Welcome to Kelly Hampton's Special Offer Page

Star Healing & Activations

What Would Your Life Be Like Living Your True Purpose?

Accelerate Life-Changing Paths to Enlightenment and Ascension with Ancient Frequencies and Beings of Light

Soul Heal and Co-Create a New World Filled with Joy!

  • Feel your body lighten and release old stories and wounds with ease
  • Experience opening your magnified heart centers
  • Share your love and light to aid the ascension of yourself and others
  • Activate Your True Purpose and learn how to truly love yourself and others

Specific, Relevant, Expansive, Beautiful, Practical, and Very Accurate!

If you haven't had a reading/guidance session w/Michael via Kelly, you NEED TO. My specific questions were answered, AS WELL AS details about my life/me that Michael thought I needed to know about that were not a part of my questions. So, if you are wondering, "is this real, possible?" The answer is YES. Specific, relevant, expansive, beautiful, practical, and very accurate indeed. It's an experience I will never forget and has helped me tremendously. It has given me the direction, clear guidance, and courage I need to move through some major upcoming transitions. Can't wait for the next one! I think you are the best psychic I have ever spoken to — simply beyond amazing with such accuracy and details. I was blown away!

Alice Claire

The Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healing System

Ancients and Angels to Accelerate Your Ascension

The Ancients, our Star Families who have been here for eons of time, are here with us now to assist us in our Golden Age. They're here to heal us physically and emotionally, and to co-create with us a new world filled with more love, more joy, and more peace.

The Ancients and Angels are returning us to oneness, one with all, and no separation.

Kelly Hampton's role in this divinely orchestrated Ascension plan is to help anchor the ancient frequencies, some of which she does by restructuring human DNA through the STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGY™ healing system.

This system was given to her in 2010 by Archangel Michael, and by opening the magnified heart centers of men, women, children and animals all over the world, Kelly's private sessions and training programs accelerate the ascension of human beings all around the world.

Along with hundreds of races of Christed ETs, the angels, ascended masters, and our beloved Mother Earth are contributing to this divine cosmic plan. Your continued effort to spread love and light plays a pivotal role in this master ascension plan.

Get Divinely Shared Spiritual Teachings and Star Healing to Activate Your Ascension During This Time of Great Awakening

Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,478

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Item 1: Divine Ascension Pillars

Value: $300

4 MP3s

Total Runtime: 4 Hours

In these divinely inspired expanded recordings, Kelly leads you through potentially life changing teachings from not only Archangel Michael, but other powerful sources of light to expand your infinite potential. Allow beloved Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters to lead you to new heights of self-discovery and healing to support your Ascension.

The Power of Love: Cornerstones of Your Ascension

  • BE guided through loving, immediate love and kindness blessings from Archangel Michael and Ascended Masters
  • RECEIVE homework from Archangel Michael and Christ using Love and Kindness to support your Ascension
  • UNDERSTAND what Archangel Michael sees as the "petals of love" and how to "tend to this most fertile garden".
  • DISCOVER why this frequency is THE most powerful on Earth
  • BECOME part of a global community through collective consciousness to send love and kindness to others/other places
  • LEARN where Archangel Michael feels the most love and kindness is needed on earth and to whom. (Don't forget the animals!)
  • FEEL new ways to love yourself. All love begins with you
  • EXPERIENCE how you can create and use the love and kindness healing frequencies through the energy of sound, color, and numbers (harmonics)
  • SHARE your stories of love and kindness in the community
  • EXPERIENCE healing through a forgiveness blessing

The Power of Joy: Raise Your Vibration to Catapult Your Ascension

  • RECEIVE new ways to bring joy into your life
  • ATTAIN energetic principles to align yourselves with the joy vibration.
  • LEARN techniques to help you ascend into this Christ Consciousness frequency by letting go of the past
  • ALLOW Archangel Michael, Mother Mary, and Other Ascended Masters to inspire you. Create joy, music and art. Play as children do!
  • LEARN how to create and use the joy healing frequency (harmonics) through sound, color, and numbers
  • SHARE your most joy filled moments with your family and friends
  • FEEL the changes immediately
  • FURTHER raise your vibration with blessings from the Masters

The Power of Gratitude: The Vital Frequency to Your Ascension Experience

  • LISTEN to why Archangel Michael calls this frequency the second most powerful healing on earth
  • BENEFIT energetically by being in the group consciousness of others
  • LEARN new methods for connecting with this healing power besides the voice
  • EXPERIENCE how to create and use the gratitude healing frequency through sound, color, numbers (harmonics) for meaningful ascension
  • APPRECIATE yourselves and others by sharing your own gratitude statements in this group frequency
  • CREATE a gratitude journal unlike anyone you've ever made infused with energetic blessings from Michael, Mother Mary, Christ and other Ascended Masters and Mother Earth

The Power of Peace: The Natural State of Being When Choosing Love

  • BEGIN with a healing meditation led by a master
  • EXPERIENCE how to meditate more effectively
  • FEEL how to identify energetically when you are off center
  • SEND energy transmissions to places and people in the world needing peace and calm and ascension
  • EXPECT to see optimal health after consistent use of being in this frequency
  • LEARN how to use Archangel Michael's golden halo from Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ to ease anxiety and help in your ascension
  • BE inspired to create a peace garden
  • COMPLETE this teaching with a powerful forgiveness blessing

Item 2: Harmonic Healing Codes

Value: $170


Runtime: 2 Hours

For anyone on a path to Ascension will want to understand harmonics. This new teaching from Archangel Michael will allow you to connect with God Mind, The Great Central Sun, Jupiter, and Nebulon in a way you never have! before! 2 hours of essential Ascension information to understand your multidimensionality more fully and your purpose in the Universe. Connect to other realms as you progress into higher consciousness and healing — Christ Consciousness — I AM PRESENCE through Archangel Michael's amazing teachings! Some of this divine wisdom is from Kelly's work in sacred portals like Mt. Shasta, CA as divinely lead by Archangel Michael!

Item 3: Tools to Attract Love and Keep Love in Your Life

Value: $39


Divine Messages of Ascension from Archangel Michael!

During this divinely lead teaching, learn some empowering ways-spiritual, energetic and "earth action" ways to attract your permanent partner, and how your soul family supports your ascension. It is recommended that you play a clear quartz crystal bowl frequency tone while reading the material to enhance your healing experience.

  • Learn what is meant by soul contracts and ascension
  • Learn the difference between "Connectors" and "Infinity Partners"
  • Learn why Archangel Michael says twin flames, soul mates, and other soul relationships are changing, and in some cases, inaccurate
  • Learn what is meant by being in the same soul family
  • Learn about karmic debt
  • Learn why it's more important than ever to erase limiting beliefs

Item 4: Two (2) LIVE Interactive Ascension Calls

Value: $800

Saturday, June 23rd and Sunday, June 24th, 2018 at
11:00am Pacific / 12:00pm Mountain / 1:00pm Central / 2:00pm Eastern / 6:00pm GMT

All New!

Your Galactic Family Communication

Self-empowerment can come from remembering our Star Lineage. Be supported with these calls and experience the teachings from the Council — Galactic Beings from the 9th–12th Dimensions — in this 2-hour expanded live workshop, as well as Star Beings including the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and the Angels from Atlantis. These teachings are about creating from your heart. With greater understanding of your true self, you can more easily release issues.

Among the topics to be covered:

  • Explore time travel and other dimensional travel
  • Tools to use immediately in your daily life to shift your vibration
  • Expand Your Consciousness
  • Discover your Star Lineage
  • What are you here on earth to do now
  • Become conscious co-creators

The goal is to help you BE LOVE, that is what living in our NEW EARTH means. Kelly's Galactic Star Lineage Program along with Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ are foundations for DNA reordering and upgrading back to pure love!

Note: Replays are always available if you are unable to make our live calls.

Item 5: 60-Minute Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ Healing Session

Value: $169

Via Phone or Skype

Private 1-on-1 Remote Session for Children, Adults, or Pets
Any Attunement Level

Some Are Calling This System THE MOST POWERFUL Healing System on the Planet Today!

Experience what thousands of others around the globe have experienced since 2017: One of the most powerful 5th Dimension healing systems on the planet given to Kelly in 2010 by Archangel Michael. Have your sacred heart opened, connect to the divine Christ energy grid, have energetic fears removed, receive sacred symbols and tools to continue your healing, have your 3rd Dimension DNA shapeshifted to its original 5th Dimension form to form a more crystalline light body — and much more — to create health and abundance and Ascend!

This is not a silent form of healing, silent form of healing is leaving the planet. This is 5th Dimension magnified healing originating from the Star Galaxy.Archangel Michael

ACTIVATE 12–48-Strand DNA, Connect to Higher Consciousness on The Galactic Plane

Experience this safe, noninvasive magnificently wise 5th Dimension Healing cellular healing system. This work "upgrades" your mind, body, spirit multidimensional expanding you to your magnificent 5th Dimension. Given to Kelly in 2010, Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ goes several levels higher in multidimensional healing. Join the thousands of individuals all over the world who have already experienced this ground-breaking modality since 2010.

Why is This Modality So Powerful?

The Source is Pleiadian — 5th Dimension of Pure Love

Now, the time is right for all to hear of this powerful and wise form of healing. Archangel Michael

What is Pleiadian Energy Exactly?

Pleiadians and Pleiadian energy is wise and powerful. It originates in a galaxy light years outside of your own. It is pure love, 5th Dimension energy. The 5th Dimension is also the lowest dimension upon which I reside. Think of this system as turning your body into a crystalline light body, removing implants, attachments, energetic fears, past lives and other forms of toxic energy embedded into your light bodies. For a more in-depth examination of this loving galaxy you may wish to read my words in 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael.Archangel Michael

Everyone will receive sacred symbols, energetic techniques, experience sound healing along with tools of Christ consciousness. Pleiadians and other light races do the healing work at the speed of light. However, not everyone or every animal integrates this energy completely and immediately. Therefore, per Archangel Michael it is a system which may be given up to 3x for the same set of conditions—each one elevated above the other. Second attunements focus on I AM or the integration of our Avatar Identity which is the true meaning of the Christ Consciousness. Archangel Michael's second Ascension system shared with Kelly is Ascended Spaces™ for creating abundance. Everyone will have greatest healing benefit when they combine Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ with Ascended Spaces™.

Here is a PARTIAL list of some of the health conditions clients have documented results with after receiving this amazing 5th Dimension molecular work:

  • Reduction or elimination of skin cancers/tumors bone spurs*
  • Circulatory disorders*
  • Clairvoyance enhancement*
  • Immune system dysfunction*
  • Asthma and other respiratory conditions*
  • Smoking*
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome*
  • Ringing in the ears*
  • Soul traumas from abuse and other emotional damage*
  • Allergies*
  • Addictions, compulsions*
  • Fears, phobias*
  • Attention deficit disorder (ADD)*
  • Body aches and pains including arthritis and slipped disks*
  • Sleep disturbances*
  • Depression, memory loss*
  • Migraines, gallstones and kidney stones*
  • Hearing loss, infections, nerve damage*
  • Overindulgence in food and alcohol*

In addition, many are traveling to their original soul homes for:

  • Healing
  • Experiencing bliss
  • Peace and calm
  • Going through star gates to experience god mind
  • Receiving key code activations
  • Having implants removed, including grays and dark entities
  • Able to time travel with further advancement into the system

The same benefits for humans through this system apply to our two- and four-legged friends which can be helped or totally healed through this magnified system. Transmute limiting cell memories from your pets and help them welcome ongoing, pain-free, expansive experience of boundless joy and love through this molecular powerful healing system given to Kelly.

I Have Seen It with My Own Eyes!

Bella was abused in the past, afraid of everyone (especially men), barked all the time and would hide in her crate for hours when we had company. She was very nervous, anxious, paced back and forth and walked with her tail between her legs. After her healing with Gina (a certified practitioner) she's not barking and responding to visitors aggressively. The Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ system from Archangel Michael really works. I have seen it with my own eyes!

Kristin K.


Here's What Others Have Said About This REVOLUTIONARY 5th Dimension Pleiadian Healing System for the Planet Given to Kelly

No Words Can Describe the Impact That I Felt

This is my first time working with Kelly and doing energetic body work and no words can describe the impact that I felt. With the reading session with AAMichael, the information was in depth and spoke to my being with accuracy and knowing. The guidance given was practical, articulate, and with so much love. As for the 30 min Star Healing Intergalactic session, I physically, emotionally, and visually had encounters with every component Kelly was working on. They even addressed physical ailments that I didn't realize was still prevalent in my body. After the session, I immediately noticed how much lighter, having heightened awareness of surroundings with all my senses, and for the first time feel being"e;whole"e; which I have been working on and resolving for many years. The feeling of being broken or the piece of me that was missing was gone. Basically, whatever you have going on, you can be assured it will be addressed. I highly recommend going for a session and have your own experience. I feel so alive and blessed to have the opportunity to cross paths with Kelly.

Justina C.

Amazed, Astounded, Surprised, and Elated

I had been feeling a lump under my left ribcage which would move and squirm at times and when on my back I felt pressure and weight. I also had smaller painful I would lay umps on the side of my left ribcage in assorted sizes. When I woke up on Saturday morning, lying on my back, I realized I felt empty. I had no pressure, and no pain. The lumps along the side of my chest are also gone. I am amazed, astounded, surprised, and elated. I don't know why I'm surprised since I've had my first healing with you just this past year. I asked for healing of skin cancer on my face, and migraine headaches. I have far less headaches, and the surgery for my skin cancer was much less than my surgeon expected. I am so thankful for Archangel Michael's words, advice, love and guidance, and I am most thankful that you have the courage and strength to bring them to the public so we can all go forward into the ascension without fear.

Jennifer Danion

It Has Changed Me Forever

The most profound experience of my entire life. I have experienced many healing experiences in my 65 years but never EVER anything like this. It has changed me forever and given me understanding of my purpose.



Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,478

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Special Added Bonus Expires Sunday at Midnight

15-Minute Private Mini-Session with Kelly

Via Phone or Skype

Kelly Is Offering This Special Limited-Time Bonus Only to You Wealth Revolution!

You Choose Whomever You Would like as Your Guide(s) During This Extraordinary Session!

Kelly is an advanced channel, second wave Pleiadian and can connect you with:

  • Archangel Michael
  • The Council of 9 or 12
  • Saint Germaine, the keeper of the Violet Flame
  • Master Sanada

Or, perhaps you are interested in Divine Feminine Guidance from:

  • Mary Magdalene
  • Mother Mary
  • Mother Earth
  • Native American Guides

Or even be comforted with messages from loved ones on the other side or connect with beloved pets that have crossed over the rainbow bridge.

YOU decide how this one-on-one live time with Kelly will BEST SERVE YOU!

Replays will be sent after your live time.

Always a Healing Experience, Often a Growth Experience, Always Wonderful

Highly recommended source of very high-level insight and advice — in addition to quick and accurate answers, her readings often simultaneously address needs and desires not even expressed, including one's inner most hopes and dreams and how to achieve them. Always a healing experience, often a growth experience, always wonderful!


South Africa

Can't Stop Saying 'Hallelujah'

I am elated! In my heart I can't stop saying 'Hallelujah'. You and Archangel Michael had told me I would be very happy at the end of March. Now, it is my testimonial as it truly happened. I was on bended knee thanking God for you and Michael. I am so grateful. It truly came true as you both predicted. Believe in what heaven knows! Blessings to all!


New York

Accurate, Clear, Direct and Inspirational

I just had a life-changing angel reading with messages from the Archangels Michael and the Ascended Masters. It was very clear, and spot-on. Archangel Michael and I had a wonderful conversation in the reading in which it felt as if we were best friends and he knew exactly what plan of action would be for my highest good. All the angel messages that came through were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational. After this session, my energy fields changed from feeling drained into feeling hopeful about life. Before the reading I was needing an energy boost and Archangel Michael provided that. And so please consider doing an angel reading with Kelly Hampton for she is kind, loving, and brings forth the Michael messages in such a loving way.



Discount: 90% Off

Total Value: $1,478

You Wealth Special Offer: $147

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


Clenched Jaw Resolved

A wonderful experience. I saw pink cubes containing red hearts. The physical problems were clenched jaw. The next morning I woke up with my teeth NOT touching for the first time in years! My foot alignment—I can tell that corrections were made structurally. Thank you so much for bringing this new healing into the world.



I just had a life changing angel reading with messages from the Archangels Michael and the Ascended Masters. It was very clear, and spot-on. Archangel Michael and I had a wonderful conversation in the reading in which it felt as if we were best friends and he knew exactly what plan of action would be for my highest good. All the angel messages that came through were accurate, clear, direct, and inspirational. After this session, my energy fields changed from feeling drained into feeling hopeful about life. Before the reading I was needing an energy boost and Archangel Michael provided that. An so please consider doing an angel reading with Kelly Hampton for she is kind, loving, and brings forth the Michael messages in such a loving way.



After experiencing a Star Healing session, I can say this is more powerful than The Reconnection. It is God energy.

Linda Pullano


This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had. It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to YOU and Archangel Michael!

Lyn Benedict


The Star Healing Intergalactic Energy session with you was a wonderful experience! The physical problems you worked on were: Clenched jaw. The next morning I woke up with my teeth NOT touching for the first time in years! Foot alignment (esp the left foot): I can tell that correction were made structurally, because I had some muscle aches in my left leg, just like when the podiatrist prescribed shoe inserts-muscles realigning because the foot is held in a different, corrected position. Thank you so much for bringing this new healing into the world!

Debbie Antantis

This is so fascinating. I have studied many energetic healings-Theta, DNA and I feel as if I have been waiting for something more. What Kelly is saying makes so much sense to me… one of the children time travels in his sleep and he is clairaudient and clairconsciouness! Thank you.


Greenock, Scotland

Kelly's philosophy was new to me; the multitude of ways of reducing the negative energy that surround us in our business and personal lives was a 'gem' of information. Her easy fixes such as lemons and arranging certain colored candles will be used throughout my home.

Debrah Boucher

President, DB Interiors

I do have two great things to report. First, I got a raise! I can't help but attribute it to the Prosperity candles. And I've been able to focus and concentrate so much better at work and get more accomplished. And then Jax's teacher at preschool told me Friday that although he has always been a happy child, she saw a difference in him last week, he's even happier! The Joy candles are working for us. Our house does feel really good now. I appreciate everything you have done for me. I know it works.

Shannon Trevathan

It works wonderfully. We used it to sell a home! Was on the market for 7 months before I could get my beloved to use the program, when he finally did, we started getting offers and it sold that week! Closing was in a week! Woohoo! Kelly, you ROCK! As does Archangel Michael, of course!

Q. Hamilton

My house feels lighter. Now when my spouse and I have a disagreement, we seem to come to a compromise quickly. My cats and dogs also seem to be more interactive with each other and myself.


Mallett, USA

Your work inspired us to rethink the way we use the space in the house and to come up with a solution for the main access which has been something we've been aware of for many years. People are enjoying the changes we have made in the downstairs room and it feels much better now that we have re-decorated and decluttered it. The energy in the house feels good. Much love.



My space feels 10 times better than before. I am not afraid of my own closet anymore. It is also so nice to see my son this happy and unafraid. Before, getting him to sleep was always difficult but last night (after the attunement/clearing), he just rolled over and fell asleep. He also normally flips out in the dark and today, for the first time, I saw him in the darkness and he is so much calmer.

Nancy B.

WOW!!! First time reading with Kelly, This lady is AMAZING!!! LOVED HER.



I noticed during the reading as Archangel Michael answered my questions I could hear the air pressure around me change which reminded me when I tune in to my own angels.

Melissa M.

What People Say About a Private Channeled Session with Kelly

That's was the best reading I've ever had!

Claudia C.

I received a 30-minute AA Michael Reading. I am a Mother who has struggled with other adults, the public school system, various sports coaches, and other children regarding my Crystalline son who is just trying to be himself, while I on the other hand, tried to mold him into something he was not. I desperately needed spiritual counseling and who better to give it than Archangel Michael. My reading was exactly what I needed and I plan to have additional readings, or as I like to call them divine guidance. Thank you Kelly for being this genuinely kind and humble witness. If any parent is struggling with what others want your child to conform to, I ask that you please get some divine clarity and guidance in a reading.

Teresa L.

San Diego, CA

I have no words to explain the experience I had reading with Kelly. It's been a blessing to hear the words of St. Michael.

Barb I.


Extremely detailed, high level information that I know I can count on for my highest good.

Alice Norley


A wonderful experience. I saw pink cubes containing red hearts. The physical problems were clenched jaw. The next morning I woke up with my teeth NOT touching for the first time in years! My foot alignment—I can tell that corrections were made structurally. Thank you so much for bringing this new healing into the world.

Debbie Antantis

More powerful than the Reconnection. This is GOD energy.

Linda Pullano

My post-traumatic stress syndrome which has debilitated me over the years, including depression is gone! I am again joyful. Gold energy comes from your eyes. I saw it when we were doing our sacred closing ceremony.

John Schulz

I'm very grateful to the angels, you for giving me a healing. This morning I was able to do all of my stretches with ease and realized my ball joint went back into place (the hip) last night during the healing. Now I can say from direct experience that Star Healing moves joints back into place.


This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had.

It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to YOU and Archangel Michael!

Lyn Benedict


About Kelly Hampton

Kelly Hampton's headshot

Kelly Hampton is a second-wave Pleiadian and spiritual Alchemist here to anchor the Christ grid of Ascension. She is also a renowned author, angelic, channel of many light Sources, a gifted medium, animal communicator and energy healer. Since 2010, she is also the founder of multiple 5th Dimension ground-breaking healing systems given to her by Archangel Michael including STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGY™, Star Healing Equine™, Star Healing for Small Animals which some are calling THE most powerful healing systems on the planet. These systems are responsible for releasing a huge range of physical and emotional ailments including all types of pain, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, addictions, allergies and much more. The Christed intergalactics channel light language during every Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ session, remove 4th Dimension implants, etheric fears and much more. She is also the founder of Ascended Spaces™ from Archangel Michael — the angel's answer to feng shui — for creating abundance in our New Earth. She certifies practitioners in all of these modalities worldwide with practitioners currently in six countries.

She has appeared alongside many of the world's most accomplished speakers, healers, psychics and authors including Gregg Braden, Eric Pearl, and Marianne Williamson. She is also the founder of DOMINION, the new astrology-astronomy system for the New Millennium from Archangel Michael since 2015. She is the author of INTO THE WHITE LIGHT: THE REVELATIONS OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, 2012 AND BEYOND: THE TRUTH FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and her latest release THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Healing Wisdom from Archangel Michael. She also leads spiritual retreats in the U.S. and abroad and has appeared on numerous global telesummits as a featured speaker since 2012. In Oct. 2016, she also was invited to speak and recently joined, CRUISE INTO SPIRIT with fellow lightworkers Sean David Morton, Lisa Williams and others.

90% Off

Special Offer by Kelly Hampton

A Total Retail Value of $1,478

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $147

30-Day money back guarantee**

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

*DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Financial or life results vary with each individual and we cannot guarantee that you will experience results similar to the testimonials presented on any of our pages or any results at all. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Testimonials are true and correct, and we will verify them upon request and also provide statements of expected typical results (email: [email protected]>); however, these statements or examples should not be viewed as promises or guarantees of results. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control. Please see extended disclaimer at bottom of this page.

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REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

*SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].