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Dr. Susan Shumsky's headshot

Dr. Susan Shumsky is a best-selling author, foremost spirituality expert, pioneer in the self-development field, highly-acclaimed and greatly respected professional speaker, New Thought minister, and Doctor of Divinity. She has authored Divine Revelation, in continuous print with Simon & Schuster for 16 years, as well as the award-winning Miracle Prayer, published by Random House, the award-winning Exploring Chakras, the award-winning Amazon.com best seller How to Hear the Voice of God, plus Exploring Meditation and Exploring Auras. Her latest award-winning book, Ascension, was a #1 Amazon.com bestseller. Her upcoming book is called Instant Healing. All her books have been published in several languages worldwide.

Dr. Shumsky has practiced self-development disciplines for 45 years. For 22 years she lived in the Himalayas, the Swiss Alps, and other secluded areas, studying personally with enlightened master from India Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra. She was on Maharishi's personal staff for 7 years. She then studied New Thought and metaphysics for another 24 years and became a Doctor of Divinity.

Dr. Shumsky has taught yoga, meditation, prayer, and intuition to thousands of students all over the world since 1970 as a true New Thought pioneer. She has done over 500 speaking engagements and over 500 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, nationally syndicated TV and radio on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What?

She is the founder of Divine Revelation®, a complete technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. She now travels extensively, facilitating workshops, seminars, spiritual retreats, spiritual cruises, as well as tours to India, Peru, Bali, Egypt, and other sacred destinations.

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,350

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

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Item 1:

Ascension: Connection with the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light

Value: $200

22 MP3s

Total Runtime: 10 Hours and 10 Minutes

You will never die. Beyond the mortal boundaries of your physical form, you are an immortal being, living forever in a beauteous, radiant body of luminous spheres in multiple dimensions. Ascension - Connecting with the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light will open your eyes to these spheres. You will begin to awaken your true, immortal self - a magnificent being of brilliant light, radiance, and glory.

Ascension leads you into the depths of your being to recover what might be called your higher self, guardian angel, inner guru, spiritual guide, master-teacher, or God within. You will meet and consciously communicate with deities, angels, archangels, and masters from worldwide traditions, as well as divine beings personal and unique to you. All of them are eager to meet and communicate with you.

In this unabridged audio book, you will discover:

  • How to meet the ascended masters and angels of light
  • Stories, beautiful paintings, and drawings of these immortal beings
  • What it means to experience ascension and walk beyond death
  • Stories about visitations from divine beings
  • People living today who might be ascended masters
  • Inspiring messages from the immortal masters and deities

Item 2:

Paintings of Ascended Masters and Beings of Light

Value: $510

34 JPEGs

Now you can enjoy Dr. Susan Shumsky's beautiful paintings of aspects of your higher self, divine beings, immortal sages, ascended masters of East and West, the White Brotherhood, deities, saints, seers, prophets, angels, archangels, and holy men and women of many spiritual traditions.

All of these pictures are depicted in black and white in Dr. Shumsky's book Ascension, but those offered here are in full, glorious color. These high resolution files can be printed out in any size. They can be printed out and laminated, printed on canvas — even silk-screened on t-shirts. These amazing paintings will grace your home, meditation room, or sacred space with high vibrational energies.

Copyright 2012 Susan Shumsky

Item 3:

Avatars and Ascended Masters Are Real!

Value: $200


Runtime: 90 Minutes

You will never die. Beyond the mortal boundaries of your mortal form, you are an immortal being, living forever in a beauteous, radiant body of luminous spheres in multiple dimensions. Dr. Susan Shumsky will open your eyes to these spheres. You will begin to awaken your true, immortal self — a magnificent being of brilliant light, radiance, and glory.

In this Teleseminar with Dr. Susan Shumsky, you will learn:

  • How to meet the ascended masters and angels of light
  • Amazing stories of immortal beings
  • What it means to experience ascension and walk beyond death
  • Stories about direct visitations from divine beings
  • People living today who might be ascended masters
  • How George Washington and the founding fathers were visited by ascended masters
  • Reports of ascended masters disappearing with a flash of light
  • Secrets of the real fountain of youth and Philosopher's Stone
  • Great saints of India who live in eternal youth
  • Corpses that remain fresh and sweet-smelling for up to 1800 years
  • Incorruptible ancient corpses such as Saint Nicolas, which exude copious healing balm
  • Real-life stories of immortal Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, and Taoist masters
  • Encounters with people who have lived hundreds or thousands of years
  • How to directly contact and communicate with ascended masters

You will learn about real ascended masters, avatars, immortal beings, walk-ins, the Great White Lodge and Brotherhood, immortal elixirs, soma, ringsels, incorruptible corpses, and so much more.

Copyright 2012 Susan Shumsky

Item 4:

Ascension: Meeting the Masters of Immortality

Value: $100


Runtime: 1 Hour and 33 Minutes

Is immortal life a fantasy? Or is it possible for human beings to life forever in a body of radiant divine light? Amazingly, many cultures give credence to the possibility of ascension or eternal life.

Dr. Susan Shumsky, author, spiritual teacher, and artist, will present a magnificent narrated slide show featuring her beautiful inspiring watercolor paintings of deities, angels, and Ascended Masters.

During this show she will tell amazing stories about these immortal beings who live eternally in a body of brilliant light. Then she will lead a guided meditation specifically designed to raise your spiritual vibration and help you begin your own process of ascension.

Plus - Meditation to Experience Ascended Light Body

In this awe-inspiring workshop, you will:

  • See beautiful paintings of deities and other divine beings of many cultures
  • Hear amazing stories about these luminous, resplendent beings of light
  • Discover your choices in life, death, afterlife, spiritual enlightenment, and ascension
  • Learn how you can transform your physical body into a body of light
  • Experience the quickening of Spirit pervading and lifting your body and mind

Item 5:

Ascension: Living Forever in a Body of Light

Value: $100


Runtime: 1 Hour and 16 Minutes

Explore the status of an ascended master, mastery over life and death! Practice bodily immortality and continual renewal. Heal what has prevented you from creating miracles on a daily basis. Experience yourself as who you really are (divine), rather than who you thought you were (the ego). You are a magnificent light-being of great power and energy. Your higher nature is pure light and love, and in this workshop, you will experience oneness with that energy. Walk through the veil that has separated you from God. Be that divine beingness right now.

Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide you into a powerful meditation that is unavailable anywhere else, in which you will experience the body consumed by the elements of nature and transmuted into a light body. Plus a Special Body Transmutation Meditation.

In this awe-inspiring, powerful, profound workshop, you will:

  • Experience your true nature of oneness and wholeness
  • Reveal the secret of what prevents you from experiencing ascension
  • Make a conscious decision to ascend and live that oneness in every moment
  • Experience God-realization and God-consciousness through meditation
  • Experience divine love, light, grace, energy, and power pouring into your energy field
  • Come home to the comfort, security, joy, and fulfillment of God's loving presence

* Experience Ascension directly in a very special, unprecedented, profound meditation given to Dr. Shumsky directly from Babaji.

Item 6:

Kumbh Mela — Nectar of Immortal Life

Value: $100


Runtime: 1 Hour and 15 Minutes

Since 2001, Dr. Susan Shumsky has taken tour groups to the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad and Haridwar, India. She will present a narrated slide show of hundreds of stunning photographs so you can visit and experience this awesome event yourself. This amazing slideshow includes historic details with inspiring, informative storytelling. A staggering 100 million people attended the 2001 Kumbh Mela — the "greatest recorded number of human beings assembled with a common purpose." — Guinness Book of Records.

Maha Kumbh Mela ("great festival of the pot of nectar of immortality") is a spiritual gathering in Allahabad, India, where three sacred rivers meet: Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati. There saints, seers, sages, and seekers bathe at the auspicious moment — once every 12 years. Holy men and women from Himalayan caves make a rare appearance to bless the people at this extraordinary event. Kumbh Fair is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the lucky ones.

During this awe-inspiring workshop, you will experience this amazing once-in-a-lifetime blessing for yourself:

  • Understand and experience Gandhi's contribution to non-violence and world peace
  • Experience how 100 million people can come together in complete peace and harmony
  • Experience spiritual blessings directly from the Saints of India
  • Receive darshan (blessings) of Himalayan saints, yogis, Dalai Lama, and 4 Shankaracharyas
  • Learn about Indian culture, religion, and profound spirituality
  • Feel the profound love and harmony that characterized the festival
  • Understand how profound faith can lead to a season of nonviolence for all humanity

Copyright 2012 Susan Shumsky

Item 7:

Voice of God Audio Series

Value: $1000

17 MP3s

Total Runtime: 10 Hours and 15 Minutes

Do you long to be touched by the "still small voice," the divine intuitive voice? Do you seek genuine spiritual experience? Because in this profound, awe-inspiring guided meditative seminar, you will learn how to listen to the "still small voice" within and use that deep spiritual connection to solve everyday problems and to receive divine love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration.

Avoid the dangers of spiritual gullibility. Now test whether your intuition is "the real thing" by using 10 tests of spiritual discernment and other precise methods to practice "safe spirituality." You will learn proven techniques to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact.

With Divine Revelation® you will:

  • Receive divine messages from Spirit at will
  • Receive answers to your questions
  • Use inner "names" and "signals"
  • "Speak-through" messages from Spirit
  • Break through resistances and ego barriers
  • Become your own guru
  • Discover your life purpose
  • Awaken your inner genius
  • Enjoy little miracles in everyday life

Copyright 2012 Susan Shumsky

Item 8:

Divine Revelation Guided Meditation

Value: $60


Runtime: 70 Minutes

This special file helps you open to the inner voice through a powerful, field-proven guided meditation that tens of thousands have used to successfully develop their intuition in a practical way. During this session, Dr. Shumsky will personally guide you into a profound, deep meditation, in which will open the pipeline to direct contact with God and begin the flow of divine guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from the center of being within.

During this meditation, you will:

  • Pass through the seeming veil that has separated us from God
  • Experience the supernal light of the divine presence and Holy Spirit directly
  • Heal ego blockages that have prevented clear inner divine contact and communication
  • Learn how to hear the inner voice and receive messages from the true voice of Spirit
  • Receive clear divine inner contact — the experience of divine love, light, profound peace, harmony, and contentment
  • Receive at least one inner name of a divine being or deity within you

Copyright 2012 Susan Shumsky

Item 9:

Divine Revelation Guided Meditation for Daily Use

Value: $30


Runtime: 30 Minutes

This 30-minute guided meditation can help you quiet your mind and open your heart so you can hear that divine voice and receive divine messages, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from within yourself. The soothing voice of Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide you into a very deep meditative state. Then you can practice receiving messages and getting answers to your questions from your own higher self.

Item 10:

Ascension Panel

Value: $50


Runtime: 1 Hour and 1 Minute

See what some of the nation's foremost Ascension Experts say about what Ascension REALLY is.

Host: Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers: Dr. Susan Shumsky, Dr. Lauren Amber Serna, Dr. Basia Durnas, Robert Potter, Ed Harkness Spina, and Eric "the Healer"

Dr. Basia is an empath, a natural healer and a medical intuitive. Her spiritual training began at the age of 3 when Ascended Masters came to instruct her in the balanced use of The Divine Forces of Love, Wisdom & Power. Ordained as a Religious Science Minister practicing Ascension principles and teaching techniques to raise the vibrational frequency of our bodies, allowing them to hold more light and ignite the process of ascension.

Edwin Harkness Spina is an award-winning author, speaker and mystic. His first book, Mystic Warrior, won the Independent Publisher Book Award for Visionary Fiction and a Nautilus Silver Book Award for Fiction. Ed is also a contributing author, along with Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale and others, to the bestseller, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life. Ed is also the developer of Energy Center Clearing, which flushes low vibrational energies that lead to stress, fear, anger and hatred from a person's being and replaces them with higher vibrational energies that leaves you feeling light, free and energized.

Rob Potter has been researching healing and consciousness for over 40 years. He has given seminars all over the world including Egypt, Canada, Germany and USA. He has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975 with (the late) Dr. Fred Bell in Laguna Beach at the age of 18. He has traveled extensively in his search for truth, and has spent time with Sai Baba in India. Rob is considered an expert in pyramidology and the uses of crystals. He is a master healer in the art of laying on hands and almost every modality of massage.

Lauren Amber Serna: CHT, EFT, RMT, Intuitive Healer, Metaphysical Teacher, Hypnotherapist, Sound Healer. Lauren's mission is one of love and compassion. She was born a natural healer, always gravitating to helping others. She believes that joy is a state of mind, and whether or not you choose to be in that state determines if life will be pleasurable. There are specific tools, techniques, and processes to help achieve the state of a peaceful, balanced, joyous life. Her mission is to help you transform the pain, grief, sadness, fear and separation, into clarity and understanding, to release the blocks that hold you back. She is able to help you discover how to create the life you've always wanted, while allowing a space for transformation to take place.

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,350

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


Wonderful! I felt moved to tears and I felt touched by God. There was a feeling of relief, and later peacefulness. I felt warm and tingly and tears were flowing. I had a sense that all was well now. I feel freer and lighter now. I've reached a higher level. Very good! Very meaningful to me.


social services supervisor

New York

I am experiencing deep peace and a loving connection with my environment. I feel a greater connection to God.



Malibu, CA

I'm really happy with what my body is feeling-peace and quietness within my Being. Lots of good energy running up and down my body. I think on a scale from 1 to 10: Ten +++++. I will let my friends know about my experience.



New York

I am experiencing a deep sense of calmness somewhere deep within while feeling a great sense of energy tingling throughout my body. I feel very much in awe of this whole experience.


travel agent

Bothell, WA

It is wonderful to have experienced this teaching and I feel really lucky to have been able to come. The pace was fast, and the meditation very deep. It is a practical way to connect with God and discern inner guidance from the Divine. It was great!



Sag Harbor, NY

A feeling of ecstasy infused me and I felt totally overwhelmingly loved. I was lifted and taken care of and belonged, was a part of, the Holy Spirit. I felt cleansed and healed and a child of God. I felt the overwhelming wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit and tremendous love. The total stillness of mind brought a relaxation and complete peace that is ineffable bliss and serenity. I felt totally taken care of.


legal secretary

Los Angeles

A big thing I learned was that I can feel God inside of me as a real, powerful presence, not as some abstract faraway thing.


commodity trader

Austin, TX

I felt like I was being hugged and loved by God (Spirit), very warm, and then I got messages about being loved and protected and safe.



Milford, MA

I felt suffused with 'knowing'-with the feeling I always have when something is true for me. I could 'sense' more than I could talk. It was more than I expected or wanted-yet it is what I need. I feel energized, questioning, yet at peace.

Dr. J.B.

Danbury, CT

Divine Revelation has been one of the most helpful tools I've ever used on a spiritual path to God. It has dramatically changed my life and brought me closer to God and to myself. The meditation is very inspiring, uplifting and fun.




This meditation lifts me into a state of heightened consciousness, of divine love, light, and truth. It opens my heart center to the divine, inmost nature within me. It aligns my thoughts and attitudes more clearly to divine truth, and stimulates and nurtures a greater sense of personal power.


seminar leader

Santa Cruz, CA

The Divine Revelation Breakthrough Intensive has changed my life dramatically in helping me to be so much more peaceful and serene. You are doing such wonderful work that changes lives in a very dramatic way. I hope that you will keep on doing it always!


Madison, WI

I had been practicing meditation for twenty years and had been a spiritual healer for ten years. I had also been teaching seminars in the human potential field. Then I had a 'breakthrough session' using the techniques in Susan's book. This was the very first time, in all these years of experience and all those practices, that I felt and saw this divine Spirit that was inside me and that was at my service. This was a great relief to directly experience that, in fact, God was inside me and not just outside.


holistic health practitioner

Mill Valley, CA

I would say that this experience of the higher self has always been there, at least as long as I can remember, but as a result of taking this Divine Revelation course, it is much clearer, and I have much more confidence in the truth and validity of my own intuition and my own inner guidance or experience of my own higher self, and I find that by practicing this daily, I am using this much more in my daily life.



Malibu, CA

96% Off

Special Offer by Dr. Susan Shumsky

A Total Retail Value of $2,350

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You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $97

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].