Welcome to Chameice Daniel's Special Offer Page: Freedom Codes: Claiming & BEing Your Divine Sovereign Self

Do You Feel Like You're Being Constantly Pulled into Today's Collective Chaos?

Unlock NEW 'Secret Freedom Codes' and Journey into a Deep Release and Upgrade to Higher Dimensional Frequencies

Activate Infinite Immunity from Resistance and Struggle and Awaken to a Life You Love!

During this Freedom Code Journey with Chameice Daniel, you will:

  • Purify 12 Layers/Levels of your Akashic Records
  • Consciously Integrate on a Quantum Level to release Suffering Programming that limits your ability to Create a Life you Love
  • Increase Your Light Quotient to Release Multi-Dimensional and Inter-Dimensional Interference
  • Reclaim and Access 100% of your Innate Power
  • Metabolize Photonic Light for Lightbody/Crystalline/Plasma Activations
  • Activate Infinite Immunity using the body's Master Cell in an Ancient Healing Temple

and Much More!

Freedom Codes: A Journey Energetically Tailored to Every Experience

Earth is often referred to as 'The School of Hard Knocks' — we are taught that "life is hard", "money is hard to come by", "relationships are hard", etc.

But what if all of that was actually easy if we made that agreement instead?

What if we didn't require a 'hard knock' to learn and grow? To discover how far out of alignment with our personal truth we were?

What if we could instantly feel into our flow and what we are creating based on our flow with ease and grace?

What if we could stay aligned with grace, power, and love to have the freedom to create in infinite degrees?

Freedom is 'the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move easily' …BEing able to flow freely to create infinite degrees of potential. It is impossible to create freely if our energy is not moving freely.

If our energy has become blocked by the density of lack or limitation agreements, binding, beliefs, or programs we accumulate from our culture, family, or communities, we get stuck. They begin to dim our Light of Truth making it exceedingly difficult to create consistently and effectively as more and more layers of untruth build up, one upon another, pulling us out of alignment with our Heart Center.

When our energy is blocked, we do not have a strong and impenetrable electromagnetic field.

It is easy to pick up energy from our environment and people that can cause:

  • Agreements from Disempowered Individuals
  • Fear Based Belief Patterns
  • Binding from Codependency Programs
  • Group Think Patterning
  • Psychic Debris like Energetic Attacks
  • Curses from people that are Envious
  • Anti-Sovereign Agendas
  • Illnesses from those around us
  • Karmic Recycling
  • Entity Attachments
  • Energetic Distortions/Overlays
  • Power drains
  • Unhealthy Influences

This makes us confused, easily influenced, easily manipulated, and unable to set healthy boundaries. We begin 'Fear Looping' and create unconsciously based on our fears instead of creating consciously in our full power, freely.

We must completely let go of all 'has-beens' to open a clear and limitless space of creation in the 'now' — and that is exactly what Freedom Codes assists with… this journey is energetically tailored to every experience.

Journey From Collective Chaos Creation Cycles to FREEDOM

How have you been navigating the Collective Chaos Cycles? Do you find it difficult to remain centered with the Heart Space of YOUR Truth to remain focused on YOUR Creation Cycles?

If you answered "Yes" you are ready to begin the journey into the Freedom Codes. Codes that allow your mind, body, and spirit to fully acclimate and integrate into a whole new experience on the 5D+ planes.

The journey into the Freedom Codes will assist you with discovering how to release the density of the 3-4D experience based on trauma, survival, and suffering to allow every aspect of you to move freely again.

Once this process is completed, your body, mind, and spirit are ready for the Lightbody/Crystalline/Plasma template upgrades. Each upgrade will be completed gracefully, one after the other, when you have completed the previous cycle.

Some people taking the Freedom Codes journey will go deeply into the release cycles before moving into the template upgrade cycles whereas, some people taking this journey have already completed the release cycles and will energetically begin at the appropriate template upgrade cycle. The benefit of this journey is it is energetically tailored to every experience — you can relax into it to allow the journey to take you to exactly what is in resonance with your needs at this moment.

The Freedom Codes journey holds the space for a greater understanding of the collapse of the Collective Chaos Cycles to prevent being 'sucked/hooked' into the release vortex. It assists with cleaning up old, dense energy lines that False Light Feeders emotionally use against you in an attempt to get you to take things personally — draw the energy into your person to create an attachment.

The template upgrades allow your energy to run efficiently to create a strong electromagnetic field with sovereign boundaries making it nearly impossible for anything, anyone, or any being to utilize your energy for their own means to make you tired, confused, and disempowered.

  • Fountain of Youth
  • Ability to consciously Intend and Create our highest timelines without unworthiness programs popping up to block it
  • We remain balanced, relaxed, and able to handle life easily
  • We have the energy and focus to create almost effortlessly
  • Our energy is flowing properly at 100% for optimal health, vitality, and cognitive function
  • We have the energy to create and maintain more in our lives simultaneously, relationships, income streams, adventures, creative pursuits, etc.
  • We are deeply connected into our highest self, source, and our divine teams for automatic true sight of self, timelines, and creation possibilities
  • We can access our intuitive abilities to guide us to open doors of possibility, keep us on track, keep us out of harm's way, and much more
  • We speak our truth instantly and set clear boundaries
  • We magnetize our desires easily
  • We love unconditionally
  • We see multidimensionally making it easier to allow others their journey without slipping into savior programming
  • Our mind, body, and spirit run congruently and multidimensionally
  • We feel safe in the physical dimension that our body resides making physical manifestation easy
  • We easily delete old, outdated neurological pathways that no longer serve our highest timelines and potential

If the Journey into the Freedom Code Resonates, Say the Decree Below as Your Sacred "YES"

…and Join Chameice for a Life-Changing, Transformative Journey Out of the Chaos into Freedom and True Joy

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,408

You Wealth Special Offer: $108

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $3,984

You Wealth Special Offer: $148

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $4,172

You Wealth Special Offer: $208

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A
Package A

Item 1: Twelve-Part Freedom Codes Audio Series
Item 1: Twelve-Part Freedom Codes Audio Series

Value: $1,692

Instant Access

12 MP3s

Total Runtime: 6 Hours

Freedom Codes: Claiming & BEing Your Divine Sovereign Self in a 5D+ Plane

These 12 audios are Energetically Infused to 'hold the space' for profound transformation by using highly refined 13th Aeon Celestial frequencies. Think of them as opening a doorway of access to the Celestial realms to facilitate a quickening of healing any distortions of untruths held within your field of BEing.

These Sessions do not do anything FOR you, they simply hold a clear and pure energetic space for easier access to eliminate resonance resistance to access your Divine Template gracefully.

Everything within the Celestial Realms honors your sovereign journey of will.

They will never do something FOR you as that would only serve to reinforce a disempowering experience — hey only assist you, when requested, to maintain energetic balance because within Sovereign Creation Cycles a balanced energy exchange must be maintained for harmony within the Living Grid.

When someone/something claims 'they' can release/reset something FOR you, without your active participation, the Law of Harmonic Balance (energy exchange) will be met in unconscious ways… like an unconscious agreement to allow them to feed off your energy field for their own creations. Think of Crossroads Exchange stories, often told by musicians, where they trade their soul for fame and fortune in 'exchange' for the boost.

These support YOUR sovereign ascension journey by holding energetic space for you to exchange releasing old distortions with new sovereign creation cycles, so you are IN your power in all ways, always.

Note: This series includes a Welcome and Introduction audio from Chameice. Please listen to this MP3 FIRST! It contains very important information about the processes!

Note: Don't worry if you can't make all of the sessions, the energy will be encoded within the audio replays that will be provided after each session.

The Sessions

Psychic Protection

One of the most important factors of the spiritual journey is developing a sacred energetic container to maintain clarity and sovereignty. We are currently in an unprecedented chaos cycle of massive energetic manipulation with billions of people globally focused on fear energetics in regard to their health, wealth, and freedom. These massively dense energetic lines can easily pull our energy out of alignment with our Sovereign Truth and Creation Potential. If we do not remain free and clear, our energy can begin to slow, causing our auric protection to drop making us susceptible to interference and manipulation. This can cause creation confusion, manifesting misfires, depression, and psychic attack.

After clearing out any and all energetic and psychic debris, you have access to the zero point of creation to be in the 'Creation Zone' to once again propel your life forward in YOUR intended trajectory.

Ego Expansion

When a traumatic event occurs within our life spectrum, it can create unconscious patterning and cellular memory imprints that begin to pull us out of alignment with our Divine Truth, Knowing, and Ascension. When these trauma events reoccur, within or over lifetimes, agreements begin to form subconsciously that begin to feed negative ego templates within, as we resist resolving the trauma. This patterning creates a reactive state to emotional triggers making it seemingly impossible to be a neutral observer of life to make choices that support our full creation potential. Once agreements rooted in Unworthiness, Guilt, Shame, Lack of Trust, Abandonment, Betrayal, Anger, Fear, Oppression, Hatred, etc. are acknowledged the healing process can begin.

This allows us to see the Truth in why these lines were created, so we are able to prevent them from moving forward, enabling us to relax into a pure state of flow with what is within the "now" moment.

Triangle of Truth

Our innate Soul Template opens us to connecting with the Living Grid of All That Is, enabling us to consciously create within authentic points of potentials. This process allows our energy to follow our intentions, creating a vibratory field that attracts what we intend within the harmonic flow of attraction. This is the Light of the Truth of Creation. During the 'Harmonic Fall', as our frequencies became dense with emotional manipulations of anger and fear, we lost connection.

Ascension Acclimation

Ascension Acclimation enables us to flow in all dimensional directions simultaneously, as our original Soul Templates were created by Unified Source. This allows us to accurately acclimate to the frequency of our intention and evolutionary cycles instantaneously by removing all implant/genetic DNA overrides.

Infinite Immunity

Within the original Soul Template, our entire system is equipped with Quantum Vital Life Force templates/patterning. Our systems are capable of regeneration and healing beyond our current comprehension.

Upon removing Cellular Death, Aging Decline, Diseased implants/programming, our operating systems begin to function optimally once again allowing us to age gracefully with zero loss of vitality. Complete disease reversal is not only possible, but also within our original template.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

Freedom Codes

What does absolute Freedom look like to you? During this journey, we will access a Zero Point of Infinite Potentials for you to access specific to your Intentions and Purpose. Upon removing all limiting lines of resistance, energy is able to move freely through the Heart Gateway into an expanded field of Creation Points that can be chosen to support bliss and joy. There is no longer fear of the unknown as control lines are released to access the Freedom to choose moment to moment what supports the most heartfelt joy.

Accelerated Abundance

Within your Divine Blueprint, you have access to everything needed to create within the flow of what desires to be created. Everything is created almost effortlessly because within this spectrum of infinite possibilities what you desire to create knows the exact path of creation. When we release the paths and blocks of resistance held within, everything returns to Divine Order and Flow allowing for effortless creations within the physical plane. After we release resistance, we increase our worthiness for an expanded and abundant inner creation container. This accelerates our abundance while increasing our abundance quotas in all ways.

High Heart Harmonics

When we surrender to Pure Love held within us, we stop searching for fulfillment "out there." Within a Purified Heart Space, we have access to Unconditional Love, Divine Support, Abundance, Joy, and the lasting contentment we seek. During this journey deep within the Heart Space, we purify all beliefs/programs that have caused a Polarity Reversal of seeking externally instead of accessing what is needed internally.

Divine Dowsing

When we are within our Sovereign Soul Template, it is impossible to be manipulated in any way.

We are able to use our intuition to sense:

  • When we are in resonance with something/someone
  • We know if there is a harmonic energy exchange to prevent energy depletion
  • We trust ourselves as Co-Creators with Unified Source We are able to fully and completely take care of our physical needs, desires, and intentions via our power as a Sovereign Creator
  • We have access to the 8 Frequencies of the Sovereign Self for IN-Powered FOCUS (Frequency Optimization Consciousness Unity Synchronization)

True Sight

Being in a Clear Space to see the Truth of what is before us is imperative to anchoring into the Unified Field of Creation. Within the Unified Field of Creation, we know that all is seen and heard, so we must have absolute coherence and energetic integrity within our Creations to prevent overlaying energies that can cause unintentional alignments. This space is where we clear being afraid to see or hear the truth, so we are able to create what we desire within the space of the Truth of what is at that "now" moment to prevent overlaying new creations on top of old patterns.

Unity Consciousness

Within the Unified Source Blueprint, we are no longer connected into Separation in any degree — we are in complete coherence with All That Is within the structure of the Law of One. This allows us to flow seamlessly within Creation Cycles, having abundant access to the entirety of the Living Grid of Creation.


Within the journey of Ubuntu, we discover how to be a Cosmic Citizen to work within Harmonic Freedom with All That Is… Interdimensionally and Multidimensionally. We understand that we are part of everything within Creation and everything within Creation is part of us… Unified Union.

You Will Also Receive These Bonuses
You Will Also Receive These Bonuses

Bonus #1
Bonus #1

Breaking Seals to Source Unification Series

Value: $616

7 MP3s

Total Runtime: 56 Minutes

Break the 7 "Seals" and Heal Yourself Naturally!

The last two years, collective energetic density and debris has been at an all-time high, so we must ensure that our physical energy centers are running optimally to fully acclimate and integrate INto the Freedom Codes.

Breaking the 7 Seals to Source Unification must be done BEFORE the LIVE Sessions!

Note: If you have already completed this series previously, Chameice highly recommends doing them ALL again to ensure all 7 energy centers are completely free of energetic debris before beginning the Freedom Codes series.

Breaking Seals to Source Unification Includes:

Breaking Seal 1 — Releasing Pride

Breaking Seal 1 assists in releasing "pride." Pride is an easily programmable emotion. It is often determined by societal, cultural, religious, or socioeconomic perspectives.

This MP3 releases distraction and influence programs from the third eye.

Breaking Seal 2 — Releasing Envy

Breaking Seal 2 assists in releasing "envy." Envy is a programmed emotional response to others or life. When we are in our full power and knowing, we do not envy another; instead, we are inspired by them or by a desirable situation trusting that we, too, can obtain it.

This MP3 releases disconnection and division programs from your heart.

Breaking Seal 3 — Releasing Greed

Breaking Seal 3 assists in releasing "greed." The frequency of "greed" plays out in many programmed responses in our daily lives. It is hoarding due to a subconscious fear of not having enough someday, it is control due to a subconscious fear of not being free to really choose, it is living on autopilot due to a subconscious fear to step into the unknown; the many ways individuals play out the frequency of "greed" is limitless.

This MP3 releases fearful sights of the future in the third eye, so that you see infinite abundance.

Breaking Seal 4 — Releasing Sloth

Breaking Seal 4 assists in releasing "sloth." Sloth is defined as reluctance to work or make an effort. This can be exhibited as procrastination, inconsistency, lack of enthusiasm, lack of will, and many other physical or mental manifestations of "sloth" frequency.

This MP3 releases disempowering agreements and programs from your solar plexus, so that you connect back into Eternal Life Force energy.

Breaking Seal 5 — Releasing Lust

Breaking Seal 5 assists with releasing "lust." Lust is the frequency of conditional love. It is a temporary vibrational frequency that is easily set by societal, cultural, ancestral, or religious programming.

This MP3 releases programs based on conditional love from your sacral chakra so that you are free of the lust programs that limit your ability to love unconditionally.

Breaking Seal 6 — Releasing Gluttony

Breaking Seal 6 assists with releasing "gluttony." Gluttony is the vibration of over-indulgence, of self-medicating on something desirable to fill the absence of a desirable life. It is pulling life out of balance from one extreme to another. It is avoidance and resistance of what you are not letting go of and moving into.

This MP3 releases self-medicating programs to bring in balance. It gently guides you into creating the change you need in your life to stop the loops of avoidance and resistance in your crown chakra so that you can flow into your True Will — a moment-to-moment path of action that operates in perfect harmony with All That Is.

Breaking Seal 7 — Releasing Wrath

Breaking Seal 7 assists with releasing "wrath." The wrath frequency keeps individuals locked into both the blame and shame programs towards self or others. It creates self-sabotage due to feeling incomplete, unworthy due to being a "sinner." It creates anger due to judgmental mindsets.

This MP3 releases judgment and sinner programs from your root chakra to fully anchor you into sovereign physicality.

Bonus #2
Bonus #2

Private Facebook Group

Value: $100

Online Community

As a bonus to Chameice's offer, you will receive access to her private Facebook group, a SoulFull community full of tribe members.

Created for you to connect with other like-minded souls in a safe forum where you can share your experiences working with Chameice's programs. You will also receive additional support, tips and answers to your questions.

Package A

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,408

You Wealth Special Offer: $108

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B
Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 2: Two-Part Turn Your Shadows into Shine Audio Series
Item 2: Two-Part Turn Your Shadows into Shine Audio Series

Value: $376

Instant Access

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 2 Hours

On the New Moon and Full Moon, we will have a group call to support discovering how to turn your Shadows INto Shine.

Understanding the Natural Cycles of Earth and knowing how to work with the cycles to create with ease and grace is part of the 14-year awakening phase — during New Mooning energetics we expand into new creation cycles and during Full Mooning energetics we release to make space for the growth within the next cycle.

THESE CYCLES ARE IMPERATIVE TO REMAIN IN FLOW by using these two opportunities every month to honor what is ready to go and open to what we desire to create next assists us with remembering to consistently focus and energetically feed our creation lines.

Q&A will follow every Group Call Process, giving you the opportunity to receive support and additional guidance if needed.

The Sessions

November New Moon Session

The new moon is a time to set intentions and launch new projects. Since new moons happen once a month and signifies the beginning of a cycle, you can think of them as a cosmic reset. The new moon is an ideal time to set intentions and goals that you desire to create. Think of New Moons as a cosmic opportunity to set clear intentions, have a strong focus, and boost what you desire to create monthly.

During the November New Moon Group Session, We work with the astrological sign and energy of Scorpio. This allows us to release effortlessly with Universal assistance.

November Full Moon Session

The Full Moon is a peak of energy that highlights opposing polarities and forces in your life. This is the perfect time for deep inner reflection about what no longer resonates, what we are ready to let go of, what we are ready to rise into, and it is also a time of opening to harvesting creations of the past.

Over the many years I have been doing energy work, one of the most common issues that I see that prevents people from full creation potential is lack of consistent focus during creation cycles. They can resist the release cycle or resist the expansion cycle for a number of reasons. Consistently and consciously honoring the Mooning Cycles is a relaxing and fun way to maintain consistency.

Item 3: Three (3) Months of Remote Energy Transmissions
Item 3: Three (3) Months of Remote Energy Transmissions

Value: $1,200

Remote Healing Transmission

Mondays, for 3 Months
Beginning the First Monday After Purchase

Chameice's 'Web of Rejuvenation' Remote Healings

Every Monday you will receive a remote healing transmission that will remind your energetic field to anchor fully into vital life force energies. The remote healing will continue every Monday for three months, starting the first Monday after purchasing the package.

There is nothing for you to do but to be open to receiving these energies.

You will not receive an email nor any other form of communication, just the energy sent remotely.

Chameice is a huge proponent of regular energy management.

Most people never see the results they desire simply because they do not clear, balance, and boost their energy with proper energy management. Busy schedules are often the culprit to lack of consistency, so 3 months of remote healing can be a game changer. Chameice will clear, balance, and boost your energy every Monday!

Due to the high levels of distraction energy currently running in the collective, energy management is essential to maintain spiritual discernment!

Package B

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $3,984

You Wealth Special Offer: $148

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C
Package C

Includes everything in Packages A and B, PLUS:

Item 4: 30-Minute Private Session with Chameice
Item 4: 30-Minute Private Session with Chameice

Value: $388

Via Phone

Are You Ready to Fully Awaken to Your Life Purpose and Step into a More Authentic You?

Now is the time you have been waiting for. With assistance from my team of Angelic Masters, the 13 Golden Suns who are a combination of Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Interplanetary Wisdom Keepers, Chameice will help you unlock the doors to your greatest potential, abundance, success, and joy.

During your one-on-one session I will check your field to ensure that all of the MP3 protocols are released properly, and the templates activated properly. Chameice will also check to make sure your energetic field is running at 100% for full creation potential.

You will have time to ask questions so we can ensure you are running at full potentiality.

Chameice will scan all of your energy fields to balance and release all that no longer serves your highest good. Chameice releases your blocks only to a comfortable level that will not cause you to release too much, too fast, causing you a rebound period.

You will feel a huge difference, but this gives your mind a chance to process and sync with your soul, so you are still doing the work to progress your soul. Chameice reads into the energy of past lives you may still have in your energetic field that are causing you to subconsciously loop back into patterns or behaviors from that lifetime but are no longer needed.

During your session Chameice will:

  • Read gifts you received from past lives that will serve you now so you can awaken to them and use them along your path now.
  • Go over your insights from the program and I will check to make sure all of the frequencies from the MP3s were downloaded properly and are running at 100%.
  • Discuss patterns and behaviors that no longer support your growth so they can be eliminated once and for all.
  • We will discuss any and all issues with power struggle or loss of power so you can regain your full strength, vitality, and power.
  • Perform a Soul Retrieval session, if necessary, so you can reclaim any power pieces you have given away.
  • Open all of your energy fields to a balanced state for optimal mind, body, and spirit connections.
  • Increase the flow to your higher self and intuition which will bring you a profound sense of trust and faith in yourself and decision-making abilities.
  • Cleanse your aura so you are only feeling NOW.
  • Bless and charge all energy centers and assist you in making a request to all of your soul tribe, so you can clearly hear, see, feel, and know all of their divine guidance and act accordingly.

This session is completely tailored to your specific needs, so if more needs to be done or completed, rest assured that it will be done, during this session, in divine order!

Note: Your personal session will be recorded and emailed to you following the session.

Package C

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $4,172

You Wealth Special Offer: $208

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

Special Added Bonus Expires Monday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Positive Programming the DNA


Runtime: 6 Minutes

Positive Programming the DNA: Molecular Biologists now call "junk" DNA, or Unprogrammed DNA, because they now recognize the power that our intentions have to program our DNA.

Positively Programming your DNA isn't an avoidance tactic — instead it buoys you into balance. It takes the edge off while you get from where you are, to where you want to be. It fills your mind with excitement.

We have all heard master manifestors talk about the power of visualizing what you want as if you have it now — fake it till you make it — now you don't have to fake the frequency.

You can install it to boost your magnetism.

This MP3 allows you to program a specific intention or frequency into your DNA! Chameice does all of the energetic and physiological work for you, all you have to do is decide what positive program you would like to install and then listen to the MP3. Just sit back, relax, and think about the frequency or intention you desire while listening and the MP3 will install it into your DNA.

Popular intentions and frequencies include:

  • Abundance
  • Success
  • Unconditional Love
  • SoulMates
  • Adventure
  • Passion
  • Purpose
  • SoulTribe

just focus on ONE intention or frequency until it begins to manifest in your physical life!

Note: If you experience chronic mental/emotional/physical issues that you desire to correct, listen a minimum of once daily until you see improvement. You can loop this MP3 and set the intention for it to install the same frequency each time it plays for accelerated results.

Package A

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,408

You Wealth Special Offer: $108

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $3,984

You Wealth Special Offer: $148

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $4,172

You Wealth Special Offer: $208

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Expert Reviews


About Chameice Daniel

Chameice Daniel's headshot

Chameice Daniel has helped thousands of people worldwide fully anchor into their infinite power to create the lives they only dreamed were possible.

She has been named the "Queen of Abundance" by clients and has helped CEOs, CFOs, actors, writers, and people just beginning to create their dreams manifest large income streams, publishing contracts, twin flames, and soulmates, and much more!

She is a natural intuitive with an academic background in psychology. She holds honorary Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics Certificates.

She was trained by Jack Canfield, famed author of Chicken Soup for the Soul in his famous Success Principles workshop. She is certified in Laughter Yoga, Angel Card readings, Archangel Life Coaching, Intuitive Counseling, Kinesiology, and Interfaith Ministries. She is a certified Peace Ambassador and Inner Priestess with years of shamanic training.

96% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Chameice Daniel

A Total Retail Value of $2,408

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $108

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30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

96% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Chameice Daniel

A Total Retail Value of $3,984

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $148

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30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

95% Off

Package C

Special Offer by Chameice Daniel

A Total Retail Value of $4,172

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $208

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after private session has occurred

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Chameice Daniel's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or before the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Chameice Daniel's package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period, or before the private session has occurred (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].