Welcome to Bonnie Serratore's Special Offer Page

Spiritual Acceleration Clearing & Healing

Tired of Suffering from Ancient Wounding and Foreign Spiritual Energies?

Forgive the Past and Create Your Future with a CLEAN SLATE!

Discover a Little Known Secret That Will Liberate Your True Self and Let You Live a Life of Joy and Possibility!

Spiritual Acceleration Clearings will help you:

  • Release Emotional Wounding
  • Remove Energy Interferences
  • Experience Deep Transformation
  • Discover Liberation
  • Live a Life of Joy and Possibility

Spiritual Acceleration — the Fast Track for the Soul's Evolution and Awakening

Many of us go to workshops and participate in events that leave us inspired. But then what?

What supports us in moving forward?

How can you avoid getting stuck while mired in your busy life?

Spiritual Acceleration is the fast track for the Soul's evolution and awakening.

It is a path of higher consciousness with real teachings for the Soul and a homecoming experience for many souls on the path of awakening.

Bonnie Serratore is dedicated to accelerating the healing process and spiritual growth of all beings who are open and ready.

Bonnie's clearing programs brilliantly guide you through welcoming yourself in all ways and breaking through limitations and barriers that are keeping you stuck.

While listening to a clearing — your body clears the layers of energy you are able to feel into. After your body recalibrates and you begin to feel the effects of that clearing, deeper layers often emerge.

The deeper layers are often suppressed by interferences. The more you listen to a clearing, the deeper and more transformative your change will be.

Stepping from the Old to the New Paradigm

We are reaching a tipping point in the evolution of the human species as we move towards the New Paradigm.In order to transform, both individually and as a collective, we have to release all of the old beliefs and traumas that have been keeping us tethered to the Old Paradigm.

The Old Paradigm is based around the individuals and their own egoic needs.

The focus is on the "me" and "mine" as we get caught up in patterns of scarcity, fear, shame, guilt and blame.

Because those people stuck in old-paradigm ways feel disconnected from Source, they constantly struggle with trusting the Universe.

They feel vulnerable, scared, alone, and they feel they must fight to see their individual needs met. It's a place of duality and polarity, where things seem to be either "good" or "bad" based on how we are personally affected.

Be Liberated and Shed Outdated Programs

In the New Paradigm, we step into new levels of consciousness, awareness, and connection. We intrinsically know our own worth, and how we are vital to the universe as we know it.

We see how when we help others, we directly help ourselves. We can show up to life trusting that we are cared for, giving us the space and flow to care for ourselves and others.

We move through life with a sense of grace and connection to others, seeing the Divine in everyone we meet and in ourselves.

Moving from the Old to the New Paradigm is a process of releasing the programs, traumas, beliefs, and fears that were never us to begin with.

It's a process of liberation where we shed our old outdated programs and move forward with the inner knowing and trust that lie at the very core of our being.

Join Master Accelerator Bonnie Serratore in This Program Designed to Release You from These Wounds and Patterns, Bringing You Online to Step into the New Paradigm!

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $225

You Wealth Special Offer: $127

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 63% Off

Total Value: $530

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 73% Off

Total Value: $927

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

Releasing the Old

Bonnie's Releasing the Old Package includes five (5) full-length videos on Self-Punishment, Self-Avoidance, Self-Sacrifice, Regrets, and Revenge.

Each video is available for you to watch over and over as you embody and embrace these teachings.

These videos were specifically chosen to release these low-vibration energies from your field to allow you to step more gracefully into the New Paradigm!

Item 1: Self-Punishment

Value: $35


Runtime: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes

Do feelings of guilt and shame feel ever-present in your life?

Find self-forgiveness and stop punishing yourself during this group clearing on self-punishment.

If feelings of guilt, shame, or self-hatred are a common experience, this clearing is for you.

Often, if things didn't work out the way we wanted, if we believe we messed something up, we will punish ourselves for it.

We do this in big ways and in small ways — like getting injured, or "forgetting" to pay the bill on time or pushing those we love away from us.

Finally let go, and free yourself to live a new, beautiful life.

Item 2: Self-Avoidance

Value: $35


Runtime: 51 Minutes

Do you often find yourself distracted or confused?

Does the urge to hide or run away ever sneak into your awareness?

Often times people end up using drugs, alcohol, food, pornography, or mindless entertainment to avoid deeper issues of themselves.

Many of us have a feeling deep down that we aren't good enough. We may have things inside of us, or experiences we have had that are difficult to face, so we engage in behaviors to distract ourselves from looking too deep.

We find our internal world to be unbearable, so we avoid ourselves at all costs. We may dull our senses with substances, engage in behaviors like compulsive shopping, eating, or gambling to distract us from our emotional experience.

It's time to come face to face with our inner self with love, compassion and forgiveness, allowing us to embrace our inner self with love and grace.

Item 3: Self-Sacrifice

Value: $35


Runtime: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes

Are you sacrificing yourself for other people or for a cause?

Are you self-sacrificing to a harmful extent?

Do you know how to stop, or do you keep trying to stop and it's not working?

In this clearing, Bonnie will assist in clearing the pain, wounding, and emotional energy from your field and assist you in healing wounds that cause this type of relational self-harm behavior.

Through your lifestream and lifetimes, you might have been badly wounded and might be still carrying deep despair, terror, and trauma in your body.

By clearing this, it will make it easier to begin coming back into yourself, finding yourself again, and eventually stopping this self-sacrificing pattern that you are caught in.

Item 4: Regrets

Value: $35


Runtime: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes

Every one of us has regrets from the past. Throughout our lives and especially as we age, our regrets pile up.

As we reflect on these experiences, we may wish we had made different choices; it's the, "If only's, the what if's, the could haves and should haves" that destroys us emotionally and continues to haunt us. It's a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and despair.

We all know that we can't change the past yet the feeling of holding on and spinning the story time after time is relentless.

Give yourself the gift of liberating your regrets so you don't continue to feed that hungry ghost that feeds off the energy of regret and perpetuates more and more of the same!

Item 5: Revenge

Value: $35


Runtime: 1 Hour, 1 Minute

Feelings of wanting revenge can be toxic to both our emotions and to our bodies.

When we feel like we have been "wronged" by someone, we can sometimes get so caught up in what happened that we can hold grudges or even wish revenge on someone.

We get stuck in the past and in our stories. We mistakenly believe that if we forgive someone, we are excusing or accepting their behavior.

In reality, all forgiveness does is release us from holding onto these feelings within ourselves. When we wish revenge on others, even if we feel it is justified, it creates a negativity that will always find its way back to us.

In this clearing with Bonnie Serratore, we can forgive the past, release these feelings of revenge, and step forward to create our futures with an energetic clean slate!

Item 6: Releasing Blocks to New Paradigm Clearing

Value: $35


Runtime: 34 Minutes

In this all-new clearing, created exclusively for You Wealth Revolution, Bonnie will tune into THIS audience to release what is holding YOU back from stepping into the New Paradigm!

Release the energies of shame, humiliation, blame, and fear.

Bonnie will be clearing traumas, past lives, energetic interferences, entities, beliefs, and programs that are holding you back from these new levels of awareness and liberation.

You Will Also Receive This Bonus

Bonus #1

The Way Back Home

Value: $15

PDF eBook

The Way Back Home is the first book devoted exclusively to what Eckhart Tolle calls the "pain-body," which consists of the energy of the emotions we have suppressed that remain in our personal energy field.

It is our pain-body that keeps us in the pain of our ego and prevents us from being completely present. The Way Back Home presents the work of Bonnie Serratore, who was born with the ability to see emotional energy and therefore can actually see the pain-body.

Ms. Serratore draws on her twenty-four years of experience as an emotional energy 10 healer to provide a step-by-step description of how we physically can clear the energy of our past wounding in order to live freely and joyfully in the present.

Package A

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $225

You Wealth Special Offer: $127

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 7: Two (2) 90-Minute Live Energy Clearings with Bonnie

Value: $200

Via Webinar Jam

Friday, December 27th, 2019 and Friday, January 10th, 2020 at 2:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Mountain / 4:00pm Central / 5:00pm Eastern / 10:00pm GMT

Embracing the Real You

The Calls

Got Scarcity Consciousness?

Friday, December 27th, 2019 2:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Mountain / 4:00pm Central / 5:00pm Eastern / 10:00pm GMT

Many spiritual people struggle with creating abundantly for themselves, whether it be generating financial resources, or lacking the time or energy to accomplish their goals and dreams. When we are operating in a mentality of "lack", we look around and worry that there isn't "enough" to go around. We may say to ourselves, there aren't enough jobs, or we lack creativity to make our own way in life. We worry about being "out on the street", or whether we will have enough food to eat, or money to sustain us.

We may tell ourselves that we can never earn a decent living doing what we love, so we set ourselves up to choose between working a job we love OR earning a living wage without even considering that we have the ability to have it all!

Most of these beliefs around scarcity and lack can come from your family of origin, past lives where you took vows or made oaths based on old belief systems, cultural influences, and outside programming. We are constantly told that there isn't enough to go around, so we look for ways to scrimp and save because we worry about our resources running out. When we worry that there isn't enough, it causes instability, fear, shame, and guilt. We look around for who to blame when we are caught up in this way of thinking. Fortunately, these beliefs and programs are not the truth! We are always abundantly connected to all of the resources we need all of the time! Our beliefs, programs, and mindset lead us into feelings of unworthiness, and shame around receiving or giving.

The time has come to embrace the abundant Source beings that we are! When we unravel these outdated modes of being, we can step forward knowing that our needs and our desires will always be met. We always have access to what we need via our connection to Source, whether that be time, energy, or financial resources. When we truly know this within ourselves, it allows for more flow and freedom to enter the picture. Our relationships can evolve to be based on mutual trust and respect versus worrying about how other people can meet our needs and how we will have the energy or time to meet the needs of others. We can give and receive from the heart with grace and ease, allowing for abundance to flow through all areas of our lives!

Unrealistic Expectations

Friday, January 10th, 2020 2:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Mountain / 4:00pm Central / 5:00pm Eastern / 10:00pm GMT

Do you find yourself in a constant state of disappointment or dissatisfaction with the world around you?

Often times, we have an idea in our mind of how we want things to show up. We want our partner to be a certain way, or we idealize the perfect job. We may have expectations around how certain interactions or conversations will go, and then we get disappointed when they happen differently from the way we were expecting.

Often, we don't even communicate these expectations with others at all, so they are left to assume and guess where we may be coming from. When our unexpressed expectations are not met, we may blame others and direct these unrealized views outward. We blame our family or friends for not being who we want them to be. Other people may direct these disappointments inward, blaming themselves or going into harsh self-criticism and negative judgements.

Many people create these expectations without even realizing it. These expectations can tie back to traumas from this or past lives. We absorb beliefs where other people have projected their expectations onto us, setting up patterns of never being able to accomplish what we want or being able to take satisfaction in what we have achieved. When we are overly attached to the way success or abundance looks to us, we try to control and manage how the Universe shows up for us, which actually holds us back and blocks our growth, flow, and expansion.

It's time to step into trusting the Universe. When we drop the expectations about how life is specifically supposed to look for us, we are able to receive the abundance, joy, and grace that are unfolding in every moment. We begin to know that we are doing what we need to be doing and that we are where we should be without an attachment to the outcome. With that, life begins to open up more because we are open to receiving whatever shows up in the moment! Join Master Accelerator Bonnie Serratore in this clearing where we will help you see your experience with truth, clarity, and serenity.

Note: Each event includes a 60-minute clearing and 30-minute LIVE Q&A with Bonnie.

Note: Recordings of the calls will be provided for replay in your Spiritual Acceleration member account after each call.

You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #2

New Beginnings

Value: $35


Runtime: 34 Minutes

Have you ever felt like you have been "stuck in a rut"? Maybe your life has become routine, boring, or you've come to the conclusion that you really don't enjoy the way you have been creating your life.

Many people talk about new beginnings as a positive thing, but so few of us actually believe we have the capability to create new experiences for ourselves. We may make a decision, or a resolution, to change our ways. We may decide to start a new exercise routine, or choose to give up a harmful behavior, but something seems to keep getting in the way of long-term success.

Many of us have programs around self-sabotage, receiving, unworthiness, and fear of the unknown that have us stuck repeating patterns we don't want to experience any longer.

In this session, Bonnie will clear the blocks and restrictions that have held you back from manifesting a brand-new start!

Bonus #3

Awakening to Higher Potential

Value: $35


Runtime: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes

Are you craving embodiment and living to your highest potential? Step into your highest potential, go direct, and step into your unique purpose and potential.

For most of us, never living our full potential is one of our greatest fears. Often when we are disconnected from our higher self we experience disappointment, shame, frustration, and being lost. Begin to awaken to your highest potential and start living it.

During this group clearing with Bonnie, clear out blocks, patterns and unwanted energies that are keeping you stuck in this disconnection.

Bonus #4

Ancestral Beliefs

Value: $35


Runtime: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes

The majority of the Beliefs that you carry around do not belong to you!

Traumas, beliefs, and programs from our ancestral line carry forth in the DNA and become imprinted into our energetic body, influencing our thoughts and beliefs today.

We inherit beliefs from both past lives and our ancestral family, and these beliefs can hold you into patterns and structures that do not serve your highest good today. When we unravel these ancient and outdated belief systems, we become liberated and more able to step into our authentic selves.

Beliefs and ideas passed down from our ancestors can affect our lives even as we consciously work to clear our present situation. For example, ancestors who lived through times of famine or illness may have built up belief structures based on lack, scarcity and separation. These beliefs get imprinted onto your body and energy, causing you to experience these same issues of lack, because these beliefs are still inside of you!

Join Bonnie as she unwinds the Ancestral beliefs that are keeping you stuck, keeping you small, and keeping you tethered to old patterns!

Package B

Discount: 63% Off

Total Value: $530

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Includes everything in Packages A and B, PLUS:

Item 8: 3-Hour Live Group Call with Bonnie

Value: $397

Via Webinar Jam

Saturday, December 14th, 2019 at 10:00am Pacific / 11:00am Mountain / 12:00pm Central / 1:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm GMT

** Limited Audience of 50 Participants **

Mastering the New You

It's time to be liberated from Old Paradigm ways of thinking and being. Join Bonnie Serratore in this all new 3-hour LIVE Master Class that will assist you in releasing anything holding you back from stepping into the New Paradigm. In this limited audience live event, you will work directly with Bonnie as she coaches you through mastering the new you. Together you will identify YOUR limiting beliefs, programs, and anything that has been keeping you from stepping into a new way of being.

During this event, Bonnie will begin by sharing her higher-level consciousness teachings on the New Paradigm.

She will guide event participants in the ways they can step into this new way of being, and how to break free from the old outdated programs that are keeping us stuck in lack, fear, jealousy, resentment, and other ego-based negative programs. Course participants will then have a chance to engage directly with Bonnie to ask questions or gain more clarity into their specific issues or blocks.

Additionally, participants will work in small breakout groups using provided course materials that will help unravel, unpack, and release the wounds, beliefs, and programs that have prevented them from shifting into new levels of awareness. Bonnie will continue to dive deep during a coaching/mentoring session, giving teachings and spiritual guidance to help participants process and bring these limitations and blocks forth into conscious awareness to aid in their release and clearing.

Bonnie will then perform energy demonstrations on several participants for further healing and clearing. These demo sessions will benefit all who listen to the clearing, as we often have similar patterns of wounding and trauma that allow us to receive the energy work, even if we haven't been specifically chosen.

Finally, all participants will receive a group clearing session and special activation. This clearing will be specifically tailored to the course participants, directly working on unraveling their specific issues and activating them in ways that will allow them to anchor into the New Paradigm.

Note: Recordings of the calls will be provided for replay in your Spiritual Acceleration member account after each call.

Package C

Discount: 73% Off

Total Value: $927

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Special Added Bonus Expires Friday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Spiritual Acceleration Healing Clinic

Via Zoom

Monday, December 16th, 2019 and Monday, January 13th, 2020 at 11:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Mountain / 1:00pm Central / 2:00pm Eastern / 7:00pm GMT

** Limited-Time Opportunity **

Bonnie is offering an amazing opportunity to access the Spiritual Acceleration Healing Clinic.

This LIMITED-TIME bonus gives you the opportunity to receive a brief energetic clearing from one of Bonnie's Certified Spiritual Accelerators or a certified practitioner. Healing sessions will last approximately 15 minutes, and must be based around ONE issue, due to time constraints.

When it's your turn, you'll be matched with one of our healers who will listen to your concern.

He or she will then spend the remainder of the 15 minutes clearing your energetic blocks and describing how it relates to your issue. This is a short energy clearing, where the healer will work with your energy to bring it into alignment and start and/or accelerate your healing process. Healing clinics are first come, first served, so sign-up now to reserve your spot as space is limited.

Package A

Discount: 44% Off

Total Value: $225

You Wealth Special Offer: $127

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 63% Off

Total Value: $530

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 73% Off

Total Value: $927

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Bonnie Serratore

Bonnie Serratore's headshot

Bonnie Serratore is an expert energy clearer, master tracker, and Spiritual Accelerator… meaning she helps people accelerate (or speed up) their personal healing, growth, and spiritual development. Bonnie accelerates the liberation of our authentic, true, and Divine self. She does so by removing and clearing all unwanted foreign energy from all time and space which interfere with the expression of our Divine self.

Everything Bonnie Serratore knows she has learned through direct experience in her own life as well as from working with her clients and students. She has not studied or trained with any teachers, living or dead, and does not use spirit guides or any trance inducing tools — she relies on nothing but her own inner knowing and the energy of the white light of creation.

Although she was born with these abilities, she has developed her intimate connection with herself and the light through her profound personal experiences. Adding in her connection with the Divine, she lived alone in the deserts of Arizona for four years speaking to almost no one. There she expanded her skills and burned through much of her own interference and ego.

Bonnie has expertly charted the unseen territories of our emotional and energetic bodies and offers her gifts of seeing and energy clearing to humanity.

44% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Bonnie Serratore

A Total Retail Value of $225

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $127

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

63% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Bonnie Serratore

A Total Retail Value of $530

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $197

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

73% Off

Package C

Special Offer by Bonnie Serratore

A Total Retail Value of $927

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $247

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].