Welcome to Dr. Edwige Bingue's Special Offer Page

A Transmission of Love Through Light

Tired of Living on Autopilot?



In this unique opportunity to work with Dr. Edwige you will:

Dr. Edwige, Splitting into Her 'Light Body'
  • Experience life through your highest, most authentic self
  • Raise your vibration, expand your consciousness, and accelerate your awakening
  • Release lack, limitation and struggle and move into flow and abundance
  • Remember your divinity and awaken the Light within — your Lightbody
  • Expand your mind… be challenged to be put off autopilot
  • Unlock the keys in your DNA — the keys to your expansion

Your Bridge Between Heaven and Earth

Dr. Edwige's work will help you answer the deepest calling of your soul. She speaks a Light language and through this coded geometric, sound reaches a cellular level that penetrates deep into your core to clear old memories and programs activating your higher consciousness and you as a multi-dimensional being.

As the light codes and higher frequencies tap into somatic cells it unlocks your divine blueprint, it awakens your DNA, and activates or reprograms the information contained, allowing these transmissions to interact with your Body of Light.

The embedded qualities within these activations support that shift into higher frequencies successfully and are needed in order to expand into higher conscious awareness and beyond.

A Transmission of Love Through Light

To live the human condition is to experience temporary joys, long-suffering, and lack and limitations of all kinds.

But to live from the sacred space of your heart is to enter the domain of peace and loving-kindness and the timeless reality of you as a transcendent being.

The key is that they are one and must be brought back into balance, each working in harmony.

As we immerse into our journey, we begin to understand that any attempt to rid yourself of your humanness in order to become enlightened gives rise to your limitation.

Although it's not just about giving things up as much as it's about the art of being and striving to reach some congruency.

What you are fundamentally is not dependent upon changing circumstances. However, exploring what does come and go opens you to experiencing your underlying, changeless, heartfelt presence in which all coming and going arises and already exists.

How Do You Live and Think from the Heart?

The first and most important step is your sincere desire to live and be there. Activating the power of your heart and empowering your heart's center begins with acknowledging that there is divine consciousness and an emotional center that resides there.

As you expand into this divine consciousness you will begin to move and create more and more from the space of your heart that innermost truth of your beingness. For it is there that you'll find true peace, harmony, love, and unity.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $675

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,075

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

Item 1: Living in Your Heart

Value: $150


Runtime: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes

The complex, self-organized system of your heart maintains a continuous two-way dialogue with your brain and the rest of the body.

When you put your focus on developing the coherence you have there, you are training your brain according to your heart. And here, you amplify your ability to change your reality, shift the direction of your life, and experience quantum creations.

From the space of your heart, your creations serve you on your inner path to wisdom, and creativity.

You will have become an expanded version of your current self, filled with more wisdom, more love, and more inner power. The time it takes to fulfill your goals is the time it takes to change your consciousness in such a way that your desired reality may enter your actual reality. So, if you want to speed up things, focus on the inner you and not your outside reality.

Item 2: Ego & Spirituality

Value: $150


Runtime: 1 Hour, 5 Minutes

Here is where your choice comes in, love or fear? Your ego or your Soul? Your goal is to move into balance. The ego does not go away, but it is no longer running your life. Love is in charge; the Creator in you is running your life.

When you transcend the ego, you do not leave it behind.

It is still a part of you. You can call it an illusion, but the fact is if you did not have an ego you would not be reading this. Where the "illusion" part comes in is that you think your ego is all that you are.

To transcend ego, you must meet and face all of the feelings and emotions that were hidden in the dark before. These pent-up emotions and feelings are the entrance gate to your greater Self. When you dare to see yourself as the divine spiritual being that you are, you will begin to create a purpose-driven life. You will feel relaxed and happy without the need to mold the flow of life. This is living without fear: living with full trust in what life will bring to you.

Can you do that? Are you ready?

Item 3: The Art of Forgiveness

Value: $150


Runtime: 1 Hour

Forgiving yourself and others can be very difficult for some: especially if you are operating on a lower state of consciousness. Realize that in order to rise up, advance, and become a more conscious person, you must be compassionate and forgiving towards yourself and others. Any hateful thoughts or pent up negative emotions that you hold need to be released. Negative thoughts and emotions can easily lower your state of consciousness if you do not practice compassion and forgiveness.

Forgiveness helps you achieve even your most practical and immediate goals.

Perhaps you want a better job, to earn more money, have better relationships, or live in a nicer place. Forgiveness helps you achieve all of these. If you have not forgiven all, then a part of your inner life energy is trapped in resentment, anger, pain, or suffering of some kind, and will limit you. Forgiveness dear ones is Love in Action.

Item 4: Transformation Through Gratitude

Value: $150


Runtime: 1 Hour

Gratitude is an attitude that can profoundly change your level of consciousness. When you live your life in gratitude, it can affect your being at a biological level, training your mind and body to live in a higher state of health and wellbeing.

Gratitude opens your heart and directs your energy to that which you love and what brings you joy, and in so magically attracts more of the same. For example: whenever I receive something, I really like to say, "thank you, more please!" It is a way to give and receive. The more you value and feel grateful for anything, the more there will be to feel grateful for.

When you grateful you experience all the beautiful qualities you feel grateful for all over again. What you appreciate, appreciates! If you really wish to do something, bask in the energies of gratitude.

You Will Also Receive This Bonus


You Are Energy - Discover 21 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Value: $75


Runtime: 59 Minutes

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, no matter what it may be, is energy. Energy makes up the entire universe. Because we were created by Universal-Source-Energy, this higher power vibrates in us as well.

Energy exists at different levels of vibration and frequency.

Consciousness and vibrational frequency are perfectly correlated. When you are operating at a lower frequency, you are lower in consciousness. Your perception is dulled, and you view the world through a foggy lens.

When you operate at a higher frequency, you are higher in consciousness, your perception is heightened, and you see things more clearly as you ascend higher and higher. Just as when you soar skyward in an airplane, the higher you climb, the larger your picture. As you break through the clouds the brighter your horizon becomes.

Package A

Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $675

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 5: 15-Minute Private Alchemical Transmission with Dr. Edwige

Value: $150

Via Phone or Skype

Dr. Edwige is a Metaphysical Practitioner, Light code activator, Medicine Woman and spiritual advisor. In service to humanity, she has become the living embodiment of the Cosmic Mother or to the indigenous peoples the Cosmic Peacock Goddess. She is a powerful receptor of the pure Light essence, as she now walks between both worlds: In the physical, while connected multi-dimensionally with higher realms of existence and holding the holographic energetic template form for all Starseed races as we dawn to a new beginning in time. The qualities embodied within the Templates are among those that are needed to live in the Golden age.

They are of a feminine nature and exist to balance the strength and power of the masculine force that has dominated on earth for 26,000 years.

Dr. Edwige speaks an Ancient Star Language in her work which is done on a cellular level, raising your frequency, transmitting sound directly to your soul, reaching deep into your core to clear old memories and programs, activating your higher consciousness, bringing attunement to you as a multidimensional being that you are. These light codes will help to unlock your divine blueprint awakening your DNA and activation of your Lightbody.

She declares that we are all that holds us back from inner-peace and succeeding and will show how to experience expansion into your multiverse reality and your next powerful step in evolution. Experience the amazing healing and transformational gifts that the Cosmic Peacock Goddess holds and is here to share with humanity.

What to expect in our time together:

Come with a clear intention and be still as Dr. Edwige transmits frequencies to move you into a deep immersion of the purest form of Love / Light energy, delivered to you from the Divine Creator merging your heart's desires with higher-dimensional frequencies of creation.

Note: Private Sessions are not recorded. You are welcome to record your session using your own device.

Item 6: Two (2) 60-Minute Live Group Calls with Dr. Edwige

Value: $250

Via Phone or Webcast

Thursday, January 30th and Friday, January 31st, 2020 at
6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern / 2:00am (Jan 31) GMT

A Scared Journey to Remembering

Experience a unique opportunity to work with Dr. Edwige in a small, intimate group setting. In this two-day series, you will learn to come together as One Voice, One Heartbeat, One Consciousness, One Energy and One Goal — Activate your Heart Center!

When more than one person comes together connecting with the Divine Universe, something magical happens. Your Spiritual energy joins with their Spiritual energy and unites to form a collective energy of the group, elevating your vibration and frequency.

Included will be a group process, clearings and frequency transmissions.

Note: Calls will be recorded and available following the live event.

A Movement into the Scared Chamber of the Heart

Thursday, January 30th, 2020 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern / 2:00am (Jan 31) GMT

The secret chamber of the human heart is where the individual soul attunes to the collective, universal heartbeat, that unites us all through a vast field of intention — that of consciousness. When we choose to love from our heart we enter into a chamber of creation where all things meet and are one with Source.

Speaking the Language of the heart, Dr. Edwige will guide you deeper and deeper into this sacred space, where your body and heart can become congruent. For your true ability to create and be happy is not based on will power, attraction, and determination but rather on congruence between one's heart, mind, and body.

You will then be guided from the sacred chamber of your heart to your spiritual sanctuary to gather information pertaining to this current incarnation to find the answers you've been seeking.

A Sacred Journey to Lemuria — The Way Back Home

Friday, January 31st, 2020 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern / 2:00am (Feb 1) GMT

For many, the word Lemuria means home. In this process, we will travel through the etheric plane to this sacred place. So that once again you may feel oneness with your brothers and sisters. Reconnecting to this energy will allow you to move back into harmony with all aspects of yourself, including your ego.

Dr. Edwige along with the Lemurian guides will assist you in connecting your heart with their hearts as they will imprint their love, compassion, understanding, and gratitude into each of your chakras. And DNA.

You will begin to recognize your true self, the you who is perfect, whole and complete!

Come, answer the call of the ancients you've been hearing, longing since childhood for many.

It's time to connect to your full potential which has been hiding inside of you all along! Step-by-step you will be guided into mastery of your life!

Package B

Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,075

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Special Added Bonus Expires Saturday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Moving into Your Heart Meditation


Runtime: 31 Minutes

In This Guided Meditation You Will Be Moved into the Space of Your Heart

As you expand in consciousness you will begin to move and create from your heart space for it is there that you'll find true peace, harmony, love and unity. To live your humanness is to experience joy and suffering-duality.

To live from your heart is to enter the domain of peace and loving-kindness and the timeless reality of transcendent being. They are one, and must be balanced, working in harmony. Understand that any attempt to rid yourself of your humanness in order to become enlightened gives rise to your suffering.

When the heart leads, you are tapping into a magnetic field 5,000 times larger and 60 times the amplitude of the brain. You are tapping into a "heart brain" capable of perception beyond what the brain "knows" or has memorized.

From the heart, you are making the unseen primary regardless of how the physical world may appear. You are moving from a focus on solving problems to actually creating a new reality and infinite possibility.

Package A

Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $675

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 86% Off

Total Value: $1,075

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Dr. Edwige Bingue

Dr. Edwige Bingue's headshot

In service to humanity, she has become as those who have self-actualized, receiving her Rainbow light body and ascended. She is a powerful receptor of the pure Light essence, as she now walks between both worlds: In the physical, while connected multi-dimensionally with higher realms of existence and holding the holographic energetic template form for all Starseed races as we dawn a new beginning in time. She ushers in change as a surrogate of divine femininity. By demonstrating what is achievable by us all, she walks the Highest Path, constantly traveling to all the higher dimensions, accessing Codes & Keys to your total Light activation. She has come to assist and guide us through the many processes of Ascension and to usher in the Feminine Healing necessary for the Great Shift.

Dr. Edwige speaks an Ancient Star Language in her work which is done on a cellular level, raising your frequency, transmitting sound directly for your soul, reaching deep into your core to clear old memories and programs, activating your higher consciousness, bringing attunement to you as a multi-dimensional being that you are. These light codes will help to unlock your divine blueprint awakening your DNA and activation of your Crystalline Lightbody.

The qualities embodied within the Templates are among those that are needed to live in the Golden age. They are of a feminine nature and exist to balance the strength and power of the masculine force that has dominated on earth for 26,000 years.

Once you are fully activated, you will experience an increase in your frequency, align with that of the Divine Feminine, your Divine Blueprint and a deep sense of knowing that which you know is so, daily miracles, inner peace, and physical healing.

Now is the time to return to balance by embracing the energy of the Divine Feminine. Through this, humanity will come to know itself as a soul of God sourced from within the core of the Galactic beam of the Milky Way.

86% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Dr. Edwige Bingue

A Total Retail Value of $675

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $97

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

86% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Dr. Edwige Bingue

A Total Retail Value of $1,075

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $147

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].