Personal Growth & Success

7 Gratitude Exercises To Try Today And Every Day

7 Gratitude Exercises To Try Today And Every Day

The benefits of gratitude are manifold. Studies show that practicing and experiencing gratitude boosts feelings of satisfaction, strengthens our relationships and drives us to help others. Despite these benefits, we aren’t always able to express gratitude, sometimes because we’re too busy, other times because negative feelings overshadow the good in our lives. Here are seven easy exercises that help…

How To Choose To Overcome And Reframe Failure

How To Choose To Overcome And Reframe Failure

“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill At 29 years old I found myself broke, living at home (for the third time), unemployed and a failure. I had spent the past two years of my life going through personality tests, panel interviews and…

The Trap Of Playing It Safe And Settling For Survival Mode

The Trap Of Playing It Safe And Settling For Survival Mode

Safety and security are important. However, one soon learns that obsessively pursuing external material needs at the expense of self-growth leaves behind an internal vacuum of mixed emotions and mental confusion. Consciously approaching and understanding these internal signals is what will propel you into a domain of personal empowerment, progress, and exciting growth that most are unable…

7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself And Feel Amazing

7 Ways To Start To Value Yourself And Feel Amazing

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha One of the biggest myths we feed into…

The 3 Must-Have Ingredients For Unstoppable Success

The 3 Must-Have Ingredients For Unstoppable Success

After over 40 years in business and nearly 10 years as a coach/mentor and trainer I’ve discovered there are 3 key ingredients to unstoppable success. By combining these 3 ingredients you will be able to reach the level of success that you’ve dreamed of, but perhaps didn’t truly believe was possible. There is magic in…

12 Unconventional Habits Of Highly Productive People

12 Unconventional Habits Of Highly Productive People

It is not enough to be busy… The question is:  What are you busy doing? I’ve always been someone driven to excel and make the most out of this wild ride called life. So when I read Tim Ferriss’ book The 4-Hour Workweek, a new world of possibilities opened up to me.  After discovering his personal productivity…