themselves alone in the operating room due to the dramatic nature of the surgery. This leaves them without support or a familiar face telling them things will be okay. They’re left completely uncertain as to all the little details; they just know it’s something that needs to be done, regardless of their well-being.

Read more HERE.
Source: http://expandedconsciousness.com/2017/03/24/c-sections/