Personal Growth & Success

3 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier

Until recently, I had no idea that you could fairly easily teach your brain to be happier. As most of us could have guessed, researchers have found that positivity (having a positive outlook) makes us happier. I didn’t know that positivity is also proven to make people more successful. Luckily for us, there are simple,…

Why Do We Feel Lonely in an Over-Connected World?

By Anna LeMind of The Mind Unleashed The world has never been so connected as it is now. Communication and internet technologies have made it possible to stay in touch with anyone no matter where they live. Today, it’s probably impossible to find a person who doesn’t use social networks and instant messaging apps, which have become…

Watch Alan Watts’ Powerful Speech On The Higher Self

In this video, Alan Watts, considered one of the most renowned philosophers on the planet gives his insight on one of the largest questions of life; what is the self? Alan Watts (1915-1973) was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and popularizer of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Among…