Welcome to Zeenat Lakdawala's Special Offer Page: Light Language Cosmic Protection Shield

Are You Ready to Say YES TO MORE Ease?

Effortlessly Transmute Barriers, Blocks and Boundaries to the Deepest Desires You Have…

Presenting a NEW Light Language Grid by Zeenat…
Exclusive to the You Wealth Community

Orb of Protection Light Language Transmission

Zeenat's Light Language Cosmic Protection Shield Series has been downloaded to:

  • Create an energy protection shield to ward off negative people, evil eyes, psychic attacks, energy vampires, releasing entities, curses & hexes, entities and spirits
  • Release Debris and Negative Energy Keeping your space pure, clean and in a constant positive vibe
  • Heal and maintain the subtle bodies (etheric, emotional, mental), chakras and meridians at their highest functional capacity
  • Raise your vibration & awaken with higher consciousness from 3rd Dimension to 5th Dimension
  • Set Healthy Boundaries and protection from an unhealthy environment
  • Empath Protection and Spiritual Worker Protection
  • Attract new opportunities and new money
  • Manifest abundance & prosperity
  • Keep you, your family, pets, workplace, and business safe and protected

To Thrive and Enjoy Life, One Needs a Safe Internal and External Environment

Everything Is Energy and everything is subtle energy and solid matter at the same time. We are within one big interactive field and are constantly sharing energy with everything, right from the breath to the chair you are currently sitting on.

Energy flows where our thoughts and feelings go, they expand there and as it is a YES UNIVERSE, we attract our current reality through experiences. If we are in the NOW and only in this present moment, we can CREATE and UNCREATE or DESTROY what is no longer serving us.

We spend our waking time securing food, clothing, and shelter as the basic needs for survival.

We then go beyond the basic need to have a career, name, fame, and success. However, to thrive and enjoy life one needs a SAFE environment — both internal and external.

We as a species moved through jungles, caves, and skyscrapers however, one of the basic needs to have a safe environment and to feel PROTECTED continues to rule Human Development. We are an evolved species however what most of us are unaware of is that we use only 10% of the DNA capacity and are often defeated by the sense of FEAR that dampens the growth and moves beyond the pain.

FEAR is the lower frequency that brings about anxiety, panic attacks, fear of death, not enough, unworthy, unsafe and this lower vibration is the key to disharmony and imbalance.

The mind does not allow one to know that it is an infinite being and through this, you can expand and tap into higher possibilities and receive more with ease.

The Subtle Body — an Ever-Expanding Energy Field

We are not just the physical gross body, but we experience life through our subtle bodies, chakra system and energy points. We are here at this point in life to evolve and tap into our highest potential to move from the gross to the subtle.

The physical body is concentrically cocooned by electromagnetic fields with seven layers of subtle bodies pulsating outwards. This energy field is ever-expanding and contracting and keeps changing in intensity.

Each of the Subtle Bodies:

  • Vibrates at a higher frequency than the one that surrounds it, for example, the Etheric body is managed by the Emotional and the Emotional by the Mental body so on and so forth.
  • Is unique as it differs from person to person in terms of intensity/weight, size, color, and vibration.
  • Intensity becomes lighter and lighter, and their vibrational frequency becomes higher and higher so is the plane and the dimension from which they operate.
  • Play an extremely important role in keeping us alive and thriving.

The intention is to keep this light protected and kept healthy for us to perform in our space of physical and spiritual manifestation.

Bring In Good Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health and Attract MORE PROSPERITY and ABUNDANCE Into YOUR Life!!!

Factors That Affect Your Subtle Bodies:

  1. Limiting belief systems, past trauma, abuse imprints, hurt, pain, constant curse.
  2. Karmic debris from our current lifetimes and past lifetimes, ancestral karma, group consciousness.
  3. Empaths — ever absorbing energies from their environment and never transmuting.
  4. Etheric implants, entities attacks, psychic attacks, vampire energies.
  5. Negative influences from the spirit realm, negative people, etheric debris or attachments i.e., implants, entities, beings, walk-ins and reptilians.
  6. Physical environment i.e., external — such as pollution, toxins, electromagnetic waves from radioactivity, and geopathic stress.
  7. Physical environment i.e., internal the things that you ingest in form of Thoughts, Food & Liquids, Medication, etc.
  8. Physical body experience i.e., illness or dis-ease, and surgery.
  9. Physical body interaction with people and their energy levels.

When one experiences any of the above in the form of blocks there is a tear that takes place in this sheath (shield) and this weakens our overall performance on the various planes — The Physical, Mental and Spiritual planes. This will result in us feeling unhappy, depressed, tired, sick, emotional disharmony, depending on the intensity and level of the block or damage.

It's very easy to bring down vibration, as there are constant stimuli exerted through relationships, official authorities, and religion at all times. There is a state of distrust, and it is difficult to raise and sustain ourselves to higher grounds of positive frequency. People are mostly operating from the morphic environment of low energies and vibration.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to raise the vibration and give the required attention, care and maintenance. It is imperative to keep your energy field/ subtle bodies strong, clear and inviolable, protected from potentially noxious outside influences. When you are feeling Safe and Secure this will keep your vibration at the optimum level for you to ATTRACT the energy that will bring NEW OPPORTUNITIES, GOOD HEALTH, MORE MONEY, PROSPERITY and ABUNDANCE into YOUR life!!!

Now, what if there is a POWERFUL tool that can ensure that you and your family are Daily Clearing, Staying Grounded and Protected at all times without you having to do anything?

YES to More Shielding and Protection!
Introducing the Light Language Cosmic Protection Shield!

The Cosmic Protection Shield is a Unique Handmade Grid that has Super Powerful Light Language Codes And Frequency that keeps your vibration at the optimum level. It is sentient and infused with the energies of Light Beings such as Metatron, Archangel Michael, St. Germain, Archangel Zadkiel, Goddess Kali and Laxmi.

These powerful energies have been downloaded onto a UNIQUE SACRED GEOMETRY (this SACRED GEOMETRY does not exist anywhere on our EARTH right now) to protect your subtle ENERGY and PHYSICAL SYSTEM. They are further infused with CRYSTALS of the planet and from the STAR SYSTEM across DIMENSION!

All of this put together forms a virtual ORB of Protection that will keep your vibration at the highest level. As the Cosmic Protection Shield Grid will last you a lifetime opening DOORS OF POSSIBILITIES, activating your DNA and helping you in all ASPECTS of your LIFE and BEING!

When the grid is placed in the home or at work, it is working on you and your family continuously in removing blocks, transmuting stuck and negative energies. Each aspect of the Light Language Cosmic Shield Grid is to RAISE your vibration to Align your frequency. Once you are in alignment and feel safe you open yourself up to receiving… MORE HEALTH | MORE WEALTH | MORE WELL BEING! You will be setting in motion energy that works for you, your family at all times!

Zeenat's clients have received:

  • Immediate release by touching their grid
  • Grounded and strong in otherwise nervous situations
  • A release of self-doubt and an increase in self-worth and acceptance
  • They are more aware of opportunities when it presents itself
  • The shift in their energy to attract more money
  • A weight lifted off them
  • A sense of balance and calm in handling tough situations
  • Ease in letting go now
  • Ease in receiving and giving more
  • Strong and creatively charged
  • More connected with one's higher self

Expand Fearlessly and Manifest Your Reality Through the Magnificent Light Language Grid and Energy Transmissions!

Start Receiving Protection and Keep your Vibration Strong to Feel POWERFUL AT ALL TIMES!

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 89% Off

Total Value: $1,828

You Wealth Special Offer: $207

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

Package B

Discount: 87% Off

Total Value: $2,205

You Wealth Special Offer: $277

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

Package C

Discount: 85% Off

Total Value: $2,235

You Wealth Special Offer: $327

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Package D

Discount: 85% Off

Total Value: $2,612

You Wealth Special Offer: $397

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A
Package A

Item 1: Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Protection Shield
Item 1: Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Protection Shield

Value: $577

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

YES to More Shielding and Protection!
YES to Raising Vibration!
YES to Dwelling in the 5D!

The Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Protection Shield Grid heals your entire body — physical, emotional and spiritual. This provides activations of your DNA and the crystalline structure of your subtle body and chakra system. This is beautiful handcrafted fully loaded Light Language codes and instructions that are being channeled for YOU, YOUR FAMILY, PETS, WORKPLACE AND BUSINESS.

The codes and instructions on the Grid will work with you forever (it has no shelf life). You tune into the energy, and it starts and continues to do its work even when you are not actively working with it.

The energy flowing through the Sacred Geometry along with the light language MAKES THE GRID UNIQUE AND SUPER POWERFUL!

The Grid's vibrational frequency with a constant flow of protection, healing and abundance along with your intention will assist and ALIGN your energetic body/space in helping you to achieve/manifest YOUR GOALS!

The Powerful Energy is ALREADY encoded when you receive it and it's designed to AMPLIFY all your requirements of shielding and thereby creating a field of protection that allows the contrast flow of positivity and abundance.

The Cosmic Protection Shield Grid is like a device that Transmutes lower energies, and it continuously keeps your frequency raised bringing you higher and higher. This fully energized LIGHT LANGUAGE SACRED GEOMETRY COMIC SHIELD GRID can be kept at home or your workspace or business space. Once you have framed and mounted the Grid you do not have to do anything as all work will be done by the Grid as it filters your energy and places you at a high vibration.

There are no rituals for these beautifully handcrafted Light Language Protection Shield Grids. These are sentient beings. Place your grid either on an altar or on a wall near a window or an area that has sufficient sunlight. As part of the interaction, you can touch it daily or whenever you feel like.

Even if you do not interact, the Grid in your proximity does all the work!

Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Grid dimensions: 10″ × 10″

Item 2: Powerful Energy Boosters
Item 2: Powerful Energy Boosters

Value: $667

6 MP3s

Total Runtime: 1 Hour, 3 Minutes

The light language downloaded codes and instructions in these MP3s will help to transmute and ward off lower energies.

Regular listening of these MP3s will bring in the expansion of your DNA that will allow growth and more receiving in areas of life.

This will be the preparation for moving you from 2D to 5D!

The Following Audios Are Included

Energy Protection Shield

This is all-round protection that takes care of all your subtle bodies — etheric, emotional, mental, astral, and causal.

This Light Language MP3 will assist to:

  • Keep you grounded
  • Get you motivated, strong, excited, filled with energy to do more
  • Make you feel safe, secure, and connected
  • Experience connectedness and heightened awareness
  • Empowerment at an energetic level a tight subtle body without Soul Fragmentation

Releasing Entities and Spirits

Entities and Spirits exist at different levels of consciousness. When you experience life traumas in which there is a compromise of the energy and as it becomes weak these lower energies or entities move in. These entities impact and influence the person's thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, actions, habits, and energy levels.

This Light Language MP3 will assist to:

  • Release Fear, Panic Attacks, from the cellular memory
  • Repairing cuts, holes, and tear in the energy body
  • Regain Personal Power
  • Align you to your Higher Self
  • Healing physical body that is impacted through the attack
  • Strong seal to prevent new attachments — entities, clear lower energy-based beliefs
  • Restore well-being and keep you high spirited

Psychic Protection

We are surrounded by various kinds of people, and we are continuously corresponding with each other not only through speech or language but also through energy. When people send negative energy with the conscious or unconscious intention to inflict harm upon a person or their family is known as a Psychic Attack. When your subtle body is compromised, a projection of negative energy towards you in the form of thought, based on jealousy, envy, anger, and other emotions can disrupt your emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental state.

Everyone carries a shadow self and when the attacker does not know them or does not acknowledge them, they transfer it to others when they are jealous, envious, living in their dark side or lack self-conviction and are afraid of their failures in life.

This Light Language MP3 will assist to:

  • Set strong filters to protect your energy from being absorbed and infiltrated by other people
  • Release negative thoughts and emotions, self-criticism, self-destructive desire
  • Develop intuition to know the guidance received

Releasing Hexes and Curses

Hexes or Curses are deliberate, concentrated attacks done to make things go badly for you. These are cast on the subtle body/ energy field to create discomfort and misfortune. On one hand, hexes are cast with a malicious intention while curses are set in action when the attacker merely thinks or speaks about you, and these can be generational or personal — i.e., ancestral lineage or a parent or just to you.

This Light Language MP3 will assist to:

  • Work as a mirror to deflect any attack, send it back to the sender
  • Keep your subtle body strong, strengthen your immune system
  • Remove negative influences from your life
  • Release curses that are carried across family ancestral lineage

Violet Flame of Transmutation — St Germain

Saint Germain Violet Flame is a high-frequency light that can Transmute and Protect you by dissolving negative energy and restoring it to positive energy. The violet flame is the octave in the etheric plane, and it works on the purity and perfection aspects.

Regular listening to the Light Language MP3 will assist:

  • In raising your vibration by changing your fear-based thoughts into LOVE
  • In expanding your consciousness from being limited to being limitless
  • To surround and remove the negative energy, and transform it into the light
  • To re-establishes harmony and equanimity, and take you into a higher state of being

Sleep Protection

This beautiful calming Light Language MP3 brings in calmness and keeps you in the orb of light throughout the night. You will be protected through your dream state as your Soul will be kept grounded.

This Light Language MP3 will assist to:

  • Purify the soul at all levels
  • Receive blessing from the divine
  • Release stress and reduce the influx of cortisol
  • Shield you from any all kind of physical, emotional, or mental attack

Item 3: Three (3) 45-Minute Live Group Energy Calls with Zeenat
Item 3: Three (3) 45-Minute Live Group Energy Calls with Zeenat

Value: $1,200

Via Phone or Webcast

Thursday, April 21st and 28th, 2022 at
6:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

Thursday, May 12th, 2022 at
6:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

Zeenat is offering three Live Group Energy Calls to optimize and anchor the LIGHT to FLOW in to keep you safe and protected to keep you upgraded. The Live Group intends to assist and support you to keep raising your vibration to make choices from the highest plane through clearing and additional LIGHT LANGUAGE codes and techniques. You will move closer to the 5D framework.

It will also help you to clear issues if you feel you're particularly stuck with your finances, health, or life in general.

Each class will be 45 minutes and we will be using the Instant Teleseminar platform. Attending live is as powerful as the replay. The call replay is active immediately after the Live call.

These Group Energy Calls will create:

  • Energy
  • Connectedness
  • Gain Personal Power
  • Focus
  • Strength
  • Alignment
  • Fearlessness
  • Worthiness
  • Calmness
  • Hopefulness
  • Heightened Creativity
  • Feeling Lighter & More Grounded
  • Self- Allowance
  • Self- Acceptance
  • Healthy Boundaries

These sessions will provide self-work in alignment to what would be required to MOVE FORWARD as everybody will experience this energy!

There will be Opening Up of the Stargates for MORE MONEY, HEALTH & WELLBEING!

The Sessions

Etheric Body Strengthening

Thursday, April 21st, 20226:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

The Etheric Body is a dense energy body that is closest to the physical body that is called the metaphysical twin. The Etheric Body is composed of three main components: nadis (meridians), chakras and the aura of an inch surrounding the body.

Each of these functions is looped with each other and is extremely important in keeping the health of the physical body.

This session will assist with:

  • Releasing and clearing of the energetic blocks between the physical and Etheric body for healthy functioning of the Prana or the Life Force or Chi
  • Strengthening the physical layer from lower vibrations that becomes an entry point for entities and walk-ins
  • Bring in a sense of stability and connectedness

Emotional Body Balancing

Thursday, April 28th, 20226:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

This is for our emotional experiences including thoughts, feelings and emotions. You can have a tangible sensation, but we cannot hold the same in our hand. The astral body has the main 7 chakras housed in them and you can have them either active or passive or balanced. It also includes the nervous system, hormones, sensation, water.

They deliver emotional energy so you can create context and meaning through your experience of the situation. Surrounding this is the aura that surrounds you and speaks about the state of your emotion.

This session will assist with:

  • Protect your personal energy field by balancing your chakra through the aura vice-verse
  • Connecting with your emotions and allowing them to express to heal
  • Strengthen the bridge between the etheric and mental body to be able to have sense balance as they are connected and can't operate in isolation
  • Allow releasing excessive charge on the emotions and create alignment

Mental Body Balancing

Thursday, May 12th, 20226:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

The Mental Body is the place where the EGO resides, it is here that views and, intelligence and analytical mind, and manifestation of our reality takes place. Through this space we create memories and visions, or dreams are set. The Mental body communicates through thoughts that carry color, sound, and vibration, and it has no filter by the physical body.

The health of the Mental Body is important for problem solving ability and to exhibit direct and clear communication with clarity and ease. An imbalance of the Mental Body exhibits — fog, lethargy, depression, lack of purpose and need, confusion, etc.

This session will assist with:

  • Identify and release information received in form of thoughts are from the space of fear or love, truth or illusion
  • Release toxic thoughts and ideas that block growth & manifestation
  • Allow yourself to TRUST SELF
  • Assist in development of the telepathy and clairvoyance (psychic abilities)

You Will Also Receive This Bonus
You Will Also Receive This Bonus


Private Facebook Group Support

Value: $100

Online Community

Be Supported Through Your Journey!

When you join Zeenat's program, you can join her exclusive private community on Facebook. You will interact with the group energy and Zeenat!

In a group, you are part of a big community and as the agenda of the group is the same as yours, you will tend to receive insights, support, and togetherness for you to buckle up and move forward.

  • We are all part of a big plan, and we are responsible for our growth and progress. By being here you will be able to work and be part of a community whose goal is to improve and have more money
  • You will get the needed push and support from me and the group when things show up or when you are unable to move
  • I will be in the group to answer your questions, do some impromptu energy work based on the group energy, laugh with you, encourage you, and be honest with you. All these are only available within the group
  • Encourage you to share your success however small it is, post happy and encouraging pics, some awesome quotes, and great happenings

Package A

Discount: 89% Off

Total Value: $1,828

You Wealth Special Offer: $207

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

Package B
Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 4: 10-Minute, Custom-Created Light Language Audio
Item 4: 10-Minute, Custom-Created Light Language Audio

Value: $377


Runtime: 10 Minutes

For the first time, Zeenat is offering a Personalized LIGHT LANGUAGE AUDIO to the You Wealth Revolution Community. This customized audio will be created based on your energy requirement as shared by you in the survey form that you will fill and send to Zeenat.

Based on the information outline, Zeenat will do the Light Language download that will have unique codes and instructions that will activate your dormant DNA, your consciousness, by clearing programming that is no longer serving you, heal and expand you to receive and be opened to being in the space of higher possibilities.

This Personalized Light Language Audio will be created with information from various multi-dimensional Star Gateways and Portals and do not have a shelf life. You can be tuned into them throughout your lifetime. You can listen to them while meditating, working at the office or home. They can be heard with the volume on or on mute throughout your day!!

You will experience an enhanced quality of life as it works on all your bodies — the physical, emotional, and spiritual- making the expansion and manifestation easier and faster.

Note: DO NOT PLAY THE MP3 WHILE DRIVING, OR OPERATING MACHINERY OR WEIGHTS, OR HANDLING BABIES — they are very powerful. Please be Hydrated and Relaxed while listening to them.

Add a Custom Created Light Language Audio for a Family Member — $127

Package B

Discount: 87% Off

Total Value: $2,205

You Wealth Special Offer: $277

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

Package C
Package C

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 5: 30-Minute Private Session with Zeenat
Item 5: 30-Minute Private Session with Zeenat

Value: $407

Via Facebook Messenger, Skype or WhatsApp

** Available to the First 30 Buyers!! **

BOOST Your Results with a Personal Session with Zeenat!

Being claircognizant helps Zeenat to understand her client's block. This facilitates guiding you into deep clearing and releasing work where they can move forward in all aspects of their lives.

While working with you, Zeenat uses different modalities that help and assist in healing and growth. Her biggest achievement when she does her one-on-one session is to empower you, allowing self-healing with the tools that she brings down and also through the work assignments that she gives her you to work on, between her sessions making them more self-reliant and confident.

Zeenat helps and assists her clients to:

  • Heal and manifest more money
  • Fulfill careers with new jobs/roles
  • Open to receiving financial freedom
  • Find a life partner
  • Move from stuckness to creation
  • Have a healthy approach towards physical and emotional bodies
  • Release grief and sadness
  • Release fear and guilt that block growth
  • Release traumas from this or any other lifetime

and much more!

Note: Private sessions are not recorded. You are welcome to record your session using your own device to relisten.

Package C

Discount: 85% Off

Total Value: $2,235

You Wealth Special Offer: $327

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Package D
Package D

Includes everything in Packages A, B and C, PLUS:

Item 6: Magnificent Light Language Protection Bundle
Item 6: Magnificent Light Language Protection Bundle

Total Value: $2,612

Includes Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Protection Shield, 6 MP3s, 3 LIVE Calls, Custom Created Light Language Audio, Private Session with Zeenat, and Bonus Online Community Access

** Available to the First 30 Buyers!! **

AMPLIFY Your Results, Upgrade, and Go deeper with Zeenat!

This package includes access to EVERYTHING in this special offer!

This amazing value-packed opportunity to work with Zeenat is available to a limited few.

You Can Expand Fearlessly and Manifest Your Reality Through the Magnificent Light Language that will include a Customized Light Language Audio and a 1-1 Session with Zeenat!

Start Receiving Protection and Keep your Vibrations Strong to Feel POWERFUL AT ALL TIMES! Receive, Renew, and Transform the state of Being towards a Healthy, Wealthy, Safe and Comfortable Life and Lifestyle!

This first-time offering from Zeenat includes EVERYTHING in Packages A, B and C:

  • World's First Handcrafted Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Protection Shield (shipped to you)
  • Personalized Light Language Protection MP3 to enhance Protection
  • Accelerated 30 Minute Private Session with Zeenat!
  • 3 Live Group Calls: Protection Series for Etheric, Emotional and Mental Balancing
  • 6 Powerful Energy Booster MP3s to Support Your Protection
  • Facebook Private Group Support

Add a Custom Created Light Language Audio for a Family Member — $127

Package D

Discount: 85% Off

Total Value: $2,612

You Wealth Special Offer: $397

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Special Added Bonus Expires Thursday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Light Language Transmission — Empathy Energy Protection!


This is a special Light Language Download for all the Empaths and Sensitive people who take on other people's energies and make it theirs. They suffer as they do not have sufficient tools to keep them protected and shielded when they are interacting or just picking up debris from the mass consciousness.

Their unique ability to sense and absorb others' emotions, makes them more compassionate, kind and understanding people, but on the flip side, they have challenges identifying their feelings and emotions. They tend to hide away as the lack of control on high sensory energy can also leave them drained of energy and motivation.

This beautiful MP3 will assist you with:

  • Start listening from today for 21 days
  • If you miss a day you need to start the process again
  • Hear 3 times in a loop for the first three days, thereafter you can hear it as many times as you wish
  • Setting filters and healthy boundaries
  • Staying grounded
  • Aligning you to your heart center

The process of Listening to the Light Language Transmission:

  1. Discerning people and place
  2. Protecting you from allowing negative energy
  3. Allowing you to accept and be in the allowance of yourself

Note: Do not listen to light language MP3s while driving!!

Package A

Discount: 89% Off

Total Value: $1,828

You Wealth Special Offer: $207

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

Package B

Discount: 87% Off

Total Value: $2,205

You Wealth Special Offer: $277

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

Package C

Discount: 85% Off

Total Value: $2,235

You Wealth Special Offer: $327

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Package D

Discount: 85% Off

Total Value: $2,612

You Wealth Special Offer: $397

Free Worldwide Shipping
Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Zeenat Lakdawala

Zeenat Lakdawala's headshot

Zeenat is a Wayshower, a Spiritual Artist, a Spiritual Guide, Creator of the World's first Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids and A Transformational Energy Healer with over 10 years of experience. A featured international speaker and has worked with over 1000s clients globally.

Zeenat has a high connection with the supreme consciousness from where she receives information from various Higher Dimensional Beings that assist her in bringing the most benevolent Language of Light in the forms of Codes, Instructions, and Sacred Blueprints. This helps in the awakening of the dormant soul and high vibrational shifts that allows one with healing, renewed motivation, power, growth & abundance.

As a multi- and inter-dimensional energy conduit, she works with clients to assist them to move from a lower dimension to a higher vibration; to experience 'Bliss' both in the spiritual and physical realms. While working with her clients, she uses different modalities that help and assist in healing and growth.

So, she is NOT a FORTUNE TELLER but has a unique sense of individual energy and their signature blueprints and when she works with her client's auric field, she can read their energy and guide them for their highest good. She empowers her clients so that they can do their healing with the tools that she brings down and also through the work assignments that she gives her clients to work on, between her sessions making them more self-reliant and confident.

She helps and assists her clients:

  • To heal and manifest more money
  • Fulfilling careers with new jobs/roles
  • Open to receiving financial freedom
  • Find life partner
  • Move from stuckness to creation
  • Have a healthy approach towards physical and emotional bodies and much more

Zeenat has been referred to as a "Miracle Worker" and her clients receive resolution and are able to release stuckness from the core which helps them to feel better and be in a great space to receive with ease. She believes in the power of YES and that we create our reality in every minute of the NOW!

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Package A

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $1,828

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You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $207

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30-Day money back guarantee**

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**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

87% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $2,205

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You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $277

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

85% Off

Package C

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $2,235

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $327

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30-Day money back guarantee**

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**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

85% Off

Package D

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $2,612

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $397

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Light Language Protection Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on April 20, 2022

**No refunds available after the Personalized Light Language Audio is created

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Zeenat Lakdawala's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or before the personalized audio is created, or before the Light Language Protection Grid has shipped, or until Midnight Pacific April 20, 2022, which is before the live transmissions begin (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Zeenat Lakdawala's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred, or before the personalized audio is created, or before the Light Language Protection Grid has shipped, or until Midnight Pacific April 20, 2022 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].