Mark Manderson of MyEmpoweredWorld writes:

If you haven’t considered quitting, then you’re not doing it right!.”

Once I grasped this powerful statement it transformed my entire mindset.  Before I would allow obstacles, frustration, and any barrier to deter me from conquering my dreams.  I had negatively reinforced the pattern of giving up as any great accomplish in life is usually preceded with hardships.  By flipping this belief, I now look for the crazy objections that lead me to feeling the emotions of wanting to give up.  I now understand this means the payoff will be greater and that I am on the correct track to greatness.

Think back to all the great accomplishments over your life thus far.  For me, the most rewarding both financially and emotionally have come only after every rational thought of wanting to quit, surrender, or give up has surfaced.  Know that this is merely a test that life throws to disqualify those that are not worthy of such success.  Steve Jobs has a famous quote about quitting where he said “You have to have a lot of passion for what you are doing because it is so hard… if you don’t, any rational person would give up.”  This is coming from one of the greatest minds of multiple generations.  Be irrational, look at failure in the face and thank it for showing the clues that what you are striving toward is worth the journey.

I recall a story of a boy who got a job at a bank at the lowest level.  Before his first day of work his dad gave him a button with the letter “P” on it and had him put it on the inside of his jacket as a daily reminder that someday the boy would be the president of the bank.  By looking at that pin daily it would remind him to do one thing every day that would bring him closer to that goal.  Each night the boy came home, the father would ask what he did in order to always keep the thought in mind to focus on becoming president of the bank.

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About the Author:

Mark Manderson is a loving husband and father of 2. With an educational background ranging from a semester abroad at Cambridge University UK, to sailing the world attending Semester at Sea, Mark graduated with a Bachelors in International Business and Finance. He has developed extensive skill sets from years as a professional in the health industry, to over a decade in the addiction recovery field; and is now helping countless others find their passions that lead to a life of fulfillment through happiness. In his new book, “Finding Happy”, Mark provides step by step examples of easy to follow methods that help anyone kick their life into overdrive regardless of where they currently are in their journey.