Lost your job? Going through a breakup? Moving to a new place where you don’t know anyone?Change can be pretty traumatic if you let it get to you! However, there are a lot of reasons to embrace change. Good or bad, pretty or ugly, change has the ability to enhance your life for the better when you choose to get on board with it.

Embrace change because…

1. Change is inevitable.

The only constant in life is change. You can embrace change, or you can fight it, but change WILL happen. Might as well go with the flow!

2. Change creates more excitement and adventure in your life.

Honestly, if life never changed you would be so bored! While stability is comfortable, too much stability feels stagnant. Change can give your life positive momentum.

3. Change will reveal to you who’s really important in your life.

You’ll never be quite so inclined to know who’s really there for you when you move, get married, have a baby or lose a friend. Big changes have a way of revealing to you the people in your life who are your biggest positive influences (and not-so-positive influences!).

4. Change is an opportunity to become someone new, or try on a new identity.
When you suddenly find yourself single, in a new job or on another new path, suddenly you have the opportunity to try on a new role. Sometimes a new role comes with a new look, a new skill set and/or a new routine. It can be a lot of fun to become a new person.
5. Change adds chapters to your life story.
The more change you experience in life, the more chapters you have to look back on. The more stories you have to tell your grandkids, and the more lessons you can share with the people you care about. A full life is one chock full of changing times, places, people and experiences.
6. Change is the universe’s way of preparing you for something you’ve been wanting.
​Sometimes, the quickest route to your dreams is taken by smashing through a brick wall. The universe has a way of shaking things up when we are ready to transition to the next level. Embracing the change ensures you receive the positive benefits on the other side of it.If life is changing quickly for you right now, strap on your seatbelt, hold on to your hat, and do your best to embrace the transition you are experiencing. There will be good things that result from this change, and the more you can go with the flow, the quicker you’ll reap the benefit of this shift.
About The Author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of ‘Raise Your Vibration Today.’ I teach people about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking. Check out my member website to learn how to create your reality with your thoughts.
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