Welcome to Ziad Hashash's Special Offer Page

Awakened Abundance: Bridging Spirituality, Prosperity and Healing

Are you prospering as much as you truly desire?

Are you seeing joyful and fulfilling abundance show up in your life often?

Experience Quantum Shifts…

Manifest from the Invisible to the Visible Realms with Greater Ease!

  • Discover miraculous processes, tools and insights to create greater abundance in your life
  • Dive deep and anchor the sacred essence of Infinity/Eternity in your present reality
  • Acknowledge and heal the core issues that prevent true abundance

Issues Lovingly Addressed and Resolve With Ease

Having met a lot of great healers, Ziad stands out as being one of the most gifted and talented. He has a powerful way of getting to the root of whatever issues someone may be experiencing, and then is able to lovingly address and resolve them with ease. I send many of my clients to Ziad, because I know they will have a miraculous experience.

Emmanuel Dagher

Bestselling Author and Teacher

A Magical and Empowering Experience

On one of your "Self-Healing" sessions, during the process I was able to visualize myself as a child living in another country with a family and curiously we were peasants living in a small village. It was amazing how Ziad was able to guide me with such knowledge being able to direct me in and out of the process of regression. I can only explain it as a magical and empowering experience. On another occasion during "Mastered Manifesting — Fulfill Your Desired Destiny" session Ziad was downloading divine energy and at that moment my whole body was feeling such a magical experience feeling goosebumps from head to toes, and after the session I was feeling a state of peace and well-being.

Jose Miguel Valentin

Are you prospering as much as you truly desire to be? Are you seeing joyful and fulfilling abundance show up in your life often? If so, then yes, yes, yes, you have transcended the outdated patterns around money and spirituality!

However, if you are someone who may still be experiencing some blocks with your experience of abundance, we are going to move past them together quickly!

There's a great deal of electromagnetic energies in the air lately, and it's bringing to the surface some deeply rooted patterns for us to look at and heal once and for all.

One of the main themes coming up for many at this time is to be healed in their experience of abundance. Ziad has been guided to create a powerful new healing series titled Awakened Abundance, Bridging Spirituality, Prosperity & Healing.

The series will include some very powerful healing processes and new information that will begin to clear the old patterns and blocks that have held you back from experiencing fulfilling abundance in your life.

Package A

Discount: 89% Off

Total Value: $896

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $2,782

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

Package A

Item 1: Awakened Abundance Introduction

Item 1: Awakened Abundance Introduction

Value: $47

MP3 — 34 minutes

In this introductory audio, Ziad provides the listeners with a foundation to 5 ALL NEW healing sessions that will allow you to dive deep into, and anchor the sacred essence of Infinity/Eternity in your present reality. This is where abundance resides, and you will know how to instantly tap into this aspect of yourself, to manifest from the invisible realms into the visible with greater ease.

You will learn about the miraculous processes, tools and insights that will support you with creating greater abundance in your life and you'll learn to acknowledge and heal the core issues that are still preventing you from experiencing true abundance in all facets of your being.

My Heart Is Soaring

Ziad is such a warm, kind person. During our phone session, I could feel strong love radiating from him that gave me a sense of peace and made me feel safe. His gifts as a channel and healer are wonderful. Before my session, I wrote down several questions. When Ziad called me, he gave me a message that he had received for me before the call. The message answered each of my questions precisely. Ziad's healing therapies that I experienced were gentle, yet powerful. I learned so much about myself and was literally set free. My heart is soaring now that the misery I was trapped beneath has been transformed into joyful hope!

Mathieu N.

Cannes, France

Item 2: Awakened Mental Abundance

Item 2: Awakened Mental Abundance

Value: $177

MP3 — 65 minutes

The first session of "Awakened Mental Abundance" we will cleanse ourselves of old agreements that are no longer useful, these agreements relate to past lifetimes and former level of consciousness. Such agreements and beliefs are no longer useful now at our heightened level of awareness. These old agreements and vows from our past are now holding us back in the present from unfolding to our full potential.

Through this audio session, we will go through a very powerful "Brain Blockage Removal" process to access the true essence of who we are, coupled by a very powerful affirmation to reprogram our subconscious mind.

Item 3: Awakened Financial Abundance

Item 3: Awakened Financial Abundance

Value: $177

MP3 — 56 minutes

Most of our perception about money and abundance usually is programmed on a subconscious level! For that I use processes which will enable us to reprogram our subconscious mind to enter a new way of being.

In this "Financial Abundance" session we will learn the true definition of "money" and how to see and emotionally relate to it in a different way, and learn how to attract its flow into our experience.

Item 4: Awakened Emotional & Physical Abundance

Item 4: Awakened Emotional & Physical Abundance

Value: $177

MP3 — 65 minutes

When we are experiencing physical abundance, we are automatically aligning as well emotionally with our true awakened state of consciousness. In the same way when we are emotionally abundant the body always follows.

In this session, we will learn how to eliminate any distractions from being emotionally and physically available to our own selves first, and how to identify the roots of our issues about self-worth which keeps us stuck.

Item 5: Awakened Spiritual Abundance

Item 5: Awakened Spiritual Abundance

Value: $177

MP3 — 67 minutes

Put your dancing shoes on for a powerful dancing meditation. There's nothing more spiritual than dancing. Do you ever put on your favorite dancing music when no one is around and just cut loose? It's a great way to release tension and unwind. With a few simple additions, this pleasurable experience can become a meditation.

In the spiritual abundance session, the key element is to forget that you are dancing and to feel that you are the dance; then the dance becomes a meditation when the divisions dissolve and you are totally involved, totally merged into the dance. You do not need to do anything to force this shift; you just allow it to happen.

When you do this dancing meditation, you release a tremendous amount of tension, and creative insights arise. Tension is simply trapped energy. The wild and free movement of the dance is a great way to set this energy free and get it moving. Feeling free in your body allows your mind to expand, your heart to open, and your spirit to soar.

Able to Feel, Sense and See Things

Ziad is a natural and gifted healer. He is very in tune with what is taking place during the healing and I just had so much fun reading the write-up after my session and I was also able to feel, sense and see these things as they occurred. Ziad is just so in tune with the higher frequencies and vibrations in which he assists in facilitating. I look forward to future sessions!

Claire O.

Ontario, Canada

Item 6: Om Brzee Namaha

Item 6: Om Brzee Namaha

Value: $47

MP3 — 4 minutes

Om Brzee Namaha mantra is offered as a practice to magnify abundance in our lives. By simply repeating this mantra over and over, people are said to attract the energy of money towards their lives. The powerful sound OM BRZEE NAMAHA is the ultimate prosperity magnet; it carries deep within it the power and potential of abundance. You will notice after repeating this mantra on a daily basis, a sense of peace and bliss, it is the abundant energies of what is.

The mantra is also done to assist people in their prayer and reach a meditation state where they can have deep thoughts regarding their lives and their situations. With the meditation aspect of the wealth mantra, not only financial wealth will be achieved but also spiritual health.

Please listen to it through your headphone if you wish to experience a full effect. Repeat the mantra at least 108 times or more daily.

You'll Also Receive these Bonuses

You'll Also Receive these Bonuses

Golden Star Activation

Value: $47

MP3 — 33 minutes

The Golden Star Activation is a modality that Ziad has been using and teaching for over 13 years which anchors the pure patterns of Divine perfection into every aspect of our present reality using Sacred Geometry which refers to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another if used rightly. You will be learning how to activate The Golden Star Tetrahedron which is comprised of 2 opposing tetrahedrons that are spinning in opposite directions.

As you listen, the Sacred Geometry that we will be anchoring into our being will activate our light body and re-unify it with our physical, emotional and mental bodies. The result is that a greater sense of connection, joy, well-being and expansion will enter our being with greater ease.

Geometric Healing is also very supportive with helping to navigate through the energy wave cycles that are causing rapid shifts and transitions to occur.

Advanced Technique of the Golden Star Activation

Value: $47

MP3 — 16 minutes

The Advanced Golden Star Activation will enable your spiritual energy field to be activated by using breathing and certain visualizations and numbers. Before using this technique please make sure you have practiced the first activation and then make the advanced activation a priority to use every day.

The Advanced Golden Star Activation involves breathing changes, as well as mind, heart and body changes that alter the way a person perceives the Reality. Situated around the human body is a three-dimensional geometric web that is dormant and nonfunctional, waiting for the right moment. When the spirit that inhabits your body remembers that it is there and begins to change certain aspects of itself, an incredible transformation begins to grow. By using the Advance Golden Star Activation every day you increase your expansion beyond your limited form; this unfoldment is all part of the evolving cosmic DNA which is imbedded within us.

Package A

Discount: 89% Off

Total Value: $896

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Sacred Expansion Healing: Seven Transformative Healing Activations

Sacred Expansion Healing: Seven Transformative Healing Activations

You are an immortal Being of Light, and you are hearing the call of your Divine Self

This is the essence of the Sacred Expansion Healing Series—seven peaceful-yet-powerful healing sessions that help you access your soul purpose [or Divine purpose] and identity.

In this amazing series, Ziad has combined his knowledge of powerful healing modalities with ancient mystery school teachings and his own intuitive healing abilities, to give you access to life-changing renewal and expansion.

Like a one-on-one mentor session, each recording empowers you to use your own intuitive abilities as you experience the energies of healing, renewal, and expansion in every area of your life.

  • The protocols in these sessions will transmute the lower energies that reside in your denser emotions.
  • Step into an amazing new life, free of the limiting beliefs of this or any other lifetime.
  • Free yourself from the old mental ruts, dense energy patterns, and negative teachings that may have limited your belief about what is possible for you—and how deep your healing can go.
  • Embody your full potential, as you release the layers of old training, fear, and misunderstanding that hide your true nature.
  • Step up to your role as a powerful immortal being, made of pure Love and Light, with this transformative series.

Each transformative session contains beautiful, peaceful background music to help you reach a deeper state of healing and meditation

Many have found that listening to these recordings more than once powerfully increases their effects

Item 7: The Ultimate Healing Zone

Item 7: The Ultimate Healing Zone

Value: $227

MP3 — 63 minutes

Tapping into the Sweet Space of Healing and Knowing

Tap into the sacred space of Knowing, with this powerful session, designed for those who feel stuck inside mental patterns and processes that were created in the past. You may feel that your mind is the locked into certain negative belief patterns and trained reactions that you can't change or release. But though it is true that the mind can create thoughts and emotional patterns, that is only one of its functions.

This powerful session will show you two great truths about the mind:

  1. When the mind is turned outward, it gets lost in projections, emotions, and stories
  2. When it is turned inward, it recognizes its own Divine nature, which creates the space for it to be liberated from the old patterns, and be transformed to a much higher level

this session will leave you in awe of its grounding yet powerful energies!

The true nature of your mind is sacred, infinite space. You can transform your mind to work in higher, more peaceful, more expansive ways, once you form the clear intent to do so.

It's time for your mind to fulfill the spirit-expanding role it was created for. Let this highly energized session lead you remembering your Sacred Self.

In this session, you will learn how to transform your beautiful mind by:

  • Tapping into the sacred mind-space
  • Unifying your heart and mind
  • Opening up to the energies of the Seventh Dimension
  • Seeing how the sacred space of the mind, when directed inward, enables you to transform your life and the lives of others
  • Using your sacred mind-space to open the channels to the flow of Divine Energies and Divine Plan of your True Being

Patience, Persistence and Practical Insights

A meditation professional and healer who can both listen and advise is a rare breed. When you find one you are struck with two antithetical impulses. Keep such a treasure all to one's self and… tell those in need there is someone who can truly help those who want help. Ziad Hashash presented us with such a dilemma. In the world of counseling Ziad is a rare breed. His patience, persistence and practical insights set him apart and both Roula and I are deeply appreciative of the journey he has travelled with us.

Tarik Z.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Item 8: Mastered Manifesting

Item 8: Mastered Manifesting

Value: $277

MP3 — 74 minutes

Fulfill Your Desired Destiny

This abundance-creating session is about learning the art of manifesting your deepest desires, as you grasp the scientifically based (quantum physics) method to becoming a Divine Manifester. You'll learn what true Manifestation really is, and how to permanently eliminate the most common obstacles to manifestation, to ensure that you reap great results. You'll learn how to override the collective consciousness blocks around manifesting. And you'll learn how to ask for what you desire in the most effective way, distilling your requests down to the one clear idea the Universe will most easily respond to!

Claim your inborn manifesting abilities! Step up to your soul's ability to rewrite your reality

This session will teach you how to project your manifestations directly from your thought and energy to your experience, eliminating the risk of interference and distractions from old thought patterns.

You'll receive empowering energies and guidance on how to:

  • Manifest your dreams — including money, love, work, and new relationships
  • Use meditation to enhance the creation of what you desire, as you release any resistance to receiving it
  • Remove obstacles to manifestation
  • Eliminate emotions that can block your manifestations
  • Manifest things that are completely new — including new spiritual revelations

Item 9: Profound Healing Through Movement & Dance

Item 9: Profound Healing Through Movement & Dance

Value: $227

MP3 — 82 minutes

This joyful session opens the door to transformational living through healing and dance.

The healing energies here are enhanced and uplifted by special dance music that was especially created to unlock your Unlimited Divine Potential. The energies you will receive here are also designed to release your Akashic records to your conscious mind.

Heal and renew with these joyful, transforming energies

These have been stored in your unconscious being since the beginning of time. Now is the time to open to your soul's own knowledge, wisdom, and purpose.

In this session, you will be empowered to:

  • Grasp what Divine Healing really is
  • Allow a special cleansing and healing process to move through your entire being
  • Learn a powerful dance meditation technique that will heal and dissolve your deepest tensions, followed by a shift into deep, Peace-filled silence
  • Learn how to unlock your hidden creative energies of unconditional love through movement
  • Learn simple, practical ways to send healing energies to yourself and others with the Divine Flow of higher energies

Item 10: Yes! To Infinite Abundance — Part 1

Item 10: Yes! To Infinite Abundance — Part 1

Value: $227

MP3 — 67 minutes

Flow into your endless stream of Divine Abundance, with this empowering session!

The energies in this audio will open you up to the Abundance we are all meant to experience as Divine Beings, as you grasp the full meaning of the phrase "The Stream of Divine Abundance."

Open up to the field of Infinite Possibilities

The inspiring energies of this session will guide you to:

  • Bridge any gaps in your beliefs about abundance — adopt the power of having "giving opens the way to receive" as a constant state of mind
  • Work with the Universal Law of Supply and Demand
  • Work with and expand your natural attributes for experiencing Abundance, by expressing Gratitude
  • Use meditation to fulfill any desire, by working with precise mechanisms, entering the cosmic void of What Is, then releasing all outcomes
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind, to eliminate poverty consciousness and replace it with your true and authentic purpose in life—including Abundance

Childhood Sadness Gone

I went to Ziad for a healing session in which I experienced calmness and opening of my heart. All the sadness I had as a child and images from my childhood went by and were gone. An hour treatment went by like ten minutes. In other times I experienced very deep meditations, quietness, yet very alert and awake. Thank you Ziad for helping me get in touch with the healing force within me.

Suzie O.

Brisbane, Australia

Item 11: Yes! To Infinite Abundance — Part 2

Item 11: Yes! To Infinite Abundance — Part 2

Value: $227

MP3 — 60 minutes

Receive the energies to heal and release current and past life energy blocks, as you tap into your endless stream of Divine Abundance! Enjoy this simple energy process to eliminate negative thought patterns and old karmic issues about money and abundance.

Create new beliefs and ideas that empower you to realize your unlimited potential

Become motivated to create new sources of prosperity, as you learn how to organize your thoughts and emotions so that you are always headed into increasing levels of true abundance!

Receive the energies and processes that enable you to:

  • Identify the roots of the money and self-worth issues that keep you stuck in lack consciousness
  • Improve your self-confidence about receiving more money and prosperity
  • Learn how to quickly transform yourself by releasing the roots of your old issues, as you learn to live in the abundance mindset
  • Release negative beliefs and bring in a whole new attitude that supports your success
  • Work on your craft or whatever you love the most, and take it to another level

Item 12: Self-Healing — Part 1

Item 12: Self-Healing — Part 1

Value: $227

MP3 — 74 minutes

Transform your life with insights and revelations about your past lives, with this self-healing journey of integrating your past lives. Past life regression enables you to heal the present through the past, bringing great inner peace and healing to all areas of your life. It is also a fascinating path to understanding who you are on a soul level.

You can release the limiting agreements made in past lifetimes at lower levels of awareness

After this session, you'll feel a greater sense of inner peace, love, and self-acceptance, as you understand more of why you chose your current life.

Using a past life regression technique that transcends all religious and spiritual beliefs, Ziad will guide you into a safe, highly relaxed state of hypnosis. He'll then guide you to a time before this life. Discover the root causes of some of the challenges you're experiencing in the present, and heal them at their root.

This miraculous session will guide you to:

  • Journey far back into your soul's history
  • Resolve difficult issues that have plagued you in past and current relationships
  • Develop more of your potential, and unlock your hidden talents
  • Heal chronic illnesses, traumas, phobias, and addictions rooted in past lives
  • Heal and release fear of death
  • Learn a special protocol for accessing your past life memories on your own, discovering inner treasures in a way you never thought possible

Item 13: Self-Healing — Part 2

Item 13: Self-Healing — Part 2

Value: $227

MP3 — 68 minutes

In Part Two, you'll continue your journey of self-healing, with even greater integration of your past lives. You'll start to uncover the mystery behind your original spiritual being as you're guided to understanding who you are as an immortal soul living a human life. This special past life regression protocol will also guide you to tapping into your life purpose—the reason why you've returned to the Earth at this time.

You'll be guided to dissolve the limitations of time and space by:

  • Learning rare and powerful sacred techniques for past life regression, integration, and self-healing, previously taught only by the sacred mystery schools of the past
  • Learning two powerful techniques you can use to enter your past on your own
  • Using past-life regression to help you have more compassion and love for yourself and others
  • Being empowered to heal the present by healing the past, bringing greater inner peace and healing into all areas of your life

Each transformative session contains beautiful, peaceful background music to help you reach a deeper state of healing and meditation

Many have found that listening to these recordings more than once powerfully increases their effects

Heartfelt Thanks

[T]hanks so much for your healing sessions. So many things changed and improved since the beginning of your treatments. You are very gifted and all you are doing arises from the depth of your heart and the depth of the knowledge you channel. I highly recommend you as a healer.

Khaled Z.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Item 14: Two (2) Group Calls with Ziad

Item 14: Two (2) Group Calls with Ziad

Value: $297

Thursday, June 15th and June 22nd, 2017 at 11:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Mountain / 1:00pm Central / 2:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm GMT

Bridging Spirituality, Prosperity & Healing Live Call Series

Two Transformative Group Calls with Ziad

Ziad offers 2 group calls to support you and to follow up with the "Awakened Abundance" and "Sacred Expansion Healing" series.

These two calls will assist you in maintaining a higher perspective of your true awakening towards prosperity and abundance. We will release all issues through processes and activations which eliminate any lingering energies that are still keeping us from being the true abundant being that we are.

A period of Q&A will be included in each 60-minute call.

A recording of the calls will be available if you miss the live call.

Package B

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $2,782

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight

Crystal Clear Miracle Session

MP3 — 15 minutes

Each new year—and each new day, week, or month—is another opportunity to reinvent ourselves, and to experience the miracle of having Clear Intention. We can take stock of what we have experienced, decide what we want to release, and choose what we want to bring in.

It's also an opportunity to look within and see how our personal spiritual nourishment has become all the more important, and to maintain a balanced and positive outlook. One of the best ways to begin a new chapter is by setting a clear intention. With just this one simple act, we can start to reprogram our entire lives with a positive outlook and clarity.

Ziad wants you to set a clear intention, especially for healing, to help eliminate the old baggage and make a space for more expansion and self-realization. Setting a clear intention is a very powerful and sacred way to enter the next stage of your existence. This is Ziad's way of saying thank you for the honor of assisting you on your path to greater growth, expansion, and understanding!

Package A

Discount: 89% Off

Total Value: $896

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $2,782

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

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NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


Transformed How I See Myself

I am so overwhelmed to speak about my abundant experience with his sessions, especially the "Yes To Infinite Abundance" part 1&2 sessions! This session has transformed my way of seeing myself and the world around me. Ziad goes deep in the core issue of lack and makes you understand that true abundance is in the living, and in knowing your true essence. After this session unexpected incidents kept happening to me indicating a new way of being, I Love how he incorporates special effects and music as part of his healing methods.

Nola Jordan

Karmic Chords Are Visually Whisked Away

Ziad's healing sessions are one of a kind; he takes you on multitude of journeys, such as: Leaving your body and feeling, seeing, freely floating in the beauty of the Universe while, karmic chords are visually whisked away; dissipating ancient vows, limitation, and oaths of poverty. His soft voice and music nurture further healing as he pours vibrant beautiful light through the physical body and emboldens the heart, the Soul. The Universe sent Ziad Hashash to teach, impart Divine wisdom, heal wounded Souls, and, implant each being with effusive joy, creating a new emotional and spiritual paradigm on this planet and beyond.

Mary Westphalen

Transformed My Life Completely!!

I just want to say thank you to you dear Friend, Mentor and Teacher!! Your love and wisdom and kindness has transformed my life completely!! I am also in awe because of your dedication for me to learn and continue on this sacred journey!! I very well remember your "Profound Healing through Movement and Dance" session which was the catalyst that continued to inspire me to stay on this sacred Journey!! My entire life has been blessed with abundance in ALL areas of my life!! Joy, optimum health, It has been all with ease and grace and the Light of a million stars Thank you!!

Awilda Jusino

So Many Things Changed and Improved

Dear Ziad, thanks so much for "The Ultimate Healing Zone — Tapping into the Sweet Space of Healing and Knowing" session. So many things changed and improved since the beginning of my journey with you. You are very gifted and all you are doing arises from the depth of your heart and the depth of the knowledge you channel. I highly recommend you as a healer.

Suzie Oliver

About Ziad Hashash

Ziad Hashash's headshot

From an early age, those closest to Ziad noticed a spiritual depth and wisdom in him that seemed other-worldly. Having grown up in the Middle East, Ziad had a way of not allowing himself to be confined by the limitations of cultural and societal based belief systems. Instead, he found great joy spending time in nature where he could easily recognize the Divinity in all things.

Over time, Ziad was able to strengthen his awareness that all is Divine to such a degree that he was able to take it out into the world and easily see it within every person, living being, and situation he experienced.

Since childhood, Ziad has developed an array of healing and transformative techniques which have now become an essential part of his daily life and spiritual practice. Ziad has always had an inner-knowing that he was here to serve humanity in some way.

Through a series of synchronistic events, he received confirmation after confirmation that indeed his life purpose was to be of service through reminding others of their Divine nature. For 13 years now, Ziad has served as a Holistic Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Love Ambassador empowering thousands of people around the world to live their greatest lives. Ziad specializes in helping those who feel stuck or blocked in certain areas of their lives move forward with joy and ease.

Whether it's in areas of career, relationships, finances, health, and spirituality, Ziad uses his natural intuitive abilities along with the knowledge he has received from the many healing certifications to help each person he works with manifest their desired goals and make their dreams a reality. Ziad's clients come from all walks of life, and consist of people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds, and of all ages.

Ziad acts as a personal mentor to his clients, empowering them to learn how to use their own intuitive abilities to achieve complete well-being in every area of their lives. Ziad especially excels in helping people create happy relationships, financial security, and a deeper connection to the Divine.

89% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Ziad Hashash

A Total Retail Value of $896

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $97

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30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

95% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Ziad Hashash

A Total Retail Value of $2,782

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $147

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30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30%% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].