Lance Schuttler from writes: 

Russian scientists have successfully created a technology that can alter the protons of an atom and change the atom itself, making one element from another. The breakthrough was announced in Geneva, Switzerland by the Swiss Press Club and can be viewed on their website.

Ladies and gentlemen, today, here in Geneva, we are making public a discovery on the technology, which, without any exaggeration, could be described as historic significance. Now, the essence of this discovery and the technology, boils down to the development of industrial methods for the transformation of chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes. What we have to show you today is a transmutation without any nuclear reactors, without heavy water or anything of the kind to obtain transmutation of elements. 

Our approach with transmutation of chemical elements is biochemical in nature. It is still too early to fully grasp the economic and civilization significance of this development of this technology. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this discovery is a veritable revolution which is going to open a new chapter in the technological process. Unlikely as it may sound, this is a fact. The architects for this discovery and technology are leading Russian chemists Mrs. Tamara Sakhno and Mr. Victor Kurashov. These are theoretically and experimental scientists who stand on the shoulders of a dynasty of researchers who have been instrumental in discovering this method for the transformation of chemical elements. 

Mankind, represented by the authors, has discovered this method for the transmutation of matter, which is likely to change the face of today’s world, perhaps as deeply as it was changed by the use of electricity, perhaps even deeper.” 

Though this announcement quietly took place in June of 2016, the dust is still needing to settle before we perhaps realize the potential magnitude of this discovery. What must be remembered is that even though this took place about 7 months ago, but hasn’t been announced on a mass scale, it doesn’t mean that this isn’t real or significant. If this discovery is indeed real, it would still make complete sense that many things would…

Read more HERE.

About the Author

Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science-Health Coaching and offers health coaching services through his website Orgonlight Health. You can follow the Orgonlight Health Facebook page or visit the website for more information on how to receive health coaching for yourself, your friend or family member as well as view other inspiring articles.

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