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Physical Regeneration Alchemy: Restructure, Regenerate, Radiate

From Judy Satori:

Are You Ready for NEXT LEVEL Physical and Ascension Transformation?

My new Physical Regeneration Alchemy series, premiered exclusively on You Wealth Revolution, raises the bar on what it is to be a human being, by activating upgraded physical vitality and wellbeing.

My first program in this series, 'Restructure, Regenerate, Radiate', delivers a wealth of information about how the Ascension process is affecting the physical body and how we might increase energy and vitality and begin to physically regenerate.

Powerful ULTRALIGHT energy transmissions from Source upgrade the chakras and the human energy field, as well as work with the physical body's structure at the level of the cells and the DNA template.

READ ON and discover how these powerful energies can transform your life!

Love Judy

By the end of the transmission, I was in a complete trans-state. My body is still humming with ENERGY! Mauri G.

With Judy Satori's Physical Regeneration Alchemy program, you will experience:

  • Enhanced physical vitality and strength
  • Improved cellular function and metabolism
  • Anti-Aging benefits — look and feel visibly younger
  • Radiate Light — an inner and outer radiance
  • Glowing skin and eyes

An Introduction to Physical Regeneration Alchemy

Experience Transformation with ULTRALIGHT Energy Frequencies

Judy Satori's new Physical Regeneration Energy Alchemy program is an easy to use five step program that will activate the energy memory of the perfected pattern of the physical body, but then move beyond this newfound balance to PHYSICAL REGENERATION.

'Alchemy' means a total change of state. The energy alchemy transmissions of this advanced physical regeneration program utilize an energy called 'Ultralight' that creates immediate, permanent transformation. Every time you listen to the five audio recordings of Physical Regeneration Alchemy, the energy effects will go deeper, as the energy is entrained into the physical body.

The Next Level of Physical Regeneration Information and Energy Transmissions

As Judy explains it, Every Ascension support and transformation program that I have created in my 25 years of working with Spirit has been divinely instigated. This new body of work, premiered exclusively on You Wealth Revolution, is the next level in a suite of physical regeneration information and energy transmissions that I am now being guided to bring forth.

It is right for the times we are living in. Strength and resilience of the physical body is so important if we are to hold the light of the Ascension energy frequencies streaming to Earth for our human advancement.

Our physical bodies must become strong and revitalized, to recalibrate to and integrate this faster pulsating energy, if we are to go beyond who we know ourselves to be and evolve as a human species. This is after all what Ascension is all about. We are not going up or going anywhere. We are expanding into greater human capacity and this must occur if we are to create a new global society of peace and plenty for all.

Radiate an Inner and Outer Radiance of Body and Mind

The personal outcomes that you can expect if you use this program at least once weekly over several months are enhanced vitality, improved cellular function and metabolism and anti-aging benefits. You should feel and appear visibly younger.

In addition, you will come to radiate more light.

Human beings emit bio-photons, light, from the body and this program will cause you to radiate an inner and outer radiance of body and mind that will be increasingly appealing and charismatic to others.

Life in the body will flow more easily for you as you entrain to the energy to increasingly BE at this vibration.

Judy's Message to You:

Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake is a timeless love story. The ballet features Prince Siegfried and the Swan Princess Odette. Under the spell of a sorcerer, Odette spends her days as a swan swimming on a lake of tears and her days in her beautiful human form. I chose Swan Lake as the theme for the Physical Regeneration Alchemy series, as it represents how love can overcome obstacles and break the 'spell' of illusion that keeps us trapped in limiting beliefs about the true nature of life in the body, and what we are really capable of as human beings.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 77% Off

Total Value: $850

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 79% Off

Total Value: $1,199

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

Physical Regeneration Alchemy Audio Transmission Series

Judy Satori's new Physical Regeneration Alchemy teaching program, 'Restructure, Regenerate, Radiate', is introduced exclusively on You Wealth Revolution. Judy has been working with energy frequencies from a new fifth energy species called ULTRALIGHT for some time, however the information and energy transmitted in Physical Regeneration Alchemy represents the next level of her continuously evolving Ascension work with Spirit.

The Ultralight energy transmissions of Physical Regeneration Alchemy create an immediate and permanent alchemical effect, creating transformation at the level of the cells and the DNA template.

The program is simple to use. You will be instructed how to connect to the quantum field from the heart/mind and then you only need to LISTEN. The energy benefits accrue with time and become entrained and strengthened by ongoing exposure to the energy words embedded in the recordings.

Exposure to these energy words of new creation is safe for all people over the age of 16, in all states of physical health. It can only have a positive effect on body and mind when used as instructed, as the program is divinely designed and transmitted.

Note: Judy explains that because this work is so advanced and the energy so transformative, Physical Regeneration Alchemy will not be available in the future without her personal intuition and support given along with the recordings. This body of work will not be added to the Ascension Library as it needs to be taught and its effects understood. The Physical Regeneration series of programs will in the future become an evolving course of study.

Item 1: Energy Preparation

Value: $77


Runtime: 16 Minutes

Track One explains how Ultralight energy creates its effects when applied to the fifth level of the body's energy field, the Etheric Template. This fifth level of the seven levels of the human energy field, the auric field surrounding the physical body, holds the energy imprint for our physical organic structure.

By energetically correcting imbalances within this level of the human energy field and transferring the restored and harmonized pattern into the physical it is possible to charge the body with greater vitality and then to go beyond this balance to regenerate.

In this preparation sequence you will learn about the quantum field that flows through time and space and how to tap into this field for your advancement.

Track one will energetically prepare you for the four energy processes that follow.

In this recording, you will receive these energetic transmissions:

  • Information about this program and how it works to enhance physical vitality.
  • Energy transmissions to prepare you for the four-part physical regeneration process of tracks 2-4.

Item 2: Quantum Field Healing

Value: $77


Runtime: 25 Minutes

Our physical human body and energy field is a small (micro) space-time energy field within a vast (macro) Universal energy field of gigantic complexity and intricate design. As human beings we are part of the universal energy field of ALL THAT IS that flows throughout the cosmos.

We are also composed of energy and matter. Our physical bodies are literally made of stardust! When we refer to the quantum field, we are referring to the very small particles of energy and matter that make up this field.

In Track Two we tap into and utilize the quantum particles in the Universal Field to support our return to vitality and wellness.

In this recording, you will receive these energetic transmissions:

  • Ultralight energy restoration of the innate perfection of the physical body by working in the fifth level of the body's energy field, the Etheric Template.
  • Learn how to tap into the quantum field for healing, harmony and balance.
  • Reconnect with the loving divinity of SELF by working energetically at the level of the Celestial Template, the sixth level of the auric field.
  • Remember more of the AUTHENTIC TRUTH of who you are.

Item 3: Enhancing Cellular Vitality

Value: $77


Runtime: 39 Minutes

Before the physical body can go beyond healing, which is coming into balance and tipping the scales to regenerate there is a requirement for the capacity of the cells of the body to be upgraded to carry out their metabolic functions in a more expanded and upgraded way.

There are trillions of cells in the body. In one respect they are all similar as all have small 'nano-machines', petit organelles that do the work of the cells. In this recording we work energetically with different types of cells as it pertains to their organic function in the body.

The functioning of the chakras, which act like windmill sails pulling life force, universal energy or 'chi' through the body, is also expanded and enhanced.

In this recording, you will receive these energetic transmissions:

  • Energetic harmonization and enhancing the vitality of adult stem cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, neurons, neuroglial cells, skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells, cartilage cells, bone cells, osteoclasts, osteocytes, the lining cells of bone, skin cells, endothelial cells that line blood vessels and the epithelial cells that line body cavities.
  • Stabilizing the cellular vitality of the body so that physical regeneration can occur.
  • Improving the spin of the chakras to support the physical body to ingather more life force energy to assist the cells of the body to function better.

Item 4: Physical Regeneration Alchemy

Value: $77


Runtime: 31 Minutes

The word 'alchemy' means a complete change of state that is permanent and appears to happen just like magic.

This is like what happens when a caterpillar liquefies inside the chrysalis to turn into a butterfly. Our bodies are not turning into mush, but they are changing into a new upgraded form. It is an Ascension alchemy process that is happening to us.

The energy words that you will hear in this recording are a language of DNA recoding.

In track 4 we work with four sacred processes of creation.

In this recording, you will receive these energetic transmissions:

  • Water: Energy preparation.
  • Fire: The activation or 'firing' of a more expanded human physical capacity.
  • Earth: The energetic creation of a more enhanced and expanded physical balance. Enhancing cellular energy, working with the telomeres of the DNA, reprogramming the body's time clock to retard aging.
  • Air: Taking the new energy instructions for physical form and capacity and making them 'real' in the flesh and blood body.

Item 5: Radiating Light

Value: $77


Runtime: 19 Minutes

A photon is a tiny particle that travels at the speed of light. Photons are electric fields travelling through space that emit light. Our human bodies also emit light in the form of biophotons. The cells of our bodies are 98% water.

The energy transmissions of this recording are designed to shine the light upon the waters, in this case, on the water within the trillions of cells of our bodies.

Over time, with repetitive listening and entrainment to the energy transmissions of track 5, you will become literally more ENLIGHTENED, physically and in consciousness.

In this recording, you will receive these energetic transmissions:

  • Your skin and eyes will visibly become more luminous.
  • You will RADIATE and become visibly stronger and more energized in appearance.
  • You will discover how the Vesica Piscis, as it relates to human conception and cell division, also relates to the process of physical regeneration.
  • You will become increasingly charismatic and attractive to others because of the LIGHT that you radiate.
  • You will feel more self-love and a greater sense of wellbeing.

Item 6: Physical Regeneration Alchemy User Guide

Value: $47


Judy has included a printable PDF to serve as a useful companion to the Physical Regeneration Alchemy program. Included in this easy-to-follow guide are 'How to Use' instructions including specifics on using the Physical Regeneration Alchemy audios.

Judy also provides suggestions on how to use BEAUTIFUL and the bonus programs included in this program as compliments to this new, next-level work.

Judy also provides insight on what to expect as you work with the audios, and offers suggestions on how to support yourself physically and emotionally.

Item 7: 90-Minute Mentoring Session with Judy

Value: $250

Instant Access


Exclusively for You Wealth Listeners!

Physical Regeneration Alchemy — Journey to Wellness

In this session, Judy will focus on helping you to understand the physical changes you might be experiencing and the journey through wellness to regeneration. There will also be information about diet and lifestyle choices. Most of the session will be devoted to answering your questions and helping you to understand how to use Regeneration Alchemy, together with BEAUTIFUL, long term for enhanced and accruing benefits.

You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #1

Beautiful — The 5-Part Program

Value: $147

7 MP3s & 2 PDFs

Total Runtime: 2 Hours, 8 Minutes

BEAUTIFUL is energy alchemy. It is simple to use and works wonderfully in conjunction with the new Physical Regeneration Alchemy program. Five is the number of change… BEAUTIFUL is a five-part program.

Change is really about BEING THAT CHANGE, so the BEAUTIFUL program only requires reading short daily affirmations and listening to the audios for accruing benefits.

As you listen to the guided meditations and energy transmissions, the process of change will be unique for each individual and where YOU ARE AT NOW on your Ascension process.

These energy transmissions are at the leading edge of rapid physical and consciousness transformation.

Using BEAUTIFUL in conjunction with Physical Regeneration Alchemy adds these benefits to radiate physical, heart and soul beauty:

  • Beauty of Heart… open to greater LOVE and resonate with an expanded energy vibration of LOVE
  • Beauty of Mind… very powerful energy to expand our we think and use our mind to create
  • Beauty of Body… aligns well with all the Regeneration Alchemy vitality and anti-aging recordings
  • Beauty of Soul… Brings the soul along with the body and body with the soul

Note: Use each audio in sequence or as standalone tracks as desired. You'll experience long-term beautifying and regenerating effects!

This Program Includes

Introduction and Energy Preparation

Judy prepares you for the BEAUTIFUL series with an introduction, meditation and preparation to instill within the cells of the body and in consciousness the energy vibrations of beauty and inner radiance.

Beauty of Heart

Energy transmissions to allow the energies of love, especially love of self that have been amplified in week one to flow into how you feel and the actions of your daily life.

Beauty of Mind

The 21st century is the age of the mind and the divine activation of our true human mind power potential. From this place of balanced mind, everything can be created.

Beauty of Body

In week four we apply some very specific energy frequencies directly received into the cellular template of the body designed to enhance and beautify.

Beauty of Soul

Energy to allow the light of the soul to radiate through our human self.

Mastery — a passage and progression into a new way of being.

Rebuilding the physical body according to the true light image and template of the soul.

Beautiful Weekly Affirmations and User Guide

This 3-page printable PDF will serve as a useful companion to the Beautiful program. Judy includes 'How to Use' instructions, affirmations to read aloud each day before listening to the weekly audio, and instruction on how to use BEAUTIFUL with other audio programs including the bonuses provided in this offer.

Bonus #2

Detox for the Physical Body

Value: $47

15 MP3s

Total Runtime: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes

Detox for the Physical Body is brought to us by Spirit to explain the causes of many common ascension symptoms and to transmit the energy to correct and bring physical discomfort into balance.

From 2017–2033 the ascension energies streaming to Earth are becoming increasingly powerful. When the incoming energy hits up against karmic distortion in the body it can give rise to physical ascension symptoms. The incoming energy is also creating physical re-genesis, an actual upgrade in the way our physical body functions, leading to greater energy and vitality. As the body changes form, physical issues may occur. This is part of a physical re-synthesis and adaptation.

Detox for the Physical Body addresses:

  • Fatigue and low energy*
  • Clearing the throat chakra
  • Insomnia*
  • Endocrine gland and hormonal imbalance*
  • Stress and anxiety overload — hair loss*
  • Joint pain and inflammation*
  • Spinal misalignment*
  • Brain fog — wanting to sleep*
  • Chest/sinus congestion*
  • Digestive issues*
  • Parasites*
  • Low immune function*
  • Tinnitus — inner ear issues*
  • Deep-level clearing of the morphogenetic fields

Bonus #3

21 Blessings from the Golden Tara

Value: $40


Runtime: 38 Minutes

21 Blessings from the Golden Tara was recorded as an energy experiment with Spirit while Judy was in India in 2014. It began with Judy transmitting energy and the musicians playing flute and sitar improvising along with Judy's words.

The flute solos on this recording are by Brahmarshi Patriji, the founder of Pyramid Meditation International.

You will enjoy this recording and be blessed by Tara's words.

Bonus #4

Clearing and Meditation Bundle

Value: $40

4 MP3s

Total Runtime: 50 Minutes

Judy has assembled a collection of four beautiful energy transmissions intended to release and clear the past.

As you listen to these audios, clear stagnant energy while you'll also return to a and be connected to a previous lifetime.

Clearing Grief and Stagnant Energy

A two-step energy transmission working first with the Upper Heart Chakra to help release and clear old sadness and grief that can be affecting immunity, and then a release of old stagnant energy so you can bring in the new.

Process to Clear Anxiety

In this recording, you will learn why this lifetime is so important. You will also be guided through a simple, repeatable process you can use to let go of fear, stress and anxiety.

Energy Preparation for Past Life Meditation

In this session you are being prepared for the guided Past Life Meditation. Here Judy prepares you to return to a previous lifetime when Earth was a fifth dimensional planet called Tara and how this possible life experience may have impacted on your life today.

Past Life Meditation

In this guided meditation, Judy will guide you back to a previous life on Tara for the purpose of connecting you with something important to your life now, why you are here and your higher purpose and potential. Please listen to the Energy Preparation for Past Life Meditation track first.

Package A

Discount: 77% Off

Total Value: $850

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 8: 90-Minute Advanced Mentoring Session with Judy

Value: $250

Instant Access


Exclusively for You Wealth Listeners!

Physical Regeneration Alchemy — Journey to Wellness: Advanced

Judy offers this advanced class to discuss and go deeper into this new work, answering participants' questions. The session will be guided by Spirit and working with energy frequencies that will be stronger in the month of July. It will be perfect for what participants require to support their work with Physical Regeneration Alchemy going forward.

You Will Also Receive This Bonus

Bonus #5

Ascension and You

Value: $99

3 Videos

Spirit-Led Teachings and Energy Transmissions from Judy Satori

Judy is delighted to offer Package B purchasers access to her exclusive Ascension and You video series.

These 90-minute sessions explore a range of spirit-led topics to assist us ALL to a greater level of clarity in these evolutive times.

Each session includes mentoring and energy transmissions.

The Sessions

Being LOVE in Turbulent Times

In this episode of ASCENSION & YOU, Judy explores our transforming changes of Ascension with energy transmissions from Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

Discussion topics and transmissions included:

  • Setting Intention with the Prayer of Becoming
  • Balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy
  • Clearing the Dross, Opening the Heart
  • The Four Fundamental Aspects of Love
  • Being LOVE- The Magenta Pyramid Meditation
  • A Daily Practice to Create the Joy Vibration
  • Yeshua and the Gift of Faith
  • Connecting With Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Ourselves
  • Pulling In Love and Light with Mary Magdalene

Rising Above Chaos and Fear — Multi-Galactic Support

This session is about trust and faith, but trust and faith on a gut-feeling level, not trust and faith from the head and the mind. Our loved ones from Beyond the Beyond will give you an experience of knowing that all is well and help you bring calm, centeredness, peace, and new direction into your life. Join with Judy and Spirit for the upcoming Ascension & You, where we will smooth out the turmoil.

Discussion topics and transmissions included:

  • Setting Intention with the Prayer of Becoming
  • An Examination of What Chaos and Fear Are
  • Support from the Pleiadians
  • Support from Yeshua- Golden Christ Light
  • A Prayer from Yeshua
  • Going Beyond the Beyond for Energy Support
  • Blooming in Our Garden of Life

The Path to Enlightenment — Finding Your LIGHT Within

In this session of Ascension & You, we move beyond the basics of Light Language to explore the languages of light in song, toning, and writing.

Discussion topics and transmissions included:

  • Working with the Sacred Languages from the 22 Galaxies
  • A series of Extended transmissions working with the Chakras
  • Energy frequencies from the Office of the Christ
  • The Platinum Diamond Merkaba Meditation
  • A Meditation of Light

Package B

Discount: 79% Off

Total Value: $1,199

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Special Added Bonus Expires Saturday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Cellular Restore


Runtime: 5 Minutes

This short, 5-minute audio track is a set of energy words of new creation, designed to pump new life into the cells. Reported outcomes are increased energy and vitality and anti-aging effects.

Listen once daily or as required. You may listen up to three times in one session.

Package A

Discount: 77% Off

Total Value: $850

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 79% Off

Total Value: $1,199

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

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About Judy Satori

Judy Satori's headshot

Judy is a 'wayshower' — an internationally recognized multi-dimensional spiritual channel and vibrational sound healer. She verbally transmits energy words of 'New Creation' from Source, divinely designed to expand our human capacity and abilities as the creators of our own reality. This new spectrum of Ascension upgrade energy called 'Ultralight' creates permanent alchemical change at the level of the DNA and cellular template, positively transforming people physically and emotionally.

Judy is the author of the book 'Sunshine Before the Dawn', part of an Ascension series. She has also created an online Ascension Library, with many audio and video programs that will help you to transform your reality and express your true soul and human potential.

77% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Judy Satori

A Total Retail Value of $850

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $197

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30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

79% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Judy Satori

A Total Retail Value of $1,199

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].