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Q&A - Feel Fabulous at Any Age - Go Beyond Healing to Physical Rejuvenation
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Imagine a River of Divine Light Flowing Through Your Veins, Rejuvenating You With Each Heartbeat…
Light-Life DNA Coding is the Ascension Upgrade that will Infuse Your Being with Divine Energy
Step into a Higher Paradigm of Wellbeing Today!
Discount: 75% Off
Total Value:$588
You Wealth Special Offer:$147
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30-day money back guarantee**

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Blood Analysis Perfect - “Glowing Inside”
“I have been doing the Light-life DNA Recoding energy activations every day for the past month. I had live blood analysis a month ago before I began using Judy’s transmission and then again yesterday.

My blood analysis was perfect. The practitioner said that it was “glowing inside”.
Previous testing showed that my blood appeared sluggish and congested. Thank you.”
In this special offer from Judy Satori, you will experience:
Regeneration of the Physical Body with High Frequency ULTRALIGHT
Light-Life DNA Recoding Creates Alchemical Changes at a Cellular and DNA Level for a NEW VITALITY and RADIANCE
BASK A New Sense of Physical Wellbeing that Goes Way Beyond Healing
Greater Mental Clarity, Inner Peace, and Emotional Balance INSTANTLY
ASCENSION, a Divinely Designed Human Species Upgrade
Life-Changing Physical, Mental and Emotional Transformation
“Judy, I would like to say how profoundly your work has transformed me. Experiencing your energy transmissions is life changing.

I feel that I have changed physically, mentally and emotionally. Physically I am eating very small meals and unable to even put any sweets or junk type foods into my system.
The message I’m getting is that this is permanent and I will learn what foods work best for me as I go on. Mentally and emotionally and in situations with family and friends I am also very calm and changed for the better.”
“Light-Life DNA Recoding is an absolute reboot with so many powerful downloads and waking visions.”

I Feel GREAT - My Skin and eyes are Glowing
“WOW, people tell me that my skin and eyes are glowing.
I am sure that it is because of Metatronic Advancement. The energy of the previous recordings in the Light-Life DNA Recoding series just seems to amp up somehow now I’ve got to this one.
I feel GREAT.”

Julie N.
Are You Ready to Experience Advanced Wellbeing and Regeneration?

7 Powerful and Transformative Energy Transmissions
PLUS a four page brochure on how to use these recordings
- Quantum Field Healing
- Enhancing Cellular Vitality
- Etheric Advancement
- Endocrine Gland Upgrade
- The Blood – River of New Life
- Etheric Transposition
- Amplifying Metatronic Light
Go beyond healing and transcend into the paradigm of regeneration with Light-Life DNA Recoding.
Light-Life DNA Recoding is changing the way that our human body functions to optimize vitality and wellness and bring more energy into the cells. It is necessary to upgrade the functioning of the human body before the true potential of the human DNA code can be fully activated to express.
In this special offer ‘Life-Light DNA Coding: Beyond Healing to Physical Rejuvenation’ brought to you by Judy Satori, you will be taken through 7 cumulative Light-Life energy transmissions that will revitalize your cells, reprogram your DNA, and enhance your connection to Source.
What is Light-Life DNA Recoding?
Light-Life DNA Recoding represents the next step of our evolving Ascension process. These transmissions will uplift and strengthen you physically and profoundly expand your consciousness. You will think and feel differently and you will function differently in life.
The words Light-Life mean bringing the LIGHT/ENERGY of God/Universal Creation into the physical body to create a new life cycle. The whole DNA recoding process is a divinely initiated process of change.
Over time, as you repetitively listen to these recordings, you will become stronger, more energized, more capable, and a more enlightened human being, better equipped to function on our new Earth.
When you listen to the Codes of Light, it sounds like a very fast staccato-like language. It is one digital code (energy from Source) impacting another digital code (our human genetic code – DNA).

This program offers you transmissions and tools that will:
Revitalize your cells and infuse them with LIGHT, unlocking your body’s untapped potential.
Reprogram your DNA to function at an optimized level, paving the way for renewed health, energy, and clarity.
Enhance your connection to Source energy, creating profound shifts in consciousness and emotional balance.
Effortless Physical and Emotional Renewal that goes beyond healing wounds and into regeneration
A Sample of Amplifying Metatronic Light from Light-Life DNA— MP3 Audio
Click the audio player to listen. Please allow a few minutes for the audio to load.
The supreme Archangel Metatron is the bringer of Source/God light into the world of form. Enjoy this short meditative recording set to the beautiful original composition of Mike McCarthy of Manuka Studios, Auckland, New Zealand.
Transform Your Body, Mind, and Soul With the Profound Energy of Light-Life DNA Coding
With this 7-part Light-Life DNA Recoding series, you will walk away with:
INCREASED Energy and Vitality - Function Younger for Longer
EFFORTLESS transformation at a cellular level - just sit back and listen
LASTING improvements to your physical health - metabolism, immune system, blood circulation and detoxification -and overall well being.
CONSISTENT and continued expansion into a stronger, more energized, more capable, and a more enlightened YOU, better equipped to function on our new Earth.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!
This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price
Discount: 75% Off
Total Value:$588
You Wealth Special Offer:$147
Sold Out
30-day money back guarantee**

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months*
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*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1
Quantum Field Healing
Value: $84
Runtime: 25 Minutes 1 Second
Reset and Restore Your Physical Body with Ultralight Energy

In this recording, Ultralight energy restores the innate perfection of the physical body by working in the fifth level of the body’s energy field, the Etheric Template, the light pattern grids of the physical body. You will also learn how to tap into the quantum field for healing, harmony, and balance. Reconnect with the loving divinity of SOUL SELF by working energetically at the level of the Celestial Template, the sixth level of the auric field.
Golden Flames Dancing on a Golden Platter
“While listening the Light-Life DNA Recoding recording I received a blessing where three golden flames ( 🔥- that were dancing on a golden platter) were placed in my – crown and third eye chakras and hands. I have always received beautiful energies when I work with you Judy. You are such a special soul and I feel honored to have found you.”

Item 2
Enhancing Cellular Vitality
Value: $84
Runtime: 38 Minutes 39 Seconds
Go Beyond Healing into Regeneration

Before the physical body can go beyond healing and begin to regenerate, there is a requirement for the cells of the body to be upgraded to be able to carry out their metabolic functions in an enhanced manner. This recording creates energetic harmonization and enhances the vitality of adult stem cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, neurons, neuroglial cells, skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells, cartilage cells, bone cells, osteoclasts, osteocytes, the lining cells of bone, skin cells, endothelial cells that line blood vessels and the epithelial cells that line body cavities. The chakra spin is also supported to assist the physical body to assimilate more life force energy.
Physically Rejuvenated and Light-Filled
“Thank you Judy. The energy transmissions of Light-Life DNA Recoding feel very light filled and blessed and have helped me to physically rejuvenate.”

Item 3
Etheric Advancement
Value: $84
Runtime: 24 Minutes 12 Seconds
Make Space and Hold More Light Energy in Your Auric Field

This recording builds an energy reservoir within the Etheric, the first level of the human energy field, also called the auric field, to allow this energy ‘twin’ of the physical body to hold more LIGHT.
Far Beyond What You Thought Possible
“Judy’s energy transmissions plug you directly into the far flung heavens way beyond Earth, taking you far beyond what you ever thought possible for yourself.”

Item 4
Endocrine Gland Advancement
Value: $84
Runtime: 41 Minutes 28 Seconds
Upgrade Your Endocrine System for Optimal Hormonal Function

The body’s metabolism relies on optimal hormonal functioning. Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body and underpin all aspects of how our body functions. When hormonal function is affected by stress, the process of aging, and Ascension related energy changes – which in turn affect chakra function – everything about the way the body functions may begin to be compromised.
This energy-infused audio re-patterns and upgrades the endocrine glands for better hormonal function. This work may support menopausal symptoms and endocrine gland dysfunction.
“The Endocrine Gland Advancement recording that is part of your Light-Life DNA series is really helping me stay more emotionally stable and balanced. It seems to be balancing my hormones and helping me through menopause. I love it! Quite often I just listen to this when I get up in the morning and I have noticed a big difference in my mood – and my energy levels. Fabulous.”

“Endocrine Gland Advancement: That was powerful – my heart swells with love. Thank you Judy so much. for all that you do and give. So beneficial. Thank you, thank you, thank you.“

Item 5
The Blood: River of New Life in the Body
Value: $84
Runtime: 42 Minutes 39 Seconds
Infuse and Illuminate Your Blood with Light and Life

This set of energy transmissions illuminates the blood with LIGHT and supports the blood and circulatory system to become like a ‘river of NEW LIFE’ in the body. The hemoglobin molecule in the blood is supported to not only be a better transporter of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, but to also transport LIGHT.
Circulatory System Awash with Light
“I absolutely love Blood – River of New Life. I feel every part of me coming alive and I tingle all over. It is absolutely doing what you say – washing the circulatory system with light. I love the music too. As you suggested I have begun to drink nettle tea and I feel really great.”

Blood - River of New Life - Nourished All My Cells
“Dear Judy, This transmission is so uplifting. It is as if air was pushed through the “rivers” of my body, nourishing all the cells and creating a lightness of being. At the same time, my body feels strong, is ready to soar and glide into a new expanded space. With love, gratitude and a smile on my face.“

Item 6
Etheric Transposition
Value: $84
Runtime: 22 Minutes 9 Seconds
Bring Light Energy Into Your Cells For Profound Renewal

This set of transmissions takes the energy that has been built up within the energy reservoir of the first etheric level of the body’s energy field and transposes it through the skin into the cells. It will feel to you as though you are breathing in new vitality to begin a new Light-Life cycle of what it is to be a human being.
Deep Warmth in My Heart
“When Judy said the prayer there was such a deep warmth in my heart. I saw colors of pale blue and green and I felt so relaxed.“

Item 7
Amplifying Metatronic Light
Value: $84
Runtime: 21 Minutes 59 Seconds
Expand Etheric Light Energy Exponentially

The process takes the energy that has been created in the body in the previous six recordings and expands it exponentially in a Fibonacci-type, progressively unfolding sequence. The energy is transmitted through the auspices of the Archangel Metatron, the supreme archangel, who steps down Source Creation energy to make it accessible to human beings.
I Can FEEL the LIGHT Soaking into My Skin
“When I listened to Etheric Transposition from your Light-Life DNA Recoding series I could actually FEEL the energy coming through my skin. It is such an incredible feeling to be soaking in all that LIGHT through the pores!”


Powerful Wellness & Physical Regeneration Energy Transformation Guide

Gain a deeper understanding of Light-Life recordings as well as dietary habits that will enhance DNA activations. Judy has included a PDF guide to this work that you can print to give you tangible support while using these recordings and to understand more about what each of the seven recordings does to support the body. The guide explains how to use this work in a synergistic way for optimal results.
Blood Detox
Value: $84
Runtime: 9 Minutes 22 Seconds
A Divine Detox For the Blood - Divinely Designed Physical Body Energy Support

The blood flowing through our veins carries essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell in our body, providing the foundation for our overall health and well-being.
Think of the bloodstream as a literal ‘river of life’ that constantly circulates throughout our body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells removing waste products.
The Ascension physical/mind/soul upgrade that every human being is currently experiencing demands that our blood, our ‘river of new life’ carries more LIGHT to the cells. There is energy streaming to Earth from deep space and it is getting stronger. As human beings, we are literally being remade with LIGHT.
The CHLOROPHYLL molecule, which has the same chemical makeup as the hemoglobin molecule in red blood cells, is the KEY transporter of LIGHT to the cells of the body. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to cells. Chlorophyll transports LIGHT. This is why we need to eat more green plant based foods and add liquid chlorophyll, spirulina and grasses such as barley or wheat grass to our diet.
By understanding the importance of the bloodstream, we can appreciate the critical role it plays in maintaining our health and helping us through an Ascension process of physical change. Taking care of our blood through proper nutrition, hydration, and lifestyle choices is essential for promoting overall well-being.
This recording was made with the support and guidance of a blood laboratory technician who has been seeing very concerning ‘non organic’ anomalies appearing in people’s blood since the global pandemic. All the abnormalities seen have been addressed in this Blood Detox recording created by Judy Satori. It sounds like a meditation, but it is SO, SO much more than this!
- An immediate improvement in energy and wellbeing- you can listen three times at one session daily if required, or as desired
- Detoxifies the blood of synthetic inorganic nanoparticles and toxic debris *
- Prepares the blood to receive Light imprints and Ascension activation
- Complements the Regeneration Alchemy and Light-Life DNA Recoding series
“Blood Detox is life saving. Thank you so much Judy. Blood Detox is a very important and powerful energy transmission. Thank You.“

Discount: 75% Off
Total Value:$588
You Wealth Special Offer:$147
Sold Out
30-day money back guarantee**

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*See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)
About Judy Satori

Judy Satori is a spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, vibrational sound healer, and Ascension way-shower. She is the author of Sunshine Before the Dawn, the story of the original creation of the Hu-man, a God-created avatar being.
Judy’s work includes the transmission of energy words of new creation, which she describes as languages of Universal Source Creation that are divinely designed to activate and expand human capacity and ability. Her work also includes a new energy spectrum called ‘Ultralight’, which she describes as creating permanent alchemical change at the level of cells and the DNA template, positively transforming people physically and emotionally and opening them to their gifts of Spirit.
Judy speaks galactic languages and works with star beings as a galactic ambassador to shift people into a more expanded version of self. Her energy transmissions are said to be physically regenerative and rapidly expand consciousness and vibrational frequency in those impacted by her work. Judy also holds advanced qualifications in healing in the human energy field and in physiotherapy, but her real teacher has been Spirit. She speaks on global television programs and interviews and has taught more than 1,000 workshops worldwide.
Judy began her work with Spirit in 1997 when she opened to channel and began working with ascended masters and others of the spiritual hierarchy. Her original training as a physical therapist and later as an auric healer helped her to understand what she was doing when in 2002 she spontaneously began to speak multi-dimensional languages of light. These languages are sound and light codes that in the beginning balanced and harmonized body and mind, she says, clearing the karmic miasmic energy patterning of past life trauma.
Judy’s work is housed in an online subscription-based Ascension Library. Through her library she offers hundreds of audio and video programs to help people transform their lives for the better and express their unique potential.
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**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Judy Satori’s package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker’s offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker’s offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker’s digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Judy Satori’s package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period..We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.
**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically “Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?”. Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered “Yes”. Only 67 respondents answered “No”. A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].