Happy New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio! This New Moon at exactly 2 degrees of Scorpio becomes exact at 6:49 AM New York time (10:49 GMT) tomorrow, on Tuesday, October 25. The Solar Eclipse–which is visible in most of Europe and North Africa–reaches its apex approximately 11 minutes later. This New Moon kick-starts the final Eclipse Season of 2022, as the upcoming U.S. Election Day Full Moon in Taurus will be a Total Lunar Eclipse.

As a reminder, Eclipses are special lunations. During an Eclipse, new information/codes are downloaded to us that help to re-calibrate us. The energetic effects of the Eclipse last for six months—but the changes that occur in the six months following an eclipse have effects for a lifetime.

This is a powerful South Node Eclipse to initiate the sun’s entry into Scorpio. The energy of a South Node Eclipse helps us to revisit, re-evaluate, and ultimately let go of or transmute the negative karmic patterns that we carry—those that our rooted from the past, both in this and past lifetimes.

The sign of Scorpio holds a special place in my Heart. As someone with a Scorpio sun and a predominantly Scorpio chart, it is by far my favorite sign. I love the depth, the passion, and the life-or-death feeling of intensity that Scorpio represents.

Scorpio is the shaman’s sign; it is the negotiation between the darkest darks and the brightest lights. It is an oscillation between hell and Heaven. This of course has tremendous spiritual value, as every time you plunge into the depths of pain and suffering, you bring back with you invaluable wisdom for the journey ahead.

I didn’t come into this position as a healer and a spiritual teacher just by reading some books; it’s been this hell-to-Heaven and back again shaman’s journey for me, which still continues.

Scorpio is the sign of death and transformation (picture the Death card in the tarot). If you live in a cold part of the world, you can look outside now and see the dead leaves on the ground as winter approaches. Of course, the trees are only lightening their load in order to prepare for the upcoming deep freeze, while giving space for brand new growth to emerge the following spring. Thus is Scorpio: it’s all about letting go of what is dying or dead, in order to allow for new growth to occur.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign, the eighth sign of the Zodiac, and the ruler of the Eighth House—The House of Sex. This house rules over sex, taboos, death, taxes, and wills/legacies. It is ruled by Pluto, the planet of death, destruction and transformation. As a fixed sign, it is stubborn and loyal. As a water sign, it is deeply emotional.

Scorpio suns (like myself) are known for having an air of mystery and intrigue about them (this can also apply to Scorpio Risings). Scorpio suns, moons, and Risings are generally naturally psychic and intuitive. If you are close with any Scorpio suns in your life, you probably already know that they don’t let many people get very close to them. Scorpios can often be secretive, and sometimes even paranoid about letting others know too much about them.

Scorpio is of course associated with the scorpion. Its glyph is an ‘M’ with the tail pointed outward, like a scorpion’s stinger.

As the most deeply emotional of all the Zodiac signs, Scorpio invites us to really honor the depth of all our emotions–especially the uncomfortable ones, like rage, fear, and grief. It asks for us to acknowledge the presence of shame and guilt within. It encourages us to honor the depth of the ‘man’ part of the HU-man—as in the physical, emotional, dense self.

We have the feeling during this Solar Eclipse that there’s something deeper that hasn’t yet been explored– like there’s a totally new level of rawness beneath the surface that has yet to come up. Scorpio, being the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation, is bringing this up. Around this lunation, you could find yourself going through intense emotions, like fear, anger, jealousy, grief or loneliness.

The depth and intensity of the Scorpio energy scares many away, because it can be uncomfortable. However, for those brave enough to explore the depths of one’s own consciousness and emotional body, the reward is karmic transmutation, which is one of the very reasons you came to this planet and one of the most important facets of the Ascension journey.

Pluto—the ruler of Scorpio—plays an important role in this Eclipse chart, as it squares the sun, moon, and Mercury (which remains in Libra for now). When powerful Pluto, the planet of death/rebirth and destruction, squares the other planets, it is as if it is challenging the other planets to transform. Often this challenge can come through upheaval in the outside world, and sometimes it can come through simply looking honestly within.

Not only does Pluto square these three inner celestial bodies—but it also forms a nearly exact quincunx/inconjunt with the exalted Mars in Gemini. Mars’s influence is exalted (amplified) because it is in its pre-Retrograde Shadow phase, preparing to go Retrograde on my birthday (October 30). I’ll have more on the Mars Retrograde in the upcoming U.S. Election Day Taurus Lunar Eclipse podcast.

With this inconjunct between the fiery red planet of Mars–the traditional ruler of Scorpio–and the tiny ice cold rock of Pluto–the modern ruler of Scorpio—and the Pluto-Mercury square, communication could get fiery and emotional over the next 28 days.

People could be triggered easily—and could have inappropriate, overly-emotional reactions. Mars squaring the exalted Retrograde Jupiter in the first degree of Aries also makes this a potentially eruptive New Moon chart.

What will especially be triggering for people is when they feel that they are being ‘held down’ or having their power taken away from them. Some may unjustly try to assert their power over others. It’s important that during this time, if you are feeling that someone is unjustly, irresponsibly, or unnecessarily wielding power over you, that you speak up and speak out—but to speak out with logic and pragmatism rather than too much emotion, which can easily turn volatile.

With Mercury in Libra and now Direct, it is actually a good time to experience harmony in relationships; and with Mars in chatty, social Gemini and trining the sun, moon and Mercury, there will be a focus on achieving balance, harmony, and sharing in interpersonal relationships of all kinds.

The overall theme of this South Node Solar Eclipse, which squares Saturn in Aquarius (the planet of the past/karma), though with a wider orb than the most recent South Node Eclipse in Scorpio in May, is re-evaluating the past, and letting go.

You must let old ideas, concepts, and stuck energy go. If a relationship needs to end, let it end. If a job or career needs to go, let it go. If you need to discard old belief patterns that no longer serve you, then walk away from your past self and create a brand new self. Eclipse Season is all about transformation and change!

Ask yourself (or journal on) these questions:

What needs to be transformed and transmuted? What needs to be released and left behind? What needs to be kept, and recalibrated?

Sometimes, we believe that we can’t let go of something from the past until we fully understand it. This isn’t actually true. Something doesn’t have to be fully understood before you can let it go. Remember that every event, experience, or relationship—no matter which emotions it produces in your body or what effect it has on your physical reality—has a positive intention from the perspective of the Life Plan that is created by your soul.

Eventually, enough time will pass and you will be able to interpret the role that the event, experience or relationship had in your life by seeing what came next.

What experiences did you end up having as a result of that event, experience or relationship that you wouldn’t have had otherwise? Who did you end up meeting that you wouldn’t have met otherwise? What wisdom did you learn that you were then able to implement into your future choices, to build your emotional and spiritual maturity, and to model or teach to others, that you wouldn’t have otherwise?

This is the essence of alchemy—to take the difficult experiences from the past and transmute them into wisdom and teaching/helping others going through (or have gone through) similar experiences.

Any tendencies toward escapism or addictions will likely build up a pressure so great inside you that you will find yourself feeling really dense, moody, or overreactive around this Eclipse.

Pay attention to those addictive patterns and ask yourself whether they are healthy distractions–or compulsions that help you to avoid feeling; methods of self-medicating; or excuses to procrastinate? There is a difference between a healthy outlet and an addiction or compulsion. Scorpio/Pluto rules over addictions.

Letting go of unhealthy habits and addictions begins with a firm choice. The discipline required to keep up with keeping old bad habits out of your life builds character and provides energetic fuel to help you make leaps and bounds forward in other aspects of your life.

I just want to say that I believe in you, I know that you have the power within to let go of whatever you need to!


The main event of this New Moon/Eclipse chart is that Venus, the planet of love, romance, art, money, and creativity, joins the sun and the moon in the sky. This super-harmonious gateway makes this a wonderful time for romance, sex, and art to flourish.

If you’re in a romantic partnership, then now and over the next 28 days is a wonderful time to cultivate romance in your relationship! Go on date nights. Explore beauty with one another. Be creative together!

However, Scorpio, being ruled by Pluto, is also the sign of upheaval, transformation, secrets, mysteries, and power struggles, so if there are any deep-seated issues in a romantic relationship—especially those around the power dynamics of the relationship—those issues will almost certainly bubble up to the surface soon, especially after the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, when the moon and Uranus will be opposite Venus and the sun (and Mercury, to boot).

If you’re single and looking to date, then this is a very lucky time to meet someone new! With Venus in Scorpio, it may very well be an experience of love-at-first-sight.

As a Venus in Scorpio myself, I can attest to how there seems to be an all-or-nothing quality to Venus in Scorpio. And when it’s on, it’s on…this is the type of energy that is in the air in the coming weeks. You never know what the Universe could have in store for you!

There is also something to be said about experiencing greater harmony and love within the self with sun and moon conjunct Venus. And of course, we can never truly fully allow ourselves to be loved by another if we don’t fully love ourselves. So this astrological aspect is about love within and without.

It is also a superb time to hang out with friends and family and just experience peace and harmony. It is a very lucky time for money—as Venus is the ruler of Taurus, where the North Node lies opposite the sun and moon—and it is also a tremendous time to pursue all artistic and creative endeavors! If you are an artist, let your inspiration shine into your craft at this time!


Happy Diwali! This Scorpio Solar Eclipse occurs during Diwali, the Hindu New Year and Festival of Lights. It’s a five-day celebration across the Hindu world that includes lots of good food, family, fun, fireworks, and making designs with colored sands. There are pujas (rituals/offerings) each day to honor the gods and goddesses. The Lakshmi Puja, on Day 3, is the biggest and wildest celebration.

Wishing you a peaceful, harmonious and enjoyable New Moon and Solar Eclipse (and Diwali!)

With Love,

Matthew John

About The Author

Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive & Life Coach working with angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler and transmitter of healing frequencies.

Matthew has been on a 13-year+ Awakening journey. His powerful and effective teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of study. He receives clear guidance from his Guides which he shares with his followers and clients from around the world. He specializes in helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to accelerate their spiritual development.

As a Sirian & Andromedan Starseed Matthew is intimately familiar with the mission of Starseeds on this Earth. He guides clients and followers to connect with their Starseeded essence and to align with their specific Starseeded lifework.

Matthew is a spiritual leader for the Golden Age. He has an innate ability to see the ‘big picture’, and this is why he is so effective in assisting his clients and followers to heal, transform, and accelerate their Awakening.

Matthew resides in Western New York, U.S.A. with his Ascension dog Sebastian.

Visit Matthew’s website: https://www.youareadivinehuman.org/

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