The Difference between the Mandela Effect and Manifestation

I’ve been asked recently whether there is a difference between the Mandela effect and manifestation–and if there is a difference, what that might be.

The short answer is: Yes, there is a difference, and it has a lot to do with conscious intent. A trending monicker for reality shifts is “Mandela Effect,” in which many people may notice changes that seemingly have nothing to do with anything anyone was consciously wishing for, whereas in the case of “instant manifestation” and quantum jumps, we’re focused on a specific intention.

Mandela Effects and Reality Shifts

Mandela Effects and reality shifts often seem random and unexpected, surprising us with such things as: unexpected movie dialogue in a familiar scene, changes in writing in books we thought we knew by heart, and the occasional deceased celebrity being noticed unexpectedly alive again. In contrast, manifestation and quantum jumps typically occur after we focus on a specific desired outcome, such as locating a coveted parking spot, or suddenly feeling as if we’ve had enough rest after a short night’s sleep of tossing and turning.

Manifestation and Quantum Jumps

In the realm of manifestation, I’ve reported on hundreds of experiences involving such things as: improved health, broken-down or out-of-gas cars that start, and radically improved finances and relationships. In addition to these, many of the quantum jumps shared on the reality shifters website and in my book, “Quantum Jumps” includes case studies of people teleporting through dangerous situations, such as safely past oncoming vehicles or falling steel beams they seemingly have no way to avoid. One useful example of how to enjoy benefits from ‘faking it until you make it’ and jumping to what feels like a parallel reality is believing you’ve slept well, even if you haven’t. Researchers at Colorado College conducted a study demonstrating the positive effects of such placebo sleep–which is one of dozens of similar laboratory-tested, simple things you can do to quickly become smarter, stronger, more confident, in better relationships, and feeling less pain that I share in my book, Quantum Jumps.

Read more HERE.

About the Author

Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps. Cynthia has a degree in Physics from UC Berkeley, and discusses consciousness and quantum physics on numerous shows including the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, the BBC and One World with Deepak Chopra and on the Living the Quantum Dream show she hosts. You can subscribe to Cynthia’s free monthly ezine at: