Kute Blackson of Conscious Life News writes:

There’s often a myth that your life purpose is something that you need to figure out and find up front. That unless you are crystal clear you can’t live it.

But what if you didn’t need to know everything about your life’s purpose in order to begin?

Often when we focus so much on trying to figure out all the details of our life purpose, we can end up waiting and holding back our gifts.

If you want to live your purpose, then stop waiting.

Simply begin by going in the direction that moves you most deeply. Take a step. When you take a step, each step will reveal to you the next step.

You don’t need to know the entire map of where you are going to get to where you are meant to be.

You may not be able to see all the steps on the journey from where you are today. It’s OK.

But you do need to start.

Trust that you will be guided every step of the way.

So if you aren’t sure which direction to go in or what your life’s purpose is, begin by asking yourself these 4 questions:

  1. What does my life experience reveal and point to? Look at your life experience. Every single event and relationship has contributed to who you are. It has uniquely shaped who you are, how you see life, and what you are good at.
  2. What am I naturally good at? What comes easily to me? What feels like second nature? This can give you a clue as to what your innate gifts are to give the world.
  3. What group of people do I resonate with, have compassion for, or feel connected to? Perhaps you feel a connection with the homeless, single mothers, or the mentally challenged. This may be a clue as to who you are meant to serve.

Read more HERE.


About the Author

Kute is an inspiring modern day spiritual teacher and a bold voice for a new generation. He leads transformational journeys to Bali .  He also helps women overcome any and all obstacles to love with his “The Man Breakthrough Experience”, the Women’s Seminar. Also check out his debut Bestselling book, You.Are.The.One.