Welcome to Chameice Daniel's Special Offer Page

Shatter "The Illusion", Amplify Your Frequencies, and Discover Heart's Your True Path…

Tap into Your Invigorating Full 7D Energy and Inherited Source Connection

Turn on Your 13 DNA Helixes and Illuminate Your Very Best Life!

In this powerful offer from Chameice Daniel you will:

  • Regain your confidence and value that will propel you into the health, wealth, and love you deserve
  • Connect into your original soul blueprint
  • Clear and protect your energy for lifelong freedom from the false light agenda and its agents
  • Release self-sabotage programs, mental pain expectation patterning, karmic contracts, and ancestral blueprints
  • Release the illusion matrix
  • Feel more energized, centered, and harmonious
  • Create a life you love without interference

Chameice Explains ReVALUEation™ in This Energetic, Frequency-Infused Message

The Value Shift vs. Survival Loop — Why So Many Are Stuck

Since 2013, we have been slowly shifting back into the frequency of VALUE… Valuing ourselves, our time, our energy, our money, our creations, etc.

Many people have found this shift very difficult.

They have experienced the very opposite of the Value shift….

  • Employers/Clients taking advantage of their time by asking them to work harder for the same or less pay
  • Experiencing more energetic hooks/attachments/entities that drain their energy
  • The rising cost of living, the constant consumer influence programs, and fear mongering that drain their money
  • The barrage of issues that impact their health and wellness

This has led many people to feel that they are not valued as the unique soul that they are…That they are only considered valuable for their contributions to others.

Why are so many people stuck on this loop of surviving on scraps of time, energy, money, love, acceptance…not able to access all that they need, consistently, to create a life they truly love for one reason or another? This is all due to Soul-Role Playing.

We are taught as soon as we are born what is needed of us….

Our Parents need us to believe their rules/beliefs/agreements. Our Friends need us to be like them/agree with them. Our Teachers need us to be quiet and listen. Our Bosses need us to do as we are told. Our Media needs us to follow them. Our Government needs us to support them.

All of Humanity Is Experiencing a Massive Shift… the ReVALUEation™!

We have been taught to play the role of what everyone needs us to be if we want to succeed, but we have only succeeded in completely disconnecting from ourselves, our truth, our heart and soul, and our global connection to community and Gaia.

This disconnected us from our Vital Life Force energy thus making everything that is truly important to us decline. We no longer have the time, energy, or money to create a life we love. We have become depressed, exhausted, lost, broke, and/or feel alone.

NOW, it all changes! All of humanity is experiencing a massive shift …the ReVALUEation™!

A MOVEment back into valuing the heart and soul of everything! If you are one of the many people that are having a difficult time with this transition feeling fear, panic, lack, and limitation, the information and frequencies provided in this package will calm your inner storm.

They will assist you in feeling into and anchoring into these VERY beneficial shifts!

It's Time to Stop the Cycle and Assess Your Value

  • Do you often feel that you are playing a role in your life?
  • Do you often feel unprotected, unsupported, or vulnerable to other people's energy?
  • Is your health declining more and more as each year passes regardless of what you do?
  • Have you worked your manifesting mojo to the bone with zero to little results?
  • Do you get stuck in release cycles becoming lost, depressed, and have no vision of the future?
  • Are you tired of attracting narcissists and people that only drain you?
  • Do you feel little to no real connection who you are at a soul level, your divine team, or Source?

How Do We Stop the Cycle?

A ReVALUEation™… the Action of Assessing the Value of Ourselves Again!

During this package you will be guided through releasing all of the roles you have been playing that have limited your soul shine!

That has limited your ability to attract valuable and value-enhancing situations, dynamics, relationships, opportunities, and creations that propel you and your life forward into harmonious and beneficial timelines.

It will also help you anchor into this new timeline gracefully to feel the rejuvenating effects of the 5D template.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 94% Off

Total Value: $2,660

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 97% Off

Total Value: $7,156

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 97% Off

Total Value: $7,544

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

No refunds after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

ReVALUEation™ Frequency Medicine

Set to a theta brainwave frequency to go deep into subconscious patterning for full release/activation, the ReVALUEation™ Audio Series MP3s are infused with essential oils, crystals, and energy that support the topic of each audio and contain divine protection.

Feel the shift within as you are immersed in 10+ hours of powerful, transformative frequencies.

Item 1: ReVALUEation™ Introduction

Value: $188


Runtime: 6 Minutes

This Intro Video explains the ReVALUEation™ process and prepares your energy field and structure for the frequencies.

Item 2: Releasing Trauma Lines

Value: $188


Runtime: 54 Minutes

Trauma Lines are the #1 obstacle that prevents most people from moving forward in creating a life they truly love. Most people do not understand how devastating trauma lines can be to the creation process and how easily they are formed, especially in energetically sensitive Lightworkers.

It is imperative to retrain the brain through healthy, supportive habits to break the post-traumatic stress response loop. To fully support the Gateways and the trauma line release process in healthy ways, we will go deep into our individual trauma lines, learn healthy habits to support their release over the Gateway period, and go on a Vision Quest Into Our Inner Child via Meditation.

Item 3: Releasing the Matrix Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 uses the powerful Golden Flame to disconnect your energy from the Matrix, so you are released from its illusion of disempowerment.

Item 4: Releasing Program Influences Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 uses the powerful Diamond White Flame to purify your body, mind, and energy of ANY influences (ancestral, cultural, entity, implant, karmic) that are ready to be released! It then clears imbalances from past masculine and feminine dynamics while balancing your personal masculine and feminine energies.

The more that you listen to it, the deeper it goes to release. Listening will release all influences that are not for your highest good, expression of self, and true sight of self.

Item 5: Creating Congruent Timelines

Value: $188


Runtime: 41 Minutes

This is WHERE we create future timelines to fully support our deepest desires! When we develop a chronic pattern of "fight or flight" from our symathetic nervous system being stimulated for long periods of time it is very difficult to break the pattern to even begin creating future timelines that are congruent with what we intend to create in the future.

If we do not break this pattern FIRST, anything we intend to create will be lost in the dissonance between the trauma we have experienced in the past and what we desire to create in the NOW.

It is in this in-between space that our intentions get hijacked by the frequencies within us that are running the strongest. Learn to transmute INTO transformation.

Learn HOW to truly be in the NOW to disconnect past trauma lines. Learn how to visualize your desired future self to acclimate and actualize the timeline. Consistently anchor into the frequency of "joy" to stabilize creation potential relaxing the nervous system. Learn small daily habits to support creating congruent timelines.

Item 6: Speaking Your Truth Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 clears and strengthens your throat chakra, so you are able to freely speak your truth.

This enables you to ask for what you want and need, set boundaries, speak about problems instantly so it doesn't build into resentment and anger, and maintain a solution-oriented mindset.

Item 7: Releasing Influence Glimmers Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 17 Minutes

Influence Glimmers are used by people, beings, or entities either consciously or unconsciously to influence you to do what is in their best interest, what they desire, or for them to feed off your energy in an attempt to expedite or magnetize their desires to them.

Glimmers are untruths… it is people, beings, or entities pretending to represent someone or something they are not to influence you, so you will willingly go along with their desires.

This MP3 clears all Influence Glimmers accumulated, disconnects any cultural, ancestral, societal, past life programs that continue to feed it energetically to prevent future manifestations of it, rebalances your energetic field to support healthy emotional responses, explains how to delete old neurological pathways while balancing your hemispheres, disconnects any religious programming that interferes with your sovereignty.

Item 8: Self-Love

Value: $188


Runtime: 34 Minutes

During this MP3 Chameice discusses what self-love really means, easy practices to cultivate it in our daily lives, and a group process that will anchor you into the frequencies of unconditional love using the frequencies of forgiveness and True Sight.

Item 9: Ho'oponopono Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 is a forgiveness meditation using the Hawaiian forgiveness technique of "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you."

Listening to this MP3 while placing your hands over your heart deeply releases pain, suffering, resentment, anger, and soul sadness starting within moving outward into all relationship dynamics, past and present.

Item 10: Love Thyself Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 uses the Rainbow Flame to release self-judgment about past choices, fears, paths, and any other perceived obstacles in life while vacuuming out your chakras to create clarity.

From this clear space you can begin to love yourself and see yourself as the divine light that you are!

Item 11: Toxic Spirituality

Value: $188


Runtime: 57 Minutes

This MP3 discusses and releases Spiritual Gaslighting, Toxic "Dissonance", Mirroring/Projecting, Healer Hooks, False Positives, Toxic "Love & Light", Spiritual Masks, Savior Complexes, Higher Hurt, and Polarized Identification.

Item 12: Connecting into Source Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 5 Minutes

This MP3 clears any hooks or programs of fear, so you can fully open to divine love from source.

Let source love fill you up with vital life force energy to create a powerful field of Unconditional love around you naturally repelling anything that does not support your highest path forward while creating powerful momentum into the love you always wanted.

Item 13: Ambrosia

Value: $188


Runtime: 46 Minutes

Your passion points perform this "magic" for you and your life because they fill you up with the highest frequencies of joy and bliss that propel your energy into perfect magnetization of all you desire.

The ZONE of infinite creation potential. Within this space you experience perfect coherence between the mental/emotional bodies and your heart/soul. Your heart/soul leads the way fearlessly because your heart/soul knows the powerful creator that you are and trusts in your ability to create effortlessly.

The more we try to dismiss, deny, or suppress fears instead of understanding and acknowledging them, the more out of alignment our creations will become as they try to get our attention. This process literally sucks the life out of us! Our life spirals more and more out of alignment causing exhaustion that leads to dis-ease as we lose sight of our soul's truth and we begin to block our connection into vital life force energy.

This MP3 explains how to STAY in heart coherence AND anchor into our Passion Points to create authentic expressions of what we truly desire to become Master Manifestors.

Item 14: Love Miracles Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 puts you in the miracle zone. When you are vibrating at Unconditional Love anything is possible!

Item 15: Arcturian BioSuit

Value: $188


Runtime: 43 Minutes

This MP3 discusses the effects 5G has on our health and what we can do to maintain healthy boundaries with technology in general, along with viral/bacterial safeguards so we do not become sucked into fear mongering which greatly impacts our overall health and wellbeing.

I also guide us through an energy process of creating an Arcturian BioSuit for protection from 5G. This BioSuit utilizes the frequency of gold, the Arcturian Blue Flame, along with many other frequencies that create a bio-field around the physiological body without interfering with your natural flow.

Item 16: Arcturian BioSuit Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 18 Minutes

This MP3 contains the Arcturian BioSuit energy sequence from the previous Arcturian BioSuit explanation MP3 for quick use.

Item 17: Anchoring into Safety & Trust Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 assists you in Connecting with your inner child to heal past trauma programs of separation, so you create a safe place to love unconditionally again and trust your ability to create harmonious relationships with yourself and others.

Item 18: ReVALUEation™

Value: $188


Runtime: 34 Minutes

We have been doing a deep dive into VALUE. Into taking full responsibility for how we value our time, energy, and money. If we have a tendency to blame others or situations in regard to how our time, energy, and money is used or make other's responsible for our time, energy, and money we will experience a deep push within to examine where those beliefs were created… for full elimination.

Many people will find this uncomfortable if they are unwilling to accept responsibility for all that is being created within their lives… any lines they are giving responsibility away to other people to clean them up.

We are being given a massive opportunity to take responsibility for all lines of creation within our lives. To take the time to plant the seeds we desire to create and put the energy into creating aligned lines of money in our lives so we can fully support ourselves and value the life we create. During this MP3, you will be guided through a Quantum Hypnoprocess to release all roots that block your value to access seeds of infinite creation.

Item 19: Know Thyself Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 uses the Cosmic Soul Blue Flame to awaken you to the deep truth of who you are as a unique soul. It creates a remembrance code for complete access to soul memory banks, so you can begin to remember your cosmic origins, gifts, purpose, mission, passion, and sovereignty.

You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #1

New Moon in Taurus


Runtime: 29 Minutes

This is the highest possible alignment for abundance!!! The New Moon (waxing moon) is all about growth as the New Moon "grows" into the Full Moon. Thursday (Jupiter) is the energetic day of expansion, money, prosperity, and generosity.

A Taurus Moon supports creations to last the longest, increase in value, and become hard to alter.

This is a divine alignment right when people need it the most, so Chameice is offering a session to assist everyone in anchoring into this highly beneficial energy to boost all creation potentials.

Who couldn't use an abundance boost right now?

During this session, Chameice will provide a hypnoprocess to release blocks/programs/beliefs that interfere with any abundance frequencies while opening all energetic lines to infinite expressions of abundance. This will assist all participants in boosting timelines to create opportunity points for creating and accessing more abundance in their lives. This is more important now than ever due to the current collective fear patterns running around "lack".

Most people cannot open 100% to abundance in all forms due to upper limit problem programs… one big upper limit problem for lightworkers is not wanting to "OutShine" others.

When we reach our upper limit, we can have a tendency to self-sabotage by creating chaos in our relationships, getting sick, etc. as an unconscious distraction point so we do not cross our success threshold. We often wonder why these events suddenly appear in our lives at the most inopportune times, not realizing our subconscious/unconscious patterns/beliefs/ programs are creating the chaos in the background to keep us locked into a subconscious preconceived notion of our success, love, bliss threshold… the level of success, love, bliss we have access to before collapse/chaos happens.

Not only will this session open abundance lines for money and prosperity, but it will also open lines to passion, joy, bliss, love, support, and whatever is needed on an individual basis for growth into what supports you on a soul level while releasing upper limit problems created by patterns/beliefs/programs/agreements.

Bonus #2

Wisdom Eyes

Value: $188


Runtime: 34 Minutes

This energy infused video assists with opening into True Sight… also referred to as Wisdom Eyes. If we are wise, we can see beyond material influences.

What we then can see is the truth.

The world is muddled because most people do not use their Wisdom eyes to see things. People are distracted and deluded by greed, judgment or ignorance of the truth. This mixes them up or brings them down leading to suffering on some level. People become distressed, depressed, anxious and suffer.

These things can be called the darkness of life and the triggered release of these dynamics is what is often referred to as The Dark Night of the Soul. Only wisdom will lead the world out of the darkness.

This video is infused with Bodhnath temple eyes…. Often found painted on the Stupas, this symbol represents the all seeing eyes of the Buddha, a symbol of the omnipresent compassion of the Bodhisattvas. The small dot depicted between the eyes represents the third eye, a symbol of spiritual awakening. The curious squiggle between the eyes is the Sanskrit numeral one, symbolizing the unity of all things.

This video is infused with the frequencies of Universal Compassion towards self and others, True Sight opening, and Unity within all creations of the Living Web.

Bonus #3

Bliss Bodies


Runtime: 16 Minutes

Bliss Body explains how to access the most subtle of the Kosha bodies… the bliss body.

The space where we see the truth of our infinite unconditional love and bliss to create expanded energetic lines connected to our deepest soul's truth.

This MP3 also includes a hypnoprocess to imprint all of our Kosha bodies with our deepest desires for accelerated, congruent manifesting.

Bonus #4

60-Minute Live Group Call with Chameice

Via Phone or Webcast

Saturday, July 11th, 2020 at
6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern / 1:00am (Jul 12) GMT

Sovereign Soul

People are experiencing an immense amount of psychic attacks, energetic manipulation, energetic highs and lows, energetic targeting, physical disconnection, flow lack, intuitive discord, Soul Blueprint Blanking, possession, energy parasites, and much more. It is important to know how to safeguard your spiritual and energetic boundaries now more than ever… we are currently experiencing heightened points of manipulation while in a timeline split.

Go deep with Chamecie on this special group session to discuss how we live our sovereignty daily to create infinitely without interference.

Remove all programs and agreements throughout all lifetimes that "bind" you into karmic cycles due to manipulation, influence, coercion, contracts, imprints, implants, or any other form of "forced" soul reconditioning/recycling that has prevented you from accessing and actualizing your Sovereign potential.

Note: Call is recorded and access to the replay is available immediately after the call.

Package A

Discount: 94% Off

Total Value: $2,660

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 20: 28 Days of Abundance Alchemy Frequency Medicine

Value: $2,800

Online Platform

Not only does Gratitude open our energetic field to receive, it also keeps our mind focused on things to be grateful for… increasing the likelihood that we attract more things to be grateful for …abundantly!

Why 28 days? Not only does it take 20+ days to create new neurological pathways, 28 is the Angel Number of Money coming to you as you keep the faith that you, your loved ones, and your beautiful life purpose are fully supported by Heaven.

During this 28-day journey, you will access a new Abundance Alchemy Frequency Medicine practice daily on an easy to use, private platform. This will ensure that all of the daily practices are in one place for future reference.

Instant access available.

Item 21: Gratitude Support

Value: $88


Runtime: 16 Minutes

This MP3 fills you with the frequency of gratitude… connecting your energetic field into this frequency for maximum attractability so you can create more to be grateful for.

Item 22: Three (3) Months of Web of Rejuvenation Remote Healing

Value: $1,200

Remote Healing Transmissions

Every Monday for Three Months, Beginning the First Monday After Purchase

Every Monday you will receive a remote healing transmission that will remind your energetic field to anchor fully into vital life force energies. The remote healing will continue every Monday for three months, starting the first Monday after purchasing the package.

There is nothing for you to do but to be open to receiving these energies.

You will not receive an email or any other form of communication, just the energy sent remotely. I am a huge proponent of regular energy management.

Most people never see the results they desire simply because they do not clear, balance, and boost their energy with proper energy management. Busy schedules are often the culprit to lack of consistency, so 3 months of remote healing can be a game changer. I clear, balance, and boost your energy every Monday!

Due to the high levels of distraction energy currently running in the collective, energy management is essential!

Item 23: Living on Purpose with Passion While Thriving

Value: $408


Runtime: 44 Minutes

During this video with Chameice, you will:

  • Discover the top abundance blocks that instantly stop you from creating MORE in your life regardless of how hard you hustle
  • Discover how to easily amplify your energetic field to become a Magnetizing Master
  • Discover your true abundance capabilities without the blocks
  • Deep dive into the Infinite Degrees of Freedom energy process during the video to reset your Abundance Code

Package B

Discount: 97% Off

Total Value: $7,156

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Includes everything in Packages A and B, PLUS:

Item 24: 30-Minute Private Session with Chameice

Value: $488

Via Phone

** Only 25 Spaces Remaining **

Are you ready to fully awaken to your life purpose and step into a more authentic you?

Now is the time you have been waiting for….

With assistance from my team of Angelic Masters, the 13 Golden Suns who are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and Interplanetary Wisdom Keepers, Chameice will help you unlock the doors to your greatest potential, abundance, success, and joy.

During your one-on-one session, Chameice will check your field to ensure that all of the MP3 protocols released properly, and the templates activated properly. She will also check to make sure your energetic field is running at 100% for full creation potential.

You will have time to ask questions so you can ensure you are running at full potential.

Chameice scans all of your energy fields to balance and release all that no longer serves your highest good. She releases your blocks only to a comfortable level that will not cause you to release too much too fast causing you a rebound period. You will feel a huge difference, but this gives your mind a chance to process and sync with your soul, so you are still doing the work to progress your soul.

Chameice will read into energy of past lives you may still have in your energetic field that are causing you to subconsciously loop back into patterns or behaviors from that lifetime but are no longer needed.

During your session Chameice will:

  • Read gifts you received from past lives that will serve you now so you can awaken to them and use them along your path now.
  • Discuss patterns and behaviors that no longer support your growth so they can be eliminated once and for all. You'll discuss any and all issues with power struggle or loss of power so you can regain your full strength, vitality, and power.
  • Perform a Soul Retrieval session, if necessary, so you can reclaim any power pieces you have given away.
  • Open all of your energy fields to a balanced state for optimal mind, body, spirit connection.
  • Increase the flow to your higher self and intuition which will bring you a profound sense of trust and faith in yourself and decision-making abilities.
  • Cleanse your aura so you are only feeling NOW.
  • Bless and charge all energy centers and assist you in making a request to all of your soul tribe, so you can clearly hear, see, feel, and know all of their divine guidance and act accordingly.

This session is completely tailored to your specific needs, so if more needs to be done or completed rest assured that it will be done, during this session, in divine order!

Note: Your personal session will be recorded and emailed to you following the session.

Package C

Discount: 97% Off

Total Value: $7,544

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

No refunds after private session has occurred

Special Added Bonus Expires Wednesday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Accelerated Shifts!


Runtime: 1 Hours, 30 Minutes

Join Chameice for this high energy, paradigm-shifting session and learn how to release resistance, obstacles, blocked, or stuck energy patterns quickly using Quantum Alchemy to quickly align future timelines into your desired goals.

Special Bonus:
Chameice's Session with Darius

June 25th, 2020 Call —

Q&A #2 — ReVALUEation: Discovering Your Value to Create Abundance in All Areas of Your Life

By popular request, we are including this powerful call with your purchase!

Tap into Your Invigorating Full Life Force Energy and RESET Your Abundance Code!

Chameice goes deep with a powerful new hypnoprocess for Removing Non-Consent of Interference while creating a Sovereign Energetic Structure that disallows all interference spiritually, mental/emotionally, energetically, and physically.

Experience profound shifts!

Remove all programs and agreements throughout all lifetimes that "bind" you into karmic cycles that have prevented you from accessing and actualizing your Sovereign potential.

Access a New Abundance Alchemy Frequency Medicine to Unlock Your True Abundance Capabilities

Package A

Discount: 94% Off

Total Value: $2,660

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 97% Off

Total Value: $7,156

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 97% Off

Total Value: $7,544

You Wealth Special Offer: $247

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

No refunds after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Chameice Daniel

Chameice Daniel's headshot

Chameice Daniel is a professional Intuitive Counselor that has helped thousands of people worldwide gain the clarity and confidence to become the sovereign souls they are meant to be so they can action their dreams. She is a Multidimensional Quantum Alchemist that delights in transforming clients loops and programs (Lead) into passion and purpose (Gold).

She has been named the "Queen of Abundance" by clients and has helped CEOs, CFOs, actors, writers, and people just beginning to create their dreams manifest larger income streams, publishing contracts, realize their purpose while accessing their soul's blueprint, and how to live on purpose with passion while thriving! She holds space for you, your feelings, and your challenges using her highly attuned intuitive abilities and her ability to visually see energy and energetic patterns. She tunes into your energy field, higher self, and her team of 13 Golden Illuminated Masters which are a combination of ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, and InterPlanetary Wisdom Keepers to access guidance that will help YOU most.

She is a natural intuitive with an academic background in psychology. She holds honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics Certificates. She was trained by Jack Canfield, famed author of Chicken Soup For The Soul, in his famous Success Principles. She is certified in Laughter Yoga, Angel Card readings, Archangel Life Coaching, Intuitive Counseling, Kinesiology, and Interfaith Ministries. She is a certified Peace Ambassador and Inner Priestess with years of shamanic training.

94% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Chameice Daniel

A Total Retail Value of $2,660

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $147

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

97% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Chameice Daniel

A Total Retail Value of $7,156

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $197

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

97% Off

Package C

Special Offer by Chameice Daniel

A Total Retail Value of $7,544

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $247

30-Day money back guarantee**

No refunds after private session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].