Welcome to Boris Aranovich's Special Offer Page

Quantum Health

Experience the Powerful Tibetan Healing Miracle and Let Deep Rejuvenation Begin!

Are You Prone to Illness? Dealing with a Chronic Condition? Looking to Improve and Protect Your Health Overall? Look No Further.

Get Ready to Be Blown Away by a NEW, One-of-a-Kind, Quantum System for In-Depth Healing Checks and Treatments!

Boris Aranovich's Innovative Solutions for Health Tools will help you to:

  • Provide support for lung and breathing problems*
  • Improve your immune system in general and increase your stamina*
  • Provide support for hormonal issues*
  • Remedy your hypertension easily and without side effects*
  • Reduce Arthritis symptoms*
  • Reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate your skin*
  • Reduce your biological age in all organs and systems*

The Modern Concept for Creating Health and Youth with Boris Aranovich

Are You or Anyone You Know Suffering From…

  • Problems related to the nervous system*
  • Problems the cardiovascular system*
  • Health issues in the digestive tract*
  • Problems with joints or the spine*
  • Lung problems*
  • Allergies*

and haven't found a satisfactory solution yet?

The solution is NEW and unique and all natural to the body and very easy to apply.

The body is an amazing machine. It can amazingly heal maladies and diseases if supported and given the correct nurturing from us. In today's world, it is more and more important that we take responsibility for our health and well-being. These wonderful tools can support you and your loved ones in maintaining a well-balanced body.

Aquatone and SmartBreathe™

Restructure the Water in Your Body to Restore Harmony

The AQUATONE is a new device based on Russian scientific and medical research that uses UHF resonance waves to restore the correct vibratory resonance of the water molecules in the human body.

Stemming from the Russian discovery in 1995 of the effects of resonance waves on water molecules, this ingenious device makes it possible to restore water's optimal molecular vibratory frequency to influence the body's metabolic processes.

Smart Breathe™: The Breathing Device That Helps You Live Longer

Nobody doubts that correct breathing is of great importance to health. But there are few people who are aware breathing is one of the most effective ways to improve health, enhance athletic performance, stabilize the psyche and manage stress. Smart Breathe™ helps you train and start breathing optimally.

In today's world, people don't have hours to train every day in deep restorative breathing. Therefore, this smart device, "Smart Breathe™" was created!

Triomed: Your Cells' BEST Friend!

Want to Help Your Cells Heal and Rejuvenate?

Then you need to strengthen the cells' MEMBRANES.


Because when cell membranes' vibrations are restored, physical functions are improved automatically. Strengthened and healthy cell membranes help the cells to easier absorb oxygen and nutrients and facilitate the release of toxins and waste products from the cells and enables a faster healing process and rejuvenation.


Monicor is the only device in the world with a database of acupuncture points and meridians and pathogens' frequencies! And is the only device which is able to detect and to correct such frequencies. It's easy to use and much cheaper than other bioresonance therapy devices.

Monicor reads frequencies from the entire body — all organs and body parts — analyzes these by comparing with normal values and thereafter shows the health condition. If there are deviations from normal values, the device is able to correct the frequencies and improve or restore physical organs and body parts.

Aquatone, Smart Breathe™, Triomed and Monicor — Innovative Solutions for Your Health and Wellbeing

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Option 1

One (1) Smart Breathe™

Discount: 19% Off

Total Value: $79

You Wealth Special Offer: $64

Shipping: $18 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 2

One (1) Aquatone

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $593

You Wealth Special Offer: $475

Shipping: $30 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 3

One (1) Triomed

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $593

You Wealth Special Offer: $475

Shipping: $18 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 4

One (1) Smart Breathe™, One (1) Aquatone and One (1) Triomed Bundle

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $1,265

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,012

Shipping: $30 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 5

One (1) Monicor

Discount: 19% Off

Total Value: $4,070

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,290

Shipping: $45 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 6

30-Minute Personal Session

Discount: 54% Off

Total Value: $645

You Wealth Special Offer: $299

Shipping: $15 US & International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds after Personal Session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Option 1

Item 1: Smart Breathe™

Value: $79

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

Effective Breathing — A Way to Rebuild Your Health

It is known that the oxygen we breathe saturates the bloodstream, but often there is too little oxygen in the cells.

Almost all diseases start with oxygen deficiency in the cells, which makes it very important to ensure good cell oxygenation.

More Oxygen into the Cell = More Energy for Your Health

Why Do Cells Get Starved of Oxygen?

The red blood cells transfer oxygen to the cells only if there is enough carbon dioxide in the blood, and this is a common problem in today's world.

sScientific studies show that most people today do not breathe correctly, mostly by hyperventilating, which means that too much carbon dioxide is exhaled. This leads to poor absorption of oxygen and possible health problems.

Our breathing pattern has changed in modern society because we live under stress, eat too much, have toxins in our food, experience environmental problems and other forms of stress.

The "Smart Breathe™" helps correct our breathing and ensure the right amount of carbon dioxide in the blood by providing a basis for breathing exercises using resistance and long exhalations. These help to start the healing process, increase the body's resistance and protect us against disease.

Breathe Less — Live Longer

Throughout life, the body consumes energy in different processes — digestion, physical work, stress, management of poor ecology, toxins … But most energy is spent breathing. An average person takes about 21,600 breaths a day, and all of this takes energy. When we breathe with breathing apparatus between 30 and 60 minutes a day, we teach the respiratory center in the brain to breathe less than 15 breaths per minute. After a few months of breathing exercises with the Smart Breathe™, we can usually reduce the number of breaths to 6–8 per minute. That means we save energy and consequently helps increase our life expectancy.

Increase the Body's Resistance and Strengthen the Immune System

Our body's resistance is dependent on how the immune system functions.

But the immune system is also composed of cells, and thanks to proper breathing with the Smart Breathe™ we can increase oxygen uptake by all the cells in our body, including the immune system.

The immune system thus becomes stronger, and increases our resistance to and protection from viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.

A Simple and Mobile Way to Restore Health

You can carry the Smart Breathe™ around with you in your pocket and use it at any time and in any context: while you wash, whilst working at your computer or watching TV, driving to work, etc. You do not need to set aside a special time to train — you can work out anytime, anywhere!

Just like Brushing Your Teeth

Every day we brush our teeth to keep them healthy. In the same way we can keep our body healthy if we use the Smart Breathe™ regularly to give our cells more oxygen. The state of the body's regulatory mechanisms governs our health, including the nervous system, the state of which is crucial to how we feel. The Smart Breathe™ and effective breathing strengthens the nervous system and thereby our health in general.

Results from a Clinical Study on Breathing with Smart Breathe™

Smart Breathe™ has been clinically tested by physicians at the Max Hospital in Delhi, India. A two-month study with 37 elderly people used Smart Breathe™ approximately one hour per day.

The results were as follows:

  • Reduction of high blood pressure
  • Increased breathing power
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Energizing and vitalizing
  • Loss of depression
  • Asthma alleviation
  • Heart issues alleviated
  • Total health index increased by 17%

These results were achieved after only two months of breathing with Smart Breathe. You can read the full report, "Effects from Smart Breathe™ in a rest home for the elderly, New Delhi, India, 2013" at: https://mr-ab.se/SmartBreathe_report.pdf

With Each Option, You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #1

Effective Breathing for Modern People eBook


Boris Aranovich has written a fascinating book that gives us practical recommendations on how to use breathing exercises to normalize the body's functions.

Built on his long experience of using various breathing methods, Boris developed his own breathing methods which include breathing with a breathing device — SmartBreathe — and breathing while doing certain physical exercises.

The book is very interesting, easy to read and is meant to be a practical tool for improving personal health and rejuvenation.

FB private group to support and help you with any questions re how to use the devices and also if you'd like to share your success stories with others there.

Bonus #2

Improve Your Cardiovascular System

Video & PDF

Runtime: 7 Minutes

All physiological functions depend on the circulatory system of blood vessels, responsible for the transport of nutrients and oxygen organs, glands and limbs.

We have over 96,560 km of blood vessels in our bodies! Blood streams through all tissues in the body via arteries extending from the heart. The arteries branch out into a network of progressively smaller vessels eventually terminating in very fine hair-like capillaries. They deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells and dispose of cellular waste byproducts. The blood vessels permeate all our organs and tissues.

The capillaries are so many that it is impossible to pierce through tissue at any given point in the body without hitting one or more of them.

Poor circulation and functional failure of the cardiovascular system is the beginning of many health problems. Let us examine four causes of cardiovascular dysfunction to determine what we can do to avoid them.

Topics covered:

  • Plaque formation in the blood vessels
  • Narrowed blood vessels
  • Loss of elasticity of blood vessels
  • Thick blood or hypercoagulability

With this Option You Will Receive:

  • One (1) Smart Breathe™
  • Bonus: PDF eBook
  • Bonus: Video & PDF

Add an additional Smart Breathe™ in the cart.

Add a 30-Minute Personal Session & Intuitive Painting in the cart.

Option 1

Discount: 19% Off

Total Value: $79

You Wealth Special Offer: $64

Shipping: $18 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 2

Item 2: Aquatone

Value: $593

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

AQUATONE: Device for UHF Resonance Wave Therapy

Restructure the Water in Your Body to Restore Harmony

The AQUATONE is a new device based on Russian scientific and medical research that uses UHF resonance waves to restore the correct vibratory resonance of the water molecules in the human body. Stemming from the Russian discovery in 1995 of the effects of resonance waves on water molecules, this ingenious device makes it possible to restore water's optimal molecular vibratory frequency to influence the body's metabolic processes.

The effectiveness of Aquatone therapy has been tested and demonstrated by over 150 scientific and clinical studies, led by world-famous institutions such as Harvard University and the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm.

The "Aquatone" device has been successfully introduced into medical practice in the hospitals of Saratov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions, where more than 40,000 patients have been treated.

In scientific research effectiveness has been shown that by balancing the body using the Aquatone, that the body may heal itself of pathologies such as:

  • Diseases in the genitourinary system (prostatitis, cystitis)*
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, chronic cerebral ischemia)*
  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia)*
  • ENT diseases (sinusitis, adenoiditis , deafness)*
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer)*
  • Skin diseases (eczema, scleroderma)*
  • Diseases of the joints (arthritis, osteoarthritis, low back pain, frozen shoulder, ligament damage) *
  • Diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, in rehabilitation after heart attacks and strokes, but also after hard physical work and exercises*

The Aquatone Is an Amazing Device

Via super-weak radio waves, Aquatone structures the fluids in your body, harmonizing the environment for cells, organs and systems (like hormone-, immune-, endocrine system etc), so that they can function on an optimal level — which is a prerequisite for building and maintaining health and rejuvenation.

Aquatone is the perfect tool for detoxing the body.

You simply choose the correct program and put it on the area to be cleansed (stomach, kidneys, liver, lungs, blood etc — one location/per week then pause then next location one week, etc).

Intracellular Communication Through Water Molecules

We know that all the cells in the human body constantly communicate between each other, using frequencies in the Gigahertz scale. Yet, given that cells are all in a more or less aqueous environment, and that water generally reduces or inhibits frequency communication, how do the cells manage to establish their communication, which is so essential to their health and that of the body as a whole?

A discovery in 1995 by Russian scientists provides an answer: the secret of intracellular communication resides in the way water in the body is structured, by forming clusters of molecules that specifically allow Gigahertz communication.

Since the human body is over 75% water, it's easy to see how important the correct molecular structure of water can be for our health and physical harmony. Thus, when the water molecules in the body are poorly structured, intracellular communication diminishes and the natural harmony of the body collapses. The body becomes more sensitive to toxins, has difficulty eliminating them, and health problems or illness can appear. In short, good communication between the water molecule clusters in our body is the key to good health.

And that's where the Aquatone comes in. This easy to use and totally non-invasive device emits very weak frequency signals that restructure and reorder the water molecule clusters in the body, restoring optimal intracellular communication. The Aquatone couples these frequencies with specific modulations for the organs, so that it can target precise problems or disorders. Put simply, the Aquatone acts like a tuning-fork to restore harmony throughout the body.

Numerous Applications

By improving the body's self-healing capability, the Aquatone stimulates healing for all types of health problems. But it's also a great tool to target injuries and fatigue due to intense physical activity such as sport, since it increases the body's resistance level and accelerates recovery. It also works well on animals.

This product is a worldwide first. The technology and the concept are patented, and the device has been approved by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Over 150 research studies, including at the Doctorate level, have been published on the Aquatone.

Thanks to the very weak intensity of the Aquatone's radiation (100 to 1000 times less than so-called 'low-intensity' devices for EHF therapy and nearly 10 million times lower than conventional UHF/SMV therapy devices), thanks also to the absence of side-effects and to good tolerance by patients, the Aquatone can be used at home.

The device continues nonetheless to be used successfully in hospitals in Saratov, Moscow, St Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions in Russia, where over 40,000 patients have been treated.

Aquatone: Clinical Studies Report

According to the results of preliminary testing of patients with various diseases in 2013, it was concluded that positive therapeutic effects on persistent symptoms of acute respiratory infections, chronic nasopharyngitis, hypertension and osteochondrosis with complications in different parts of the spine were achieved by the use of Aquatone.

…Most patients who have completed 6 months of preventive treatment with this device, clearly shows a stable remission. No deterioration and no side effects were noted in patients.

…We believe that the device for resonance wave therapy, Aquatone, is well integrated and highly efficient, with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and other therapeutic effects…

Orlova Galina Georgieva, Head of the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine RAMSR, director of the NPO, LLC Consultant "Medical Center for diagnosis and treatment", member of the Russian Academy of Medical and Society

With this Option You Will Receive:

  • One (1) Aquatone
  • Bonus: PDF eBook
  • Bonus: Video & PDF

Add a Smart Breathe™ in the cart.

Add a Triomed in the cart.

Add a 30-Minute Personal Session & Intuitive Painting in the cart.

Option 2

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $593

You Wealth Special Offer: $475

Shipping: $30 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 3

Item 3: Triomed

Value: $593

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

Rejuvenate Your Cells!

When Your Cells Are Healthy — You Are Healthy!

A Tool to Heal and Strengthen Your Cells — Triomed!

Triomed works specifically with strengthening the cell membranes by restoring the cell membranes vibrations via resonance.

It's a small portable therapeutic device, which you can carry in your pocket, for treatment and prevention of various pathological conditions.

Triomed emits low-intensity electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency, or so-called millimeter waves and was developed in Russia 60 years ago, during which time hundreds of clinical studies have been performed.

This technology, or resonance therapy, corrects the cell membranes vibrations by resonance, i.e. by emitting the same super weak vibrations that the membranes have.

Triomed is extremely efficient, very easy to use and impossible to make mistakes with.

Triomed has proven very efficient in treating health problems in:

  • The peripheral nervous system*
  • The autonomic nervous system*
  • In ENT organs (Ear, Nose & Throat)*
  • The cardiovascular system*
  • The lungs and pleura*
  • The digestive tract*
  • Skin and subcutaneous*
  • The muscular-skeletal system*
  • Gynecological problems*
  • Diffuse pain*
  • Pathology of the joints*
  • Health problems of the spine*
  • Wounds, burns*
  • Allergic problems with skin rashes*

With this Option You Will Receive:

  • One (1) Triomed
  • Bonus: PDF eBook
  • Bonus: Video & PDF

Add a Smart Breathe™ in the cart.

Add an Aquatone in the cart.

Add a 30-Minute Personal Session & Intuitive Painting in the cart.

Option 3

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $593

You Wealth Special Offer: $475

Shipping: $18 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 4

Item 4: Smart Breathe™, Aquatone and Triomed Bundle

Value: $1,265

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

Create Balance in Your Body and Feel Younger

Receive all the benefits of these amazing technologies to cleanse your body and restore balance to your cells!

These three devices, Aquatone, Smart Breathe™ and Triomed, complement each other perfectly. Triomed helps the cells to increase energy and improves cell communication. Aquatone improves the aquatic environment in the body, which enhances the effectiveness of the cells' communication and aids the cells to engage in biochemical processes. Smart Breathe™ increases oxygen uptake by all cells in the body, including the immune system. The immune system thus becomes stronger, and therefore increases resistance and protects us from viruses, microbes, parasites, etc.

Aquatone, Smart Breathe™ and Triomed have helped people:

  • Improve immune system and increase stamina*
  • Improve sleep and reduce fatigue*
  • Improve lung and breathing problems*
  • Improve nervous system*
  • Improve cardiovascular system*
  • Improve muscular-skeletal system*
  • Improve hormonal balance, reduce wrinkles, and rejuvenate skin*
  • Improve Ear, Nose and Throat problems*

With this Option You Will Receive:

  • One (1) Smart Breathe™
  • One (1) Aquatone
  • One (1) Triomed
  • Bonus: PDF eBook
  • Bonus: Video & PDF

Add an additional Smart Breathe™ in the cart.

Add an additional Aquatone in the cart.

Add an additional Triomed in the cart.

Add a 30-Minute Personal Session & Intuitive Painting in the cart.

Option 4

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $1,265

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,012

Shipping: $30 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 5

Item 5: Monicor

Value: $4,070

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

A Unique, NEW, Quantum System for In-Depth Health Checks and Treatments!

A new system for health checks and treatments, Monicor presents completely new opportunities for human health. During a few minutes of scanning, you will see the complete functional status of the entire body and all its organs and the body's stress levels.

We know that the human body is not only a physical being but also an energetic and information structure. Each organ and body part has its vibrations which reflect the biochemical parameters of organs. If problems arise in an organ or body part, the vibrations there will change, and via those changes we are able to control the physical condition of the body.

Measure the Energy Flow in Your Body

How Monicor Works

Monicor is the only device in the world with a database of acupuncture points and meridian and pathogen frequencies! And is the only device which is able to detect and to correct such frequencies. It's easy to use and much cheaper than other bio resonance therapy devices.

Monicor reads frequencies from the entire body — all organs and body parts — analyzes these by comparing with normal values and thereafter shows the health condition. If there are deviations from normal values, the device is able to correct the frequencies and improve or restore physical organs and body parts.

Monicor also reads the frequencies of acupuncture points and which points are weak. By selecting the weakest points and also correcting these, Monicor offers the optimal acupuncture treatment — without needles!

The program in Monicor's database recognizes the frequencies from the most commonly existing parasites and is able to check if any of these are active in the body. If so, it is able to eliminate the parasites.

Additionally, Monicor discovers coarse frequencies in the body (0–100 Hz) and corrects these.

Coarser frequencies are controlled by finer frequencies, available in the body's fluids, cell membranes and in the DNA.

In other words, we can, with the aid of Monicor, discover the symptom, affect and correct its energetic status by strengthening the acupuncture points. In order to get deeper into the body, we use Aquatone which corrects the body's fluids and Triomed which corrects cell membranes.

Thus, we are able to offer a device/system which complements Aquatone and Triomed treatments and also shows the body's health condition and our entire energetic structure.

The uniqueness of this tool is that it first analyzes your current health condition and then chooses the precise treatment you need the most and corrects the deviations in various parameters.

Monicor offers:

  • Detection of active pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites and deactivates these in only minutes*
  • A 3-minute diagnostic evaluation of organs and systems in real time, showing up to 1170 functional stress conditions
  • Assessment of up to 70 psycho-emotional states
  • A clear picture of the condition of your meridian system: Detects weak energy flow or lack of energy in the meridians and then corrects and balances these meridians back to health
  • Detection and then a correction of weak acupuncture points — effective acupuncture WITHOUT needles!
  • Shows potential disease risks and lack or excess of energy in organs and systems*
  • Symptom analysis
  • Symptom correction which normalizes, balances, corrects and detoxes organs and systems (immune, nervous, lymph, endocrine, spiritual balance etc.)*
  • Color and music therapy which improves the brain's functions by balancing the brain rhythms, which in turn balances the nervous- and the hormone system*
  • Checks which foods, nutrients and supplements suits your body
  • DNA repair*
  • Real time analysis of the effects of OTHER therapeutic methods
  • Chakra diagnostics
  • Showing your biorhythms (when you are strong/weak intellectually, physically, psychologically, intuition-wise)
  • Adaptation status in real time, i.e., how well your organism copes with challenges at the time of measurement

Monicor can be used by anyone with moderate computer knowledge, treating anyone from the age of 7. It is scientifically proven to be very effective and without side-effects. Monicor has been an integrated part in the Russian health care system for over 10 years.

With this Option You Will Receive:

  • One (1) Monicor
  • Bonus: PDF eBook
  • Bonus: Video & PDF

Add a Smart Breathe™ in the cart.

Add an Aquatone in the cart.

Add a Triomed in the cart.

Add a 30-Minute Personal Session & Intuitive Painting in the cart.

Option 5

Discount: 19% Off

Total Value: $4,070

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,290

Shipping: $45 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 6

Item 6: 30-Minute Personal Session & Intuitive Painting and with Annette

Value: $645

Personal Session

Via Zoom

Intuitive Painting

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

You Wealth Exclusive Opportunity!

Annette is offering a unique opportunity to the You Wealth community with a personal Source Healing session. A Source Healing session with Annette is 30-minutes of divine energy healing from the 12th dimension and higher. The healing originates from the highest and outer source of this Universe, from the God Head.

In conjunction with your session, Annette will intuit a painting for you that reflects and emits the frequencies of the mission of each Higher Self in this lifetime. Creating uplifting energy paintings is Annette's passion.

Her paintings work energetically with each owner, supporting change, strengthening love, uplifting the senses, cleansing that which needs to go or opening doors to dimensions yet unknown. Annette will create a custom painting tied to your energy imprint. The Soul painting enhances the connection to the Higher Self and works in harmony with meditation. Let it expand you and help you become more of You!

Each intuitive creation is a unique work of art. It will be in abstract form with energy, colors and shapes individually channeled and created.

Artwork Dimensions: Size: 7.87 × 7.87 inches, on panel

Annette says:

Man has always created — mostly unconsciously. But Now is the time to become very conscious about what we are creating. When we create from our core, our Love, Peace and Life will unfold in beautiful ways.

With this Option You Will Receive:

  • 30-Minute Personal Session with Annette
  • One (1) Intuitive Painting
  • Bonus: PDF eBook
  • Bonus: Video & PDF

Add a Smart Breathe™ in the cart.

Add an Aquatone in the cart.

Add a Triomed in the cart.

Option 6

Discount: 54% Off

Total Value: $645

You Wealth Special Offer: $299

Shipping: $15 US & International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds after Personal Session has occurred

Special Added Bonus Expires Wednesday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Healing to Balance Your Nervous System


Runtime: 15 Minutes

The secret Tibetan Healing Miracle techniques are very effective in correcting the body's inner processes and have demonstrated many miraculous results. These Tibetan techniques use the power of thought in a particular way, which allows for a very easy access to the body, its organs and structures.

This powerful Tibetan Healing Miracle audio is directed at balancing and strengthening the nervous system. Relax and experience the healing frequency-infused sounds of this powerful transmission.

Option 1

One (1) Smart Breathe™

Discount: 19% Off

Total Value: $79

You Wealth Special Offer: $64

Shipping: $18 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 2

One (1) Aquatone

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $593

You Wealth Special Offer: $475

Shipping: $30 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 3

One (1) Triomed

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $593

You Wealth Special Offer: $475

Shipping: $18 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 4

One (1) Smart Breathe™, One (1) Aquatone and One (1) Triomed Bundle

Discount: 20% Off

Total Value: $1,265

You Wealth Special Offer: $1,012

Shipping: $30 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 5

One (1) Monicor

Discount: 19% Off

Total Value: $4,070

You Wealth Special Offer: $3,290

Shipping: $45 US & International

Sold Out

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

Option 6

30-Minute Personal Session

Discount: 54% Off

Total Value: $645

You Wealth Special Offer: $299

Shipping: $15 US & International

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds after Personal Session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Boris Aranovich

Boris Aranovich's headshot

Boris Aranovich is a Russian-Swedish scientist, a radio show host, an internationally acclaimed speaker in the alternative health field, a well-known author of 14 books, including Effective Breathing for Modern People", Doctor Mind and Be the Master of your Health.

Boris has been professionally active for 40 years within the field of alternative medicine and has created a number of therapy and wellness modalities used by thousands of people worldwide.

Boris continues to develop new innovative health practices at his company Manniskans Resurser AB.

1987–1991 — Principal at the University of Alternative Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia.

2003 — Founded the company Manniskans Resurser AB, where he is still MD.

2009 — Hosts a Swedish radio show called Better and Better Every Day

Boris Aranovich is also an active member of the organization International Association for Professional Medical Specialists, in the field of both alternative and traditional medicine.

Boris Aranovich has earned a Master's Degree from the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences (IAELPS).

Research Participation

1991 — Research at the Institute of Physical Education in St. Petersburg: Effect of Mental Training on Sports Performance.

1997 — Research on the effects of ideomotor movements on brain rhythms, University of Washington, Seattle, USA

2010 — Research at Karolinska Institutet: Effects of a Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Field on Fibroblast Migration and Proliferation.

2011 — Improvement of Human Health State after Short-Term Training of the SmartBreathe Method, Shenzhen, China

2013 — Effects of Smart Breathe in Community Dwelling Elderly of New Delhi, India

Books and Programs

Boris Aranovich is the author of 14 books and 3 interactive programs about health.

Annette Graucob's headshot

Annette Graucob, Marketing Director at MR AB.

Annette spent the first half of her professional career in the international media arena. But some 15 years ago, her focus and passion turned direction completely — empowering people to find their inner strength and joy became much more important. Annette is now able to do so as an intuitive artist and as a co-worker at the innovative alternative health company MR AB, which focuses on helping people to restore health and happiness.

19% Off

Option 1

Special Offer by Boris Aranovich

A Total Retail Value of $79

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $64

Shipping: $18 US & International

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

20% Off

Option 2

Special Offer by Boris Aranovich

A Total Retail Value of $593

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $475

Shipping: $30 US & International

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

20% Off

Option 3

Special Offer by Boris Aranovich

A Total Retail Value of $593

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $475

Shipping: $18 US & International

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

20% Off

Option 4

Special Offer by Boris Aranovich

A Total Retail Value of $1,265

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $1,012

Shipping: $30 US & International

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

19% Off

Option 5

Special Offer by Boris Aranovich

A Total Retail Value of $4,070

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $3,290

Shipping: $45 US & International

3-Day Money Back Guarantee (Due to International Hygiene Rules)**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

54% Off

Option 6

Special Offer by Boris Aranovich

A Total Retail Value of $645

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $299

Shipping: $15 US & International

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds after Personal Session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Boris Aranovich's Quantum Health products, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until 3 days after you receive your Quantum Health device(s) (whichever comes first); after which the FDA regulation for personal medical devices will have expired. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided, and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Boris Aranovich's Quantum Health products, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until 3 days after you receive your Quantum Health device(s) (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].