Tamara Rant of ConsciousLifeNews.com writes:

We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the moment, but what about staying calm in the moment? Why’s that so much more difficult to not just master, but simply pull off here and there when you really need it? Well, for starters it is because most of us are not taught the actual truth of who we really are as children. And it’s this “not knowing” that is the root cause of all fears and anxiety we experience in life. As they always say, once you face fears, they dissipate…

We are taught as children that we are merely this skin and these bones and these thoughts in our minds and perhaps even that when we die that we literally “end”. But science and spirituality are finally beginning to play nice, and when we allow their principles to work together, they now show us that like the energy we are, we never truly end, we merely transform.

No matter what we’re taught; chances are good that most of our parents were not aware of the Truth that we are this pure energy of conscious awareness; that we are ALL the awareness that is actually moving this skin and these bones and these thoughts. We are what is inside or rather behind these going’s on in our physicality and mental worlds. Yet we are not OF them. We are the Force.

I recently watched a video presented by the awesome Deepak Chopra and he explained where human consciousness resides in such a way that even if you are new to the topic, you can easily grasp the understanding. He explained it so beautifully, it was actually his words that inspired me to write about this very topic this week. He states that human experience comes and goes, while conscious awareness is unending; infinite…it is YOU.

Experiences, that is, everything occurring outside of yourself in our perceptual reality, is the stuff that we think “happens to us”. And while we consider our experiences to be that which shape and mold us throughout our lives, if we zoom out a bit and see the entire picture (pun totally intended), we see that it is our perceptions of those experiences that have in fact done the shaping. How we’ve reacted and responded to life is ultimately what determined what life threw at us next. Well, isn’t that curious? 🙂

This bring up a vital reminder in how important it is to be directing your life rather than simply reacting to it. When we live on auto-pilot, sure life will continue to just “happen” and experiences will come and go, but we will not have consciously played a pro-active role in determining the shape our lives take; and I’m sorry, but that’s a huge waste of your gifts, talents and abilities.

When the great sages, monks and gurus speak of “going within”, this is why they repeat themselves into an eternal meditation with these words…because it’s literally the greatest advice you can offer another human being. It’s like opening the floodgates of Creational wisdom, pointing the way and letting them carve their own path; which one must always do to obtain that wisdom meant only for them.

When we go within and turn our awareness upon ourselves, a funny thing happens. You begin to tune into what I can only call the Divine Silence which is ever-present and eternal. It is here where you can find that inner peace the Zen Masters alike find Oneness within, by going through this Silence; and ultimately becoming this Silence, only to realize they were this Silence all along.

Which brings me back to Deepak and how he explained perhaps the simplest way I’ve ever heard to help someone unattach from an emotionally heated reaction to an experience and to disown any baggage from it that is weighing you down. He asks you to imagine that experiences are fleeting, linear, they come and they go; they are temporary and reside in 3-D space-time reality. Consciousness, however is infinite, eternal, timeless, unbound, no beginning and no end and does not reside in time-space.

Read more HERE.