
law of attraction

Abundance: Use it Or Lose It (Law of Attraction)

Chances are, you’ve heard the expression “use it or lose it” before. Usually, it is used in regards to exercise and muscles. When you use your muscles, you maintain them and build them up. When you don’t use them, however, they shrink. This is a reference most of us understand pretty well. However, did you know…

Four Simple Ways to Attract Financial Abundance

Would you like to attract financial abundance into your life? Many people in our society find that they are drowning in debt, with little savings, and the bills are rolling in day after day.  Financial stability can seem completely out of reach. Fortunately, with the Law of Attraction, it is possible for anyone to attract financial abundance. …

4 Programs That Lead to Blocked Abundance — How Many Are You Running?

The Ultimate Enema Even the most dedicated Law of Attraction students run into walls that seem insurmountable. There are programs that lurk in the darkest recesses that need cache clearing. Holding onto these ‘junk’ programs will only constipate the flow of positive energy into your life. Here are, what I like to call, the SHIT programs: S —…