Welcome to Tony Sayers' Special Offer Page: Transcending Times: The Secret to Liberation and Lasting Change

Do You Wonder What Is Blocking You from Soul Healing or Living the Life You Desire?

Entities, Implants and Distorted Consciousness May Be the Cause!

It feels like there is no entry point for cords or bad energy. I feel like I am getting to know myself in a new way. I feel so strong and sovereign. Thank you so much! Kate O Leary, USA

In this special opportunity from Tony Sayers, you will:

  • Experience liberation from etheric implants and energetic blocks
  • Learn to shield, protect, and limit yourself to move into your empowered sovereign self
  • Reclaim your natural energy state and return to wholeness

Transcending Times — The Secret to Lasting Change

Through years of research, Tony Sayers came across what true alchemy is, and that is, if we are to progress in anything in life and better ourselves either both individually or collectively it's important to face the negatives square in the face, and then TRANSCEND them into positives.

Tony tells us not to dwell in them, that is counterproductive. But like true warriors face the challenge head on, no matter how hard the road looks. Only then will we see permanent, long lasting change. And it is so very achievable.

It's a great time to be alive. There is more change happening on the Planet now than ever before as we move into these transcending times.

We Are Being Ushered to Evolve by the Universe

What you may find different with Tony's work is that his overarching belief for a long-lasting solution revolves around the understanding, knowledge and living by Natural Law, or it can be known as cause and effect or karma.

Basically, we are at the moment, kind of getting what we deserve through our collective behavior, our ignorance, our lack of care for other people, the animals, and generally what is REALLY important. So rather than shouting at 'the movie' it is Tony's belief that we need to go behind the screen to the projector and make the changes there. We are being ushered to evolve by the Universe and that comes down to our own personal decisions in how we live our own lives.

Living Up to Your Full Potential Depends Upon You!

We are bound by this Universal Law whether we like it, or even believe in it or not. So therefore, yes, we absolutely need to expose the darkness in this World, but we need to focus heavily on changing ourselves.

The Universe will then support us all the way and we can then manifest a paradise here for future generations to come, live out our lives, and live up to our full potential as the wonderful creative beings that we REALLY are.

You may find some of Tony's views quite challenging, and they are meant to be. He wants all to know that at all times he has the best interests of a brighter future behind his views.

Take a Step Forward in Reclaiming Your Natural Energy State and Return to the Symbiotic State That We Should All Be Existing In

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Discount: 40% Off

Total Value: $295

You Wealth Special Offer: $177

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**No refunds available after private session has occurred

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Item 1: 60-Minute Personal Session with Tony
Item 1: 60-Minute Personal Session with Tony

Value: $200

Via Skype or Zoom

This is a unique opportunity to experience an extraordinary and powerfully deep 60-minute session with Tony.

Working with a number of different modalities, Tony offers personal support for a variety of challenges you may be seeking help with.

You'll select from six different session types offered that best describes the support you need.

The Session Types

Entity, Alien Technology, and Interdimensional Removal Session

This relatively new modality evolves around the discovery of various implants, overlays, grids, holographic themes, and other AI technology which is infused in the biological makeup of humans. It is now finally being uncovered. Many of these implants that exist in 4D already are manifest here in 3D. The removal of these manipulations helps us to eradicate the siphoning of energy and step into our true power.

In this session with Tony, the body is scanned, and any attachments are removed that shouldn't be there, bringing back clarity, energy, and returning what is basically ours.

Inner Child Session

We all have our protective parts or 'triggers' that were created as the mind fractured when we were children, this was in order to protect the child from experiencing the same pain again, the problem is these triggers stay with us into adulthood until we heal them.

This can be particularly problematic when we enter relationships where many times we have two people projecting their unhealed wounds onto each other. Please feel free to browse the testimonials below.

During the inner child session, we will use a fusion of western psychology which deals directly with the ego, subconscious mind, and ego, and eastern mysticism where we connect and maintain our connection to our true essence in order to hold a strong space for the inner child and the protective parts to work with them.

Body and Anatomy Symbiosis Session

Many of us are constantly stressed, overworked, and just wack out of balance. We live in a toxic soup of WIFI and radiation, and many frequencies that are unnatural to us. This can mess with our energy bodies, nervous and lymphatic systems, and generally cause havoc if we leave it unattended. Human beings are not built to live like this, and it can cause havoc to our daily functioning and sleep patterns. These sessions recorrect anything out of alignment and pick up where maybe we may need to make changes in our life i.e., diet, dehydration, etc., I remove any distorted energy and clean up the DNA from any EMFs that may have been lingering.

Pranic Healing Session

Pranic healing is a no-touch healing modality which uses intention and utilizes life force energy or 'prana' it transcends time and space so can be done from any distance. It is a gentle flow of energy that can help you relax and work on physical issues you may have as it is used to accelerate the body's inability to heal itself. It also works on the energy, emotional, and mental bodies to bring it back into a harmonic alignment.

Over time this can kick-start an inner transformation, but as with any energy work can also bring up anything that is there ready to be healed.

Pranic healing is a non-invasive form of healing. Since the therapy is based on the bioplasmic body or the energy field, this makes this modality very powerful. By healing energy imbalances in the energy field, pranic healing is very useful for today's stressful and toxic environment.

Cutting Sexual Cords and Soul Retrieval

Sex is a very sacred act and extremely powerful, between two loving partners it has the ability to bring down essence energy down into this reality, it also is a powerful manifestation technique. Sex magic has long since been known about by those who run the World. The issue is that this society has been encouraged to be very promiscuous. There is little love and much sleeping around in this 'Tinder' society.

The problem is that we don't understand this, we don't understand that when you have sex with someone you become corded to them for life, you can even start to take on their characteristics and behavior.

Women can also take on up to 50% of the man's karma. When we open ourselves up, entities and interdimensionals have the ability to infiltrate the other person.

Many people have a fractured soul, this can happen if there has been a huge trauma or betrayal. This is also why breakups are so difficult because not only is there a battle for the other person, but there is a battle for a part of their soul. Makes sense, right? Soul mate, etc.

During these sessions I remove all sexual cording from past partners, cleaning up anything that shouldn't be there in the process. I also return the fractured parts of the soul and so you take back what is yours.

Chakra and Overlay Removal

We have been conditioned to believe that the Chakra system is beneficial for us with much talk of how when we 'align' them or 'clear' them then we feel more balanced. Whilst this is true to an extent the chakras stop the natural flow of energy throughout the body and compartmentalize it into sections (which is why you need to keep balancing them in the first place). Once these artificial overlays are removed, you have access to a natural flow of energy again hence feeling more balanced and peaceful most of the time, without the need to keep rebalancing them. During the chakra removal service, we will delve deep into other multidimensional aspects potentially holding you back and seek to remove other attachments, cords, and overlays.

You Will Also Receive These Healing eBooks

Item 2: Are You Living or Just Existing?
Item 2: Are You Living or Just Existing?

Value: $15

PDF eBook

  • Do you ever look around you and just think that this journey we call 'life' is all a little bit crazy?
  • Why is everything laid out for us as soon as we are born to follow a certain path?
  • Does this path even necessarily lead to fulfilment and happiness?
  • Who are the architects of this path and what is their agenda?
  • Why do we always live in a World of Wars, of poverty, yet others seem to thrive?

Five years ago, I asked the same questions to myself, was I living or just existing? This led me on a journey of deep research and discovery both of the outer World around me, and my own inner World.

I realized that a lack of understanding leads to a lack of fulfillment and purpose in life, so this book is an honest assessment of hard-hitting questions about beliefs and traditions we as species have held for eons. I also seek to answer many of the questions behind World affairs in this book which are holding us back from evolving into our greatest potential. How to be yourself in a society where everyone wants you to be a carbon copy can be challenging to say the least, but through knowledge, we CAN break through the mental chains!

I found that many problems exist because these beliefs are never explored or probed with a critical eye, and indeed once re-evaluated can potentially lead to a much deeper understanding of where and how we fit into this mad World.

Everything in this book is uncensored and from the heart, and also from a place of wanting a better World for everyone both individually and collectively. It is challenging in its very Nature and it is meant to be because unless we challenge ourselves, we will never grow.

The World is becoming more and more reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984. Is it not time that we ask serious questions about what is happening around us if not for ourselves but for the sake of our children and grandchildren?

Item 3: Beat the Matrix
Item 3: Beat the Matrix

Value: $15

PDF eBook

Ten Life Hacks to Beat the Matrix

How to be yourself and simply be healthy and happy is very challenging in these times of great change. Human evolution is being hijacked by multiple different levels of corruption across all areas of society making it extremely hard to see the woods for the trees. These life hacks are proven techniques in combating the matrix and becoming the best version of you.

They take into consideration all the elements of what it means to be a human being. The physical body, healing the inner child, mental health, spiritual practices, and even delving into metaphysical realms.

Its aim is simply to improve your life in ways which are not complicated.

By changing your story, you CAN change your life! These life hacks are based on my own first-hand experience of what works and what doesn't, hacks that brought me closer to healing myself, stepping into my power, and generating positive energy in order to function in today's manic World. Tips that can hopefully help you to stop worrying and start living amidst all the chaos in today's society.

It is my view that we can only help heal the World unless we heal ourselves, we also need to rid of our consciousness of age-old dogmatic belief systems through years of conditioning and programming. We are bombarded with artificial intelligence and technology which is making us lose our connection to nature and what is real so it's vitally important to evaluate where we are going both individually and collectively right now. I hope these life hacks will help to combat this and improve your life like they have mine.

We live in such changing and dynamic times and these simple solutions aim to put you one step ahead in order to beat the matrix and take back control of your life!

Item 4: Artificial Intelligence
Item 4: Artificial Intelligence

Value: $15

PDF eBook

Artificial Intelligence: At What Cost Is Our Love of Technology Shaping Our Future as Machine Learning Becomes More Advanced

The rise of Artificial Technology has seen a total change in the way we live our lives, interact, and function in the World.

It has infiltrated our reality at every given turn and there appears to be no turning back now.

Data science, advanced algorithms, and pattern recognition is now becoming so advanced, but what are the consequences for this progress and has anybody stopped to think about the potential consequences to our innate humanness and spirit?

There can be no doubt that artificial intelligence and technology has provided us with a lot more ease and convenience in many areas of life, but where does that leave the human workforce as more and more industries start to become automated?

With machines learning from each other now and becoming intelligent in their own right, it seems a good idea to take stock. We have entered into a love affair with technology, dazzled by what it can do. But have we become blinded in our lust for yet more highly advanced robots? At times it can feel like we're living in a science fiction movie, with many Hollywood hits about AI seemingly getting closer to the mark by the day!

We are so much more connected in many ways with technology, but where does this leave our spiritual and soul connections on a heart-to-heart basis?

What about our connection to Nature and what is truly real? How will the future be for our children and grandchildren in this technology-based World? Important questions to ask as the rise of the robots is clearly upon us.

Discount: 40% Off

Total Value: $295

You Wealth Special Offer: $177

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Special Added Bonus Expires Monday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Energy Vampires

PDF eBook

How to Protect Yourself from Toxic People with Narcissistic Tendencies

I am guessing that you have had at least one person or a number of people in your life that have sucked you dry emotionally, right?

Those people, on the surface at least, SHOULD be the people that love and support you the most. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and the polar opposite can happen. We can feel attacked, used, and emotionally abused in a variety of different ways.

Many times, these people can be a family member, friend or even a work colleague which can make your life much more difficult. You often feel obligated to keep the relationship on an even keel DESPITE being used as a human emotional punch bag!

Other times these people sneak under the radar unchecked and appear in our lives out of nowhere. This is why it is so important to shield and protect ourselves in order to cope in a World where narcissistic tendencies and toxic people appear to be on the increase!

This book will help and guide you with the following:

  • How to spot an energy vampire and recognize the early signs.
  • What to do if there is a narcissist or energy vampire close to you.
  • How to set strong boundaries in order to shield yourself from further abuse.
  • How someone becomes an energy vampire in the first place.
  • How to protect yourself if you are sensitive or an empath.
  • The classic empath vs narcissist relationship.
  • The consequences to you if you keep the energy vampire close to you.

If this has been a constant in your life dealing with these people, then you CAN overcome the hurdles and find the strength to move on through these very tough situations. When reading this book, you will know that you are NOT alone and that there is a multitude of help out there for you. You don't have to take it anymore!

Discount: 40% Off

Total Value: $295

You Wealth Special Offer: $177

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

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About Tony Sayers

Tony Sayers' headshot

Tony Sayers is a passionate activist, vlogger, writer, and public speaker who in 2013 started to become aware of the deeper goings-on within this World and the hidden hands that control it. Since having these realizations, he has been relentless in his work to expose the levels of corruption in society in an attempt to help others open their eyes. He is driven by doing what he can in his own way to help future generations enjoy a better World.

His work has been mainly focused on human psychology, mind control, and spiritual laws. He is now progressing into technological, metaphysical manipulations, and energy healing work. Born in Southend on Sea, Essex, UK he enjoyed a good childhood, although he found school quite challenging with other students and somewhat boring. His questioning of what is 'normal' had subconsciously already begun.

From school, Tony went traveling when he was 21 which was a huge learning curve where he felt he got a real education observing how other cultures lived, and the vast differences between the developed and undeveloped World. He also traveled to Nepal and researched Buddhism, which at the time was to sew a spiritual seed in him that was to germinate later in life.

After this period, he went on to work in many standard jobs in both the Banking and Estate Agency Worlds, but never truly felt fulfilled, and feeling as if he was just going through the motions of life. It was in this period where he was so downbeat in the rigorous daily grind, he started to ask the big questions in life which ultimately led him to these greater understandings about himself and the World, the learning is still going on today.

Sometimes controversial Tony is raw in how he expresses himself and his truth but is always coming from a place of care and desire for positive change. Tony has appeared on radio shows and speaks publicly which can be found on YouTube.

40% Off

Special Offer by Tony Sayers

A Total Retail Value of $295

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $177

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Tony Sayers' package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Tony Sayers' package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].