Welcome to Matt Andrews' Special Offer Page

The Ultimate Cleanse

Purify Your Energetic Fields, Release Your Past, and Awaken to Your Joy!

Facilitate Expansive Transformation and Be Empowered to Stand in YOUR Light!

The Ultimate Cleanse will:

  • Cleanse your energetic fields of residual density and discordance
  • Anchor your attention on the vibrations that you are choosing to embody
  • Facilitate awakening to Joy and true happiness in an empowered way

Happy and Truly at Peace

Matt Andrews and ManTarA is the real deal. Anyone who is willing to work on themselves and grow shouldn't think twice. They are a true blessing for everyone who has worked with them. Matt is always available for his clients and extremely caring. When I first started working with Matt and ManTarA last October/November I was a complete mess. I felt I was getting nowhere in my life, I was fed up and more than once wanted to end everything. Today 4/5 months down the line I can say I am Happy and truly at peace. Even if there are things that still need to sort itself out, I know I am on the right path. I keep hearing people say I am glowing and I look peaceful. I have also been losing weight without changing anything in my diet nor do I exercise. I owe who I have become to Matt and ManTarA.

I am and will always truly be grateful to Matt and ManTarA.

Nishna Rambocus

Your External World Is Just a Reflection of Your Inner Energy Fields

Putting all your effort into changing your external world is not likely to create lasting improvement in your life experience, because until you allow your energetic fields to transform they will keep radiating the energies that attracted the situations that you do not want to experience.

The process of Transformation for the most part is a process of Purification. Cleansing your energetic fields of the residual density and discordance left from situations that you have experienced in the past, (this life or before), is a major part and an ongoing process of transforming your life and awakening to true Joy.

Your energetic fields can be a complicated topic, but the good news is that understanding those structures is not necessary. Likewise, understanding or reconciling your past is not necessary, nor is remembering your past lives, or anything to do with them. More often than not, delving into those topics just creates more confusion and stories that limit and slow your progress.

To allow this Ultimate Cleanse to proceed effectively the most empowered thing you can do is relax and trust the process. Choose to stop thinking about what you are experiencing as it comes to the surface to be released and instead anchor your attention on the vibrations that you are choosing to embody. Choose to stop judging yourself based on the situations that are present in your external world, accept that they are just caused by the energies that are present in your field rather than a reflection of who you truly are.

We are here to help you move through the process of Purification in the most effective and comfortable way that we can.

This package will give you the resources and the support that you need to embark on the Ultimate Cleanse, so that you can become free to awaken to Joy and true Happiness in an empowered way.

How Does ManTarA Work?

The ManTarA work on many levels, on the physical plane they use the Angelic Light Language that is channeled through Matt to create a space that invites you effortlessly out of your mind into a very open, expansive and allowing state.

With you in this state, they can work in your energetic fields under the direction of Your Higher Self to tease out and release the tangle of discordant energies that are at the core of your limitations; the really deep seed energies that have been in your field creating discordance for many lifetimes.

As those energies are released, it creates a freedom and an opportunity for you to choose to embody more of your Soul's Divine Essential Light and ManTarA really helps to strengthen that connection, so that more of Your Light can flow more easily into You.

As You choose to embody More of your Light and carry less density and discordance, you very naturally feel safer and worthier and then more confident in yourself. The process is self-sustaining, as you then embody more Light and thus release more density, the pendulum begins to swing, your overall resonance is increasing, and the experiences you attract into your life are naturally of a higher vibration, more Joyful, and more Loving.

I Felt Excited With An 'I Can Do Everything' Feeling

My session with ManTarA was A-MAZ-ING!!! I had never experienced a Light Language session before; I was curious and open to all possibilities. I had been working on a new writing project where I kept finding myself stopped by a chattering brain that wanted to "figure it all out" first, interrupting my Flow.

Immediately into my session with ManTarA, I felt soothing vibrating sensations around my throat and soft twitches in my right leg. I relaxed almost into a sleep state where I saw beautiful colors and pictures. When the session was over — I wanted it to last forever it felt so good — I felt excited with a "I can do everything!" feeling. Then two days afterward, when I went to sit down at my computer to resume my writing project, I played my session's replay while wearing headphones, and the chattering brain quieted down so I could get in my zone. Thank you, Brother, ManTarA! What an enormous gift you bring to the planet!

Simone Valentine

Los Angeles, CA

Align and Balance

  • The energy chakras and meridians
  • The mental body
  • The physical systems of the biological body*
  • Nervous system*
  • Endocrine system*
  • Metabolic system*
  • Digestive system*
  • Circulatory system*
  • Immune system*
  • The Emotional body
  • The Intuitive body

Re-Connect and Re-Enforce

  • Authentic Energetic Confidence
  • Self-Worth
  • Your Expansive Nature
  • Abundance flow
  • Financial Prosperity
  • Empowered Thinking
  • The energies of Knowing, Accepting, and Allowing
  • Self-Love
  • Joyful, Supportive, Easy Life Stream
  • Soul Wisdom
  • Spiritual Guidance
  • Higher Self and Unity Consciousness

A very beautiful thing happens as you release your "stuff" and embody the vibrations of Safety, Self-Worth, and Confidence through your Divine Light.

Your Heart very naturally feels Safe enough to open and your own compassionate, unconditional Love flows out through your whole being. You feel Loved, by both Yourself and the Divine. Once in that state of being, the rest of your Transformation into Divine Magnificence is easy.

Facilitating expansive transformation allows us to fulfill our Purpose and creates the greatest Joy.

We look forward to being of service to you

This Is Your Invitation…

Package A

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,228

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $3,504

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $3,801

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

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* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

Package A

Item 1: Cleanse Your Energetic Fields

Item 1: Cleanse Your Energetic Fields

Value: $324

9 MP3s

Total Runtime: 1 hour, 15 minutes

These sessions were created with the intention that they can be left on repeat playing in your space without the distraction to you of being aware of a beginning or an end. They can be used as ambient sound while you continue with your day, they can be played at low volume or even no volume while you sleep, work, exercise or relax. They are to be used to support the intentions of cleansing your energetic fields; to allow your intentions to flow into supportive expansive actions in the external world.

There are four Tracks each 9 minutes long, there is the option for the regular Light Language Tracks or a version with the LL on low volume beneath a peaceful ambient track of waves against a shore with birds and nature sounds. When the four of them are played in order they work form the more subtle energetic bodies down towards the denser physical body.

  1. Cleanse Your Causal and Spiritual Fields to enhance Spiritual Connection
  2. Cleanse Your Mental Fields to Enhance Mental Clarity
  3. Cleanse Your Emotional Field to Enhance Emotional Freedom
  4. Cleanse Your Etheric Field to Enhance Physical Vitality

This audio series will help you:

  • Progress as Comfortably as possible through the Process of Cleansing All Your Energetic Fields
  • Feel Supported as you Release Limiting energies from all Time, Space, Dimension and Reality
  • Experience Empowered External Realities as a Reflection of the Pure Space you are Becoming

Item 2: I Breathe in My Divine Light, and Breathe out All Limitations

Item 2: I Breathe in My Divine Light, and Breathe out All Limitations

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 33 minutes

This is the foundational practice that ManTarA teaches to consciously speed up and facilitate an easier transformation into the life you desire to experience.

The practice is very simple and involves combining your intentions with deep breathing to consciously bring more light into you being, and thus raise your vibration. Then to employ your exhalation to release the discordant energies that oppose the new higher vibration that you have chosen.

This audio series will help you:

  • Establish and maintain this powerful breathing practice
  • Clear the blocks and limitations so you can receive the benefits of this practice
  • Experience and strengthen the connection with your divine light
  • Know that you are inherently safe to embody your divine light

In this audio, with upgraded transformational energies, both the Introduction and the Light Language session have new layers of intention with transformational and supportive vibrations added. These sessions now work on a much deeper level with the Light Language.

Item 3: Become Free of Your Past: the Ultimate Cleanse

Item 3: Become Free of Your Past: the Ultimate Cleanse

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 20 minutes

The Past can be such a sticky subject for most incarnate humans. The personality self that you identify with in this moment is a product of your past experiences, and to clarify, none of those past experiences were wrong, they have all helped you mature as a Soul, however it is the emotional residues of those experiences that tends to have a limiting effect on your ability to show up as more of your true self in the present. Those fragments of fear based, or traumatic, emotional energy also form the roots of many of the limiting beliefs that you might hold.

This audio series will help you:

  • Cleanse away the fragments of traumatic emotional energy that were created in past experiences
  • Purify and clear the limiting belief systems that have been built from those past experiences
  • Release the judgments you are carrying around from the past
  • Allow the vibration of freedom to empower your ability to be naturally authentic in the present

Item 4: Feeling Safe in a Clear Space

Item 4: Feeling Safe in a Clear Space

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 25 minutes

Many People simply do not feel comfortable in a clean space, and there is a whole group of fears and self-worth issues that may be contributing to that lack of comfort. For some it may be that having the distraction of living in a messy or cluttered space helps them feel safe from having to make big decisions, or hear their guidance, it is almost like the inefficiency of clutter is keeping them safe from "being too good" or being too much, being too bright in the world. It is true that many of you have got into trouble in the past for standing out in your brilliance, and so to stay safe you might choose to bog yourself down in clutter. Many people feel scared by the idea of having true freedom and power to do what they choose, what if you make a mistake?

And then there is the idea that having lots of stuff around you might be helping you to feel camouflaged so you simple do not get seen as a Bright Light, the parallel of dressing down, looking ordinary, hiding in your stuff. So of course, we are not just talking about physical stuff, your labels, your limiting thoughts, your doubts, may all be acting as a camouflage of clutter to keep your brilliance hidden from the world, and thus you can feel safe in the illusion that you are nothing special.

This audio series will help you:

  • Release your identification with "stuff" whether that stuff is physical or energetic
  • Clear the persona that you have manufactured based on your occupation, relationships, or labels
  • Awaken and align with the vibrations of safety and self-worth
  • Feel safe and comfortable to exist and operate in an empowered way from a clear space

Item 5: The Joy of Purity

Item 5: The Joy of Purity

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 20 minutes

For most people purity and the process of purification does not invoke a perception of Joy. Quite the contrary many of us have been left with residues of religious indoctrination around the concepts that purity in the eyes of God requires an abstinence of any activity (particularly sexual) that results in pleasure. And that the path of purification is one that involves going through the fire to have all that is near and dear to you burnt away, a path of pain and suffering that will leave you bare to the bone.

That's not how we would like to paint the picture of Purity, and so with this audio, we would like to help you move past, and release, any old limiting beliefs around purity, so that you can comfortably embrace the idea that purity is just the absence of anything that is not part of you. Purity is the absence of impurities, fragments of energy that are foreign, whether emotional or mental or physical in nature.

The journey toward purity is a journey towards becoming your true Self, and that is inherently a journey that is invokes more and more Joy to be experienced.

This audio series will help you:

  • Release all resistance toward the process of purification
  • Let go of expectations that purification and cleansing will create suffering
  • Allow energetic relaxation so the purification can happen in an effective and efficient way
  • Invite the vibration of pure joy to awaken more and more in your field of experience

Item 6: Space Harmonization — Enhanced Energy Flows

Item 6: Space Harmonization — Enhanced Energy Flows

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 26 minutes

It should be no big secret to any of you, that the energies of your external surroundings affect you in many ways. You as a human have many layers to your energetic being and those fields of energy surround your physical being to various extents, and so you are always experiencing your surroundings on the energetic level, whether you are consciously aware of that interaction or not.

The degree to which you are affected by the external energies depends on the relative strength of your own energy field compared with the external energy field, and also depends on the length of time you spend in that environment.

Even if you have done the work and consciously allowed your vibration to rise and become strong, spending a lot of your time in spaces that do not resonate with and support your high vibration will weaken it.

This audio series will help:

  • Cleanse lower vibrations from a space
  • Bring the space into supportive alignment and harmony with those who now occupy the space
  • Encourage a good flow of energy through the space to keep it pure and clean energetically and physically

Set this track playing in any space that you desire to positively transform and allow it to play on loop for some time, you can be present or not as you wish. The track will work better if played with the volume at an audible level, but will also have a positive affect with the volume turned right down.

Item 7: The Heart of the Matter — Becoming Free to Love

Item 7: The Heart of the Matter — Becoming Free to Love

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 26 minutes

Living more from your heart's wisdom and aligning yourself with love, is a much more joyful experience than reacting to life from the fearful beliefs of your mind.

Practically living from your Heart Space it is not as easy as you might hope. Not only do you have to maintain the discipline to stay out of the incessant doubts, concerns, and distractions that your mind projects into whatever you are experiencing, but, accessing your Heart Space and feeling that supportive nurturing Love and wisdom requires your Heart to energetically open and be available.

Your Heart Space is a very precious energetic aspect of you, and it is very normal human behavior to want to protect it. You have all had some very hard and even traumatic experiences in the past, whether this lifetime or before, that have resulted in you choosing to protect your heart with energetic walls, belief systems and resistances to limit the possibility that you will have similar painful experiences. Now while that might seem sensible and logical it does not take into account the process of evolution.

Not only have you grown and become wiser since that old painful experience occurred, but so has everything and everyone else, it simply does not serve you to allow your past to keep limiting your future.

This audio series will help you:

  • Release the limitations that you have created to protect your heart
  • Utilize the vibration of forgiveness to release the judgements that may be holding your pain in place
  • Awaken and reset the natural access and relationship to your own heart in an expansive way
  • Feel free to love your life and experience true joy

Item 8: Stand as a Sovereign Being — Clear of Energetic Interference

Item 8: Stand as a Sovereign Being — Clear of Energetic Interference

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 19 minutes

Energetic Interference is a topic that carries a strong charge for many people. The idea that an entity, a separate being, is interfering with you and or feeding off your energy invokes a fear based reaction and a contraction for most people. It is the vibration of fear that these entities feed off.

The truth is entities, or whatever you want to call them, are everywhere, and just like germs, we are all subjected to them, but only those who are compromised in some way will be adversely affected by them.

One of the main ways that entities can attach themselves to the field of a human is through the mechanism of fear. If you fear something happening, that basically opens the door for it to happen, and it does not make any difference that you do not want it to happen.

As part of the Ultimate Cleanse we are intending to help you clear your fields of any energies that are not part of the Divine You, the Sovereign Being. These audios also intend to help release and clear the fear-based energies that have allowed them to connect in the first place, and we will help repair any holes or weaknesses in your auric and etheric fields so that you are much less likely to be affected in the future. This also helps to strengthen your authentic energetic Confidence so that your own Light can effectively radiate out around you forming a very natural protection system.

This audio series will help you:

  • Be clear of any energetic interference, (entity attachment, etc.)
  • Release the fear of external energies and interference
  • Embrace a confidence as the sovereign being and allow your light to radiate around you
  • Hold boundaries in a relaxed, natural and effective way

Item 9: Trust in Abundance — Releasing the Need to Hoard

Item 9: Trust in Abundance — Releasing the Need to Hoard

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 26 minutes

The tendency for humans to hoard, and cling to the old and familiar, is most usually driven by lack mentality, and that is itself an aspect of survival fear: The belief that there is not enough of something in your world, and therefore you should hang on to what you have, just in case you need it in the future. This is most likely left over from hard experiences that you have had in the past. Now, you may not remember those experiences, especially if it is from past life, but the emotional trauma of that experience may still be in your field, and the belief systems that you created at the time will be affecting the way you view the world, and limiting the way you can enjoy life.

This audio series will help you:

  • Release and purify the frequencies of lack and the deeper fears, beliefs, and emotional traumas
  • Overcome the habit of hoarding and clinging to the familiar even when it does not serve you
  • Reset your energy signature to the truth of abundance and infinite possibility
  • Awaken to the magic of abundance and trust and allow infinite support to flow

Item 10: Financially Sorted

Item 10: Financially Sorted

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 26 minutes

There is little doubt that many of you have huge resistance to sorting out your paperwork. Anything to do with money can carry a huge charge and can feel very heavy or even dirty to deal with. There are quite often some very intense fears left over from past lifetimes having to do with debt, or taxes — right? The Taxman and the Debt Collector have — for many — created serious suffering in the past, and the residue of those experiences flavor your dealings with those institutions today.

Religious indoctrinations about money also affect many of you who are more inclined towards spirituality today.

However, even though you may not consciously believe that "money is the root of all evil", those vibrations, and many more similar ones, may still be prevalent in your field and be playing out through your subconscious mind.

There may also be a resistance that many of you carry to "knowing your numbers", to actually knowing your financial position. While we have just scratched the surface, there will be many permeations and other causes that result in a resistance to sorting out your finances.

All of this resistance can lead to a buildup of clutter — physically with paperwork, and bills, insurance policies, tax returns etc. — but also mentally with the confusion, and the uncertainty, the anxiety around bills, payments, retirement savings, tax liabilities — your financial position in general. That clutter has been instigated by the fears and resistances in your field and now helps to maintain those low vibrational energies in your field. Unopened bills stuck to your fridge, etc., hold this vibration of financial burden and lack mentality firmly in your environment, perpetuating these fears and keeping you trapped in this cycle.

This audio series will help you:

  • Purify all fears and stress associate with financial dealings and institutions, including the tax man.
  • Release all oaths, vows, and promises that you made in the past to do with money.
  • Cleanse your space of financial confusion, clutter, and distraction.
  • Relax into a space that is conducive to your transformation towards prosperity and financial freedom.

Item 11: Inviting Biological Efficiency — Declutter the Physical Body

Item 11: Inviting Biological Efficiency — Declutter the Physical Body

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 24 minutes

The physical biology can become cluttered in many ways that reduce the efficiency with which it functions. Some of the major health concerns, discomforts and limitations are basically biological clutter in the physical vessel. Conditions such as arterial plaque, inflammation, excess body fat, calcification in different parts of the body, intestinal impactions, all sorts of heavy metal or other toxic accumulations, are quite often a physical representation of an energetic clutter.

This audio series will help you:

  • Cleanse and purify the entire physical body
  • Release, toxicity and accumulations so that the body can function efficiently
  • Focus on moving forward into robust health, rather than fight against illness and limitation
  • Reset a divine blueprint for a healthy happy physical body

Item 12: The Ultimate Cleanse — Choosing Supportive Nourishment

Item 12: The Ultimate Cleanse — Choosing Supportive Nourishment

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 21 minutes

The intention of this session is to help you more intuitively choose what nourishment to consume — nourishment that would support you from the highest perspective, helping you to let go of indoctrinated rules (many of which are conflicting anyway) and really just intuitively knowing what to consume, when and how to consume it, and how much to consume. Our intention is that this concept will expand past simply food, and flow into all aspects of your life, breath, movement, environment, company, etc. — all the ways in which there is potential to nourish your being — not just your physical body.

As stated many times, this path of spiritual evolution is a path primarily of purification, a cleanse of old stuff that is not you, and that does not serve you, so that you can be more of your true Divine Self. It makes sense that if you are putting in quite some effort and investment into cleansing out the discordant stuff from the past, then it would be very efficient to choose to not put so much discordant stuff in now as you move forward. As most of you know very well, this process of purification is not easy, but it is very loving and supportive when you choose intuitively what to consume for your best benefit in each moment going forward.

This audio series will help you:

  • To release beliefs and limiting rules about what nourishment you should consume
  • Cleanse and release both the habitual, and emotional, compulsion to consume energies that don't nourish you
  • Be empowered to choose, and maintain, the intention to consume what nourishes you
  • Trust your intuition and your body to guide your choices

Item 13: Instigate and Motivate — Helping You to Take Loving Action

Item 13: Instigate and Motivate — Helping You to Take Loving Action

Value: $108

1 MP3

Runtime: 22 minutes

When it comes to taking action, so many people have trouble getting motivated to start — the inertia that is felt, the doubts that are entertained, the fear-based resistance that is honored, the procrastination that ensues — all combine to hinder forward progress on actions that were motivated from one's Heart.

Whatever you are intending to do, if it is truly a Heart-desire — an inspired action that has been borne from the space of Love rather than fear — then it is our intention to create the supportive space with this Light Language session that will be conducive to you releasing the resistance preventing you from stepping forward with the action, finding the courage to begin and the fortitude to continue for as long as your inner-knowing guides you. Although this session might feel like a bit of a kick in the pants, it is there to help get you up and started with the actions that you have been putting off, and it is all coming from Love and Support.

This audio series will help you:

  • Find the courage and the motivation to take action in an empowered and inspired way
  • Release the resistance and the doubt that limits your ability to proceed in a sustained way
  • Trust that the actions you feel guided to take will serve you, release the fear of making a mistake

Item 14: Life Flows with Ease, a Meditation Journey

Item 14: Life Flows with Ease, a Meditation Journey

Value: $108

2 MP3s

Total Runtime: 26 minutes

The intention of this meditative journey is to take you well beyond your mind and into a very peaceful place where you can have an experience with Love and Light; with Ease and Life and Flow. Beyond what you currently believe about all of those words, We are inviting you to relax into the allowance of this experience so as to facilitate an expansion of your authentic Beingness past what has been limiting you, so you can actually conceive, and truly feel, that your life can flow with ease.

ManTarA uses angelic technologies to gently help disengage you from your egoic mind and fall into the space beyond, to enjoy that easy flow.

This audio series will help you:

  • Find the courage and the motivation to take action in an empowered and inspired way
  • Release the resistance and the doubt that limits your ability to proceed in a sustained way
  • Trust that the actions you feel guided to take will serve you, release the fear of making a mistake

Discount Coupon to ManTarA's Retreat in Bali

Value: $500

Discover Yourself via the 5 Elements

Sunday, April 29th, 2018Saturday, May 5th, 2018

Come on retreat with us and take inspiration from an exploration of the 5 different elements in order to facilitate a deep-dive discovery process of your own inherent true nature. Our overriding intention for the week will be to facilitate a gentle release of any energy that is limiting your ability to truly Know and Be Yourself, so that you emerge from this experience with more Authentic Confidence, a greater sense of Freedom and Peace, a deeper degree of Self Love, and an overall higher level of Happiness.

Each day, we will use the theme of a different element (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space) to inspire our collaborative facilitation of your discovery process as you get to immerse yourself in the program of Guided Meditations, appropriate level Yoga practices, Light Language energy process's, interactive discussions, mini-workshops, conscious eating, yet still leaving plenty of personal time to enjoy swimming, sun basking, walks in nature and spa treatments.

Join us for this week-long journey of learning, transformation, inspiration and Joy. The beautiful and tranquil surroundings will also play a large part in your healing experience.

Delight in Bali's warmth, magic and tropical fruit as you nourish and nurture your mind and body. Everything will be taken care of for you: Sit back, relax and prepare to be pampered — everyone is welcome!

Note: The Supplied Code you will receive after your You Wealth package purchase will discount the price to $2,200 NZD (approx. $1,650 USD depending on exchange rates)

Package A

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,228

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 15: 4-Part LIVE Call Series with ManTarA

Item 15: 4-Part LIVE Call Series with ManTarA

Value: $864

4 Weekly Sessions Consisting of Two Live Calls per Topic

  1. A 90-minute Channeled Angelic Light Language call, to address the topic with both practical information to help your intellectual mind to evolve, and ManTarA's Light Language to work beyond your mind with the underlying energetic causes behind the imbalance(s) you are experiencing.
  2. A 120-minute Q&A call to provide additional support for all facilitated by working specifically with individuals to answer questions with both information and potent transformational energies from ManTarA via Light Language and Direct Intent.

Cleanse Your Energetic Fields from the Effects of Your Past to Awaken Freedom

Call 1: Light Language Call

Sunday, November 12th, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 90 minutes

Call 2: Q&A — Light Language Call

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 120 minutes

The 2 calls in this first module will set the foundations to the rest of the immersive month of the Ultimate Cleanse by working deep into your energetic fields with the powerful intentions to release you from the effects of experiences that have happened in the past. Not only will we help you understand the basics of how and why your energetic field has become cluttered — and how that has influenced your experience of your life in so many ways — but we will show and help you how to start clearing and reversing that situation so that your life can start flowing in the direction that serves you.

The great blessing of working with ManTarA is that it is not just information that we are providing you with: Within each of the live calls, the highlight is the potent energetic space that we create with the Light Language that will encourage you to open up and allow your Higher Self to start releasing energies from deep within your field so that you can transform and thus allow your life to change.

Purify Your Mental and Emotional Fields to Awaken Joy and Happiness

Call 3: Light Language Call

Sunday, November 19th, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 90 minutes

Call 4: Q&A — Light Language Call

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 120 minutes

For most people, mental and emotional discordance presents massive limitations to living a Joyful, Happy Life. Cluttered mental energies created from indoctrinated belief systems, rules, labels, judgments — many of which are contradictory — leave many people confused and stressed. While dense emotional residues from past traumatic experiences have led to a creation of protection mechanisms that limit the ability to respond in a loving way to life.

In the calls this week, we will be intentionally facilitating the space and the creating conducive conditions that allow and invite you to release the clutter of thoughts, beliefs, labels, roles, and information you think is important from the past — all of which are continually fighting in your mental body to be acknowledged and listened to. We also intend to facilitate the conditions that will help you clear out the clutter of old emotional energy that no longer serves you from your fields, so you can be free to respond appropriately in an empowered way with life. We will utilize the vibration of forgiveness to help the release of the judgements that are holding this emotional energy in place, so you can let go of the grief, guilt, anger, shame, frustration, hopelessness, regret, fear, etc., from the from your field.

Our overall intention for these calls is to help you awaken Joy and Happiness as your mental and emotional fields are cleansed and purified of all discordant energies.

Purify Your Physical Body to Awaken Vibrant Health and Comfort

Call 5: Light Language Call

Sunday, November 26th, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 90 minutes

Call 6: Q&A — Light Language Call

Wednesday, November 29th, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 120 minutes

Your physical body is your vehicle for experiencing this life. No matter how connected you are to spirit, if your physical body is not healthy and without major limitation, it is much harder to take purposeful actions in the external world and enjoy this life. Remember, much of the ill health that people experience is created from an accumulation of impurities or toxins in various tissues of the body.

The calls presented in this module are intended to facilitate the conducive space for your body to release that which does not serve it to carry. As your body becomes free of the impurities, naturally vibrant health and comfort will awaken into your experience, and Happiness and purposeful actions will more easily be achieved. We will also facilitate space with the intention of improving your relationship with your body, increasing acceptance and Love so as to help the critical and negative self-talk, allowing the body-image to be released — better enabling more empowered Joy to be experienced and your body.

Cleanse Your External Environment and Relationships to Awaken Ease and Flow

Call 7: Light Language Call

Sunday, December 3rd, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 90 minutes

Call 8: Q&A — Light Language Call

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017 at 12:00pm Pacific / 1:00pm Mountain / 2:00pm Central / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm GMT

Runtime: 120 minutes

While it is true that we work with the basic premise that the external world is just a mirror image of the internal energetic situation, we can help support the internal energetic cleansing and transformation by encouraging and supporting the taking of empowered actions in the physical world.

Clutter can manifest in many ways in the physical world, and need not be just "mess" with unorganized or unnecessary objects in your environment — although that is part of it. On the contrary, clutter is quite often kept out-of-sight, lurking in the drawers and the cupboards. Further, it also can permeate your computers and devices where it also inhibits the flow of energy, and it also can create limitations in your financial affairs and even your social life and relationships. These layers of clutter and disorganization will naturally clear as your energy fields are cleansed, and by choosing to work in the external world you can expedite and support that process.

So that's our intention for the final week of calls: To help you initiate and complete external actions that will result in a more efficient environment for you to live in, so that the energy can flow better through all aspects of your life with ease.

Item 16: 63 Days of Remote Energy Support

Item 16: 63 Days of Remote Energy Support

Value: $312

Remote Energy Support Starts on the Date of Purchase

We will work with the whole group as well, as with you individually, for at least 30 minutes each day for nine weeks starting from the day of purchase. Our intention will be to support you in releasing those discordant energies from your field that have been keeping you out of the experience of Divine Authentic Confidence, Self-Worth and Love and the freedom on all of the levels that result from embodying your Divine State.

We will be channeling, direct to you, beautiful compassionate energies that will help you feel safe and confident to allow this transformational cleansing process to proceed quickly and easily, so that your Ultimate Awakening into Joy can happen comfortably.

Item 17: Private FaceBook Support Group

Item 17: Private FaceBook Support Group

Value: $100

You will also have the support of the whole community at your disposal via the private Facebook group, and we have found that such support helps on two fronts: Physically by being able to connect with other committed spiritual people, and energetically by just knowing they are there. These twin support pillars are so valuable in providing the confidence and support to allow huge changes in your energetic makeup, and thus in your external experience of life. We also give a lot of additional content via the Facebook Group in the form of livestream videos and answers to people's questions.

Package B

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $3,504

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Package C

Includes everything in Packages A and B, PLUS:

Item 18: 60-Minute Private Session with ManTarA

Item 18: 60-Minute Private Session with ManTarA

Value: $297

This is an opportunity to have ManTarA address your personal issues or limitations and have specific energies brought forth to assist you in expanding into your greater potential and releasing the deep discordant energies from your field that have been attracting unpleasant situations into your life.

The format of this session will be tailored to suit your requirements. In addition to working with the Light Language to facilitate expansion on the energetic front, we also quite often support the work with coaching-style practical steps to empower you in the process and help your intellectual mind to evolve and become more allowing of the process. Although we work in an intuitive way, we do not do "readings" as such — we are much more interested in facilitating the energies required for you to become empowered enough to know for yourself.

Note: The session will be recorded.

Package C

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $3,801

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

For a Limited Time, You Will Also Receive the Light Worker's Essential Toolkit

These Are Awesome and Powerful Light Language Audios That Form a Great Tool Kit to Deal with Most of What Life Can Unexpectedly Throw at Us

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight

Here, Now, Grounded


Runtime: 18 minutes

This session is intended to support you in Grounding into the present moment, and grounding into the being that you are, so that you can stand firmly here on the earth in the 3D world and act in an empowered way with all of the wisdom and divine knowing that you have available to you as a magnificent Being of Light.

It is very easy for people like you to feel disconnected from the physical world as they progress on the path of ascension or spiritual evolution. The world just seems so dense, unappealing and even painful, as you have more and more experiences of an esoteric, expansive, or spiritual nature. However, if you choose not to stay grounded here, then all the spiritual experiences that you have and the wisdom that you gain and remember cannot be put to good use. The truth is that you chose to incarnate here on this plane to have experiences in, and through, your body, so to truly feel purposeful and successful in this life it will serve you to stay grounded and present in your body.

This audio will help you:

  • Come back into your body, back onto the earth, and feel stable and supported here
  • Enjoy being grounded in the experience of the present moment
  • Improve your health and happiness in your body
  • Feel a strong foundation here from which to step forward into empowered action

Clear, Purify, and Uplift


Runtime: 18 minutes

This Channeled Angelic Light Language Session is brought forth by ManTarA to energetically purify spaces and places.

Most of us can feel the energetic resonance or vibration that different spaces hold — for example, the feel of the shopping mall, a hospital, a tall forest or the beach. The beings that inhabit a space both contribute to the resonance and are affected by it. Spaces tend to hold the dominant energies that have been expressed in them — for example, fear in the hospital or manic overwhelm in the shopping mall — nature holds onto very harmonizing energies.

The language of this session very powerfully shakes out density darkness and discordance from the spaces that it is played in. The intention is to remove all energies (whether residue fragments or living entities) from the space that are not conducive to your highest Joy and Happiness, then to allow the natural balance and harmony to be restored so the space can support, nurture and uplift you into your higher frequencies.

This is an all-new version of what was one of the first recordings ManTarA and Matt made several years ago. This version is shorter but much more potent, and can be left playing on a loop for very good results.

This audio will help you:

  • Eradicate Entities and Malevolent Energies from Spaces and Places
  • Purify and Cleanse the Energetic Structures that are Beneath the Physical
  • Uplift the Space so that it is more Supportive of Joy and Happiness

Package A

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $2,228

You Wealth Special Offer: $97

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package B

Discount: 96% Off

Total Value: $3,504

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Package C

Discount: 95% Off

Total Value: $3,801

You Wealth Special Offer: $197

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

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I Feel Renewed, and Deeply Seated into My Soul

Words cannot express the light language experience and healing that I received from ManTarA channeled by Matt! All of my past experiences that were a challenge for me floated into my consciousness and one by one floated up to the surface to be blessed and cleared.

Experiences I had forgotten, but were clearly in my subconscious body and now ready to be released into the loving embrace of ManTarA. Matt excels at raising into consciousness that which needs to be released, and has a beautiful way at expanding your field of awareness and intention to the path that is now available to me. I feel renewed, and deeply seated into my soul. Namaste, Matt & ManTarA!

Grace Valador

Replaced Exhaustion with Light and Ease

I want to thank Matt Andrews for such an amazing session. Many people forget that light workers are also prone to exhaustion and stress on occasion and it was such a blessing to be able to connect with Matt and his amazing Channel of Light who lifted my tiredness and replaced my being with light and ease.

[He] also answered many of my unspoken questions regarding the direction I am taking. There are no words to describe what the session is actually like! It has to be experienced to be believed. Matt and his Channel spoke in Light Language that reached into the deepest levels of my being and were spot on with the issues that I was holding on to. Thank you Matt. The changes continue to be felt. You are a blessing to this World.

Sandra St. Yves

Feeling Motivated, Safer, Worthy

I listen to these cleansing mp3s when I find life too overwhelming and am feeling lost and confused in my daily activities. After listening to them I feel more alive and certain about what I next need to do and feel motivated and able to do it. It helps me move from one task to the next in a more easy, effortless and comfortable manner. I also feel safer and worthier as I feel more cleared of all the unnecessary energy that was hanging around, blocking me from seeing and doing my next task with clarity and purpose. It also helps me say no to other people's requests and have stronger boundaries so that I keep to my purpose more strongly.

- Yogeswari


After Years, Body is Finally Pain Free

It is with a very humble heart and great privilege that I have this opportunity to express my great love and gratitude for the healing journey Matt Andrews and myself have walked…

From our very 1st session together it has been a journey of discovery, trust, healing and love. Matt's beautiful nature, friendliness and authenticity shines through in the way he conducts himself and his healings. There is a great sense of faith and belief in the process. The healing and transformation together has been one of great growth and awakening in all areas of my life. I'm in much gratitude for our time spent as we have peeled away layer upon layer of suppression, limiting beliefs, fears and long since done memories. I'm proud to say I've re-awakened to so much self-love, inner trust, freedom, truth and understanding of the gift that we all are, through our sessions. ManTarA's healings have allowed me to see the abundance of love and support that is in, and around, my life. My body is so much stronger and finally pain free after years of ongoing problems.

Paul Jackson

Titahi Bay, NZ

Effectively Opened My Heart

I would like to express my total gratitude for Matt and ManTarA's lovely, authentic, presence and nourishing support that has helped me to feel confidence and trust in myself again. For me, ManTarA's light language has been really very effective to open my Heart and have the guts to face up and release old stuff that really doesn't serve me. Therefore, every day is now a new day. Thank you.

Rita Laurini

Teaching Me How to Heal Myself

I've only been using ‘I Breathe in My Divine Light' MP3 for a couple of weeks, and I'm already feeling a profound change. I have been breathing in my divine light whenever I remember to do it, and I'm beginning to feel my own energy swirling powerfully through my body the way I've so often felt energy from a healer. Wow! The more I do the breathing, the lighter and happier I feel as I go throughout my day. I've also felt a lot of energy coming up and moving out as I listen to the MP3. I especially love that ManTarA is teaching me how to heal myself through this easy breathing technique, instead of just healing me. This MP3 is a life changer!

Sandy A


Noticeable Decrease in Anxiety

I have tried many different healing modalities over the years, and these mp3s have helped me to make genuine changes. The "Breathe in My Divine Light" mp3 has helped me to correct a life-long habit of breathing very shallowly and holding my breath a lot. "I Surrender My Fear" has noticeably decreased my anxiety in a short period of time. I am so grateful to have found this life-changing technology.

Carla H

Direct Loving Advice

I have had several of Matt's healing sessions and have found them profoundly life changing. The pure angelic team that he channels have given me direct, loving advice that I have never experienced before with any other healer. Listening and taking action have helped to guide my life to a more positive, rewarding, and meaningful direction. It is very similar to having an honest conversation with yourself, but it is very difficult to get the same level of clarity on your own. Matt has a unique gift and delivers the healing sessions in such a grounded, practical, easy to understand way. He is a very trustworthy person with high levels of integrity and a very giving, generous heart. I am sure with his deep sincere desire to help many people; he will be very successful in his healing work. Wishing him all the very best.

Tanya Griffin


An Energetic Equivalent of Cleaning Out a Drawer

Immediately after playing the Space Harmonization mp3 I felt a change in the space, a lifting of heaviness. An energetic equivalent of cleaning out a drawer, it gave me a lift that made it much easier to move into action!



A Heavy Cloak of Sadness Released

I had felt intensely drained for weeks since coming back to my workplace. I own a lot of energy tools but nothing would work, until Matt gave me the opportunity to test one of his most recent mp3s, « Stand as a Sovereign Being ». I immediately felt a heavy cloak of sadness release from my field; I listened to the mp3 three times in a row until the sensation of despair was completely gone. Then I could finally restore fully from my job!

This mp3 is the most powerful entity clearing of my extensive library, and this has become my go-to-track when I feel I involuntarily ‘host something else'. I have made it part of my daily routine.

The school building is very dense from years of conflicts and power struggle with teenagers and many teachers get sick there, as I did in the past, so the « Ultimate Cleanse » package is immensely valuable for me to now clear the school and stand as an empowered empath there. I use a discrete mp3 player with earbuds and ManTarA's Energy supports me while I radiate Light from my Heart in the space.

I used Matt Andrews tracks on a regular basis for nine months before my own channelling gifts opened. I am blessed to have found those powerful Angelic Journeys as it will enable me to keep my day job for a safe financial transition while I open my own healing practice. With each package building on the others, working with ManTarA daily improves my healing gifts constantly. I looped the « Cleanse Your Energetic Fields » tracks and this widened my channelling pipe, enabling in me more Power and faster Pace with speaking my own Light Language. Those tracks are very powerful, and I now enjoy smoothly the « Waves » edition of the tracks to maintain the new frequency range reached. This package has definitely provided the Ultimate Cleanse for me!



Seemingly Entered an Alternative Universe

So this morning I seemingly entered an alternative universe.... Woke up just before 6, listened to a ManTarA meditation, got showered, dressed and ready for work, went to the supermarket, came home to eat granola and yoghurt, then headed off to work by 8am.... Seriously, this is just so not typical of my mornings! All this after a highly productive day the previous day that included preparing all the materials to file my local tax return and contacting people to get information that was missing, and clearing 90% of my work to do list and probably 85% of my personal to do list - I blame you Matt!! I only listened to the Instigate and Motivate mp3 once (the night before all this started happening!).

I'm still caught between being perplexed, amused and confused and not sure who I am today!



Found Utter Joy

Hi Matt, this mp3 was superb! I got really hot in my body as it began and the deep breathing from my heart space began. As it went further, I cooled off and started seeing pink gold and blue lights. Then wow! I saw my Higher Self eye come out and it was like kapow wow!! I loved it. It took me away!!! Thank you for this fantastic experience. I just started listening tonight. I can't wait to tell you what happens after a week of listening!!!!

After a week of listening flow and ease brought me to a place of creation. I have decided to create a new business doing Vibrational Sound Treatments using Tibetan Bowls. Wow, how it all is coming together. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Feel like I am called into what I am supposed to connect to community and all around me with. It is intriguing to see where this will lead. Of course, I am still full time at the regular job and finding happiness there too. This however brings in the utter Joy I have been looking for in life. Eventually hope to do this full time if it is possible. Love and Light.

Sandy S

Very Dark Entity Removed

We [Matt and the ManTarA angels] have had about 6 private sessions and they have all been beneficial. I was having trouble with dark energies and entities that I could not free myself from this intense energy. On the second session, Matt and the ManTarA angels removed a very dark entity and created a protection system that is still in place six months later. A huge burden has been lifted from my energy field. I continue to practice the ManTarA method of releasing six months later and my confidence has grown immensely. Matt is a very kind human being, and he delivered the messages from the ManTarA angels in a way that I could understand.

Kathy Jackson

Powerful Space for Transformation

Matt, thank you so much for another life changing session, you always invite and hold such a safe and powerful space for transformation. It's hard to put words to such transcendent experiences but I'm always left with a sense of luminous expansion and deep connectedness. Your years of disciplined meditation practice really shine through, I'm able to relax and let go, knowing that you're a grounded and focused instrument for these high vibrational energies. It's always a pleasure to experience someone being so clearly in alignment with their purpose; your love, authenticity and generosity is deeply felt. Thank you for being open to doing what you do. I am so grateful for every release, every activation and recalibration, and for all the wisdom, insight, guidance and connection I've received through your collaborative light work with ManTarA.


Kapiti Coast, NZ

A Huge Gain in Self Worth and Confidence

Previously I had done a lot of inner work and healing work, and yet from working with Matt and ManTarA I have received remarkable results. My major breakthrough has been a huge gain in self-worth and confidence, which was a major issue throughout my life. I came to the May immersion program with an open mind, and really wondering why I'm trying yet another healing journey. I had half given up that a good life is for me, very heartbroken that although I could access my intuition; I could not put things into action due to self-esteem and worth issues. Matt is an amazing facilitator of transformation, holding a loving space, and looking out for your best interest. A great-hearted man. I love the combination of Empowerment with support and Matt's wisdom, making the experience fun and effective. I have accessed greater trust in my intuition, focus and feel great and excited to be alive, experiencing all life offers. I also developed a deeper relationship with Spirit. I feel empowered. Life is All good. Thank you Matt and ManTarA.



Spine Unwinding After 40 years of Pain

I have had the most wonderful experience after the support call. The next day, I felt really off and was having a lot of discomfort in my whole spine and especially my neck and feeling like my head was not on straight even more than usual. Over the next couple of days, I had severe pain in sections of my back where the spine was twisted from a car accident many years ago. Then, my body began to integrate all of the changes that it was making and I could feel that my spine was unwinding the twists. I played the call again last night and have felt really good today.

I have been working on this for forty years and now in just a couple of days it feels like my spine is able to release the trauma. I am so grateful to you and ManTarA. Thank you.


Tons of Stress and Fear Removed

That is the most amazing thing I've ever felt. It's hard to verbalise but that is sooo big — feels like it's removed tons of stress/fears from me, and that must have been much bigger than I realised. I feel tingly and lighter. Matt/ManTarA makes my heart dance with joy and I can feel the appreciation of being.

I'm breathing better — Energy! Oxygen!

While listening to the recordings I was tearing up, crying, feeling depressed, angry and upset. My body/feet and head buzzing. I felt terrible unbearable pain in different parts of my body — like terrible kidney pain going down my leg while releasing and dissolving tons of blockages and traumas — I'm in my 60's. I know my fear addiction and money problems are clearing once and for all.

I wish I had met Matt/ManTarA before wasting lots of money on other healing programs that only scratched the surface of my traumas/blockages etc….

Matt/ManTarA is the best teacher and guide I/you could ask for !!!!

- Teresa


HUGE Amounts of Struggle Blasted Away

I have been listening to Matt's cleansing mp3s for about 2 weeks. I have been picking which ones I feel to listen to each time as I go. I have been in a dark night of the soul experience for about 6 years and doing lots and lots of work on myself. I have been diving deeper and deeper, and it's been hard on all aspects of me and my life. I'm sure many can relate at this time. These Mp3's and the intentions layered within have been blasting away HUGE amounts of the struggle I usually experience through my growth while clearing the field at the same time! Exactly what I have needed. The experience whilst in the space Matt creates is deeply nurturing to every part of my existence as with all his work. Thank you Matt and ManTarA.



Inner Life Changed Dramatically… From Dark to Light

If you read no further, know this—I have never felt so supported and cared for as I have with Matt and ManTarA. He is a gifted healer and a truly heart—centered, caring person. I had been dealing with pain issues on the side of my head, massive stomach digestive issues (my stomach would bloat out to make me look 7 months pregnant), 50 plus pounds gained in the last year, deep grief issues… and the list goes on and on. I have been working with healers for the last 20 plus years and doing energy work Reiki, SRT etc. I have also taken several energy healer courses from popular healers and nothing has changed for long.

Before my first session with Matt, just listening to the MP3 I was able to release a sadness, that was sometimes bordering on suicidal that would come up when anything hurt my feelings and was actually getting more intense as time went on… gone, its gone. Since then I have been upset, and had my feelings hurt, but now I can deal with the situation with more confidence and peace.

With my stomach and digestive issues, let's just say I was miserable, my stomach felt like dead weight. During my first session with Matt and ManTarA I could feel, (I am very sensitive to energy), the energy moving through my stomach and it was like my first 3 chakra where coming alive again. Since then I have released weight, and my health is improving every day.

I first heard Matt speak during a tele-summit call, and the light language sounded familiar. I had my first session in mid to late April and I am writing this mid-August. In that short time my inner life has change dramatically from dark to light, literally. The progress I have made with Matt and ManTarA in a few months has been extraordinary. I have had massive clearings, my digestion issues have gone from a 10 to a 3, weight is being released, my energy issues went from needing to take a nap every day, to getting through the work day feeling energized.

I could go on and on about how much my life had changed and how much it continues to change. I now believe… believe anything is possible. I feel the huge difference is that with Matt and ManTarA you are not just experiencing the energy clearings, Matt is also working with you as a life coach, and with the mental aspects, and this support in combination with the powerful energy work has brought real lasting changes. Thank You.


Moved Through Buried, Subconscious Emotional Issues

I am so grateful to have been guided to Matt & ManTarA. Matt creates a very supportive & caring space for his community, with wonderful insightful conversations, meditations with powerful Light Language & some impromptu guided livestreams that are designed to deal with the energies currently affecting us on the day.

For myself, Matt & ManTarA's Light Language, has helped me to move through some buried, subconscious emotional issues from my childhood & some other lifetime experiences that have kept me stuck for years, in limiting situations that have disempowered me & made me feel like a victim. Working with Matt & ManTarA, is now enabling me to move forward, from pain & overwhelm, into clarity & more enlightened, confident actions in my life. As my confidence grows, it is bringing more happiness & abundance into my life.



Tummy Is Nicely Flat Again

I bought the package and I am very content with the results. After some time of just surrendering the “sound carpets” of ManTarA I simply fell in love with the energy waves and the contents of the different MP3s, which I found very wisely chosen from the subjects and great comments and introductions from Matt. Everything just fitted.

When I had the private session with Matt, I enjoyed his warm hearted and authentic enthusiasm and determination to help and turn things around for the best outcome. I could see a lot of energy moving and had hot spirals coming out of my hands. ManTarA feels like good friends since then.

Once again I was thrilled by the group call. Listening to the replay I experienced once again a deep clearing, especially in my solar plexus area. Since then my tummy is nicely flat again and my energy throughout the day is astonishing high and strong! Blessings to all of you for your work with a huge THANK YOU!



Building a Strong Love Relationship with Myself

Many, many, heartfelt thanks for the light language package!! Since the first time I listened to one of your sessions the vibrations felt pure and high and, in and through the heart. Your Light Language Package has been (and it will continue to be) an amazing aid to build a strong-lasting love relationship with myself and to keep releasing and brightening up. My heart feels wide open right now and from it flows all my gratitude to you my friend. Whoever will be drawn to work with your sessions is blessed, and will be a blessing. Heart's smiles and kisses!

Bruno B


About Matt Andrews

Matt Andrews' headshot

Matt comes from a very intellectual, left-brained, background, having trained as a professional mechanical engineer. However, he now finds himself as a conduit for the powerful transformational energies that flow through from Spirit. Matt works primarily with a collective of angelic light beings known to him as ManTarA, using Light Language to create an energetic space in the quantum that invites clients to expand out of their limitations, release their discordant energies, raise their vibrations into Love and Joy, and to connect with their higher aspects of Self.

ManTarA works through Matt with the intention of facilitating Transformation in an empowered way. We encourage a focus on what you are choosing to align with and become, rather than trying to fix or overcome problems. The process of Transformation starts in the very core of your being and ripples out towards the external world, as you align more and more with your true authentic Divine essence all of the dense, dark, discordant, energies that have been creating limitation and discomfort in your life will naturally clear.

ManTarA works for your Higher Self to create the conducive conditions that best assist your Higher Self in making changes in your energetic field so that your life can improve. With Light Language and powerful Intention, we help you get out of your own way, out of your mental beliefs, so your highest good can be realized.

While Matt's amazingly powerful work with ManTarA is a relatively new phase in this life, it is not an overnight transformation. Through his dedicated and disciplined practice of traditional yoga and meditation over the last 20 years he has purified his energy system, strengthened his awareness and raised his vibrational frequency, which allowed him to reconnect to his higher Self and ManTarA. However, he is still a down to earth, well-grounded guy that enjoys a good laugh, and his progressive transformation has unfolded while living, working and raising a family in our modern society.

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Package A

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Package C

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A Total Retail Value of $3,801

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

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