Welcome to Zeenat Lakdawala's Special Offer Page

Light Language Lord Ganesha Grid

Are You Ready to Say YES TO MORE?

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom and Create a New Beginning with the World's First Light Language Sacred Ganesha Grid

Increase Your Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance with the Extraordinary Light Language Lord Ganesha Grids!

Tap into Your Inner Wisdom Energy with This Beautiful Light Language Activation

In this powerful offer from Zeenat Lakdawala you will:

  • Discover the Light Language Lord Ganesha Grid and change YOUR life in an INSTANT!
  • Manifest a New Beginning with — WISDOM | PROSPERITY | ABUNDANCE
  • Experience first-hand the SHIFTS through Light Language Transmissions!
  • Overcome Fear and Obstacles
  • Release Negative Karma Removing Sources of Misfortune
  • Heal your Abundance Relationship with the extraordinary LIGHT LANGUAGE LORD GANESHA Grids!

Tap into the Power of the Universe and Create a Bubble of 'Yes' Energy

What if you were told there is a way to step out and tap into one of the most powerful tools offered by the UNIVERSE?

A tool that assists you 24/7/365, helping you to release obstacles, lower energies, misfortune, lack of any kind, and creates space for Wisdom, Good Fortune, Prosperity and Success at all times!

This high vibrational 'Yes' energy will move you forward in your journey and help you to receive:

  • Stability
  • Complete guidance from point A to B
  • More money with ease
  • New job opportunities
  • More visibility
  • Healthy boundaries
  • Releasing toxic relationships
  • Resolutions showing up with ease
  • Recognition and appreciation
  • Peace and calmness
  • Grounding
  • Clearing of old relationships and clutter
  • Restoration of flow
  • Receiving help and support
  • People being kind and generous

Presenting a NEW Light Language Grid by Zeenat…
Exclusive to The You Wealth Community!

The Semi-Customized Light Language Ganesha Grid — the Lord of New Beginning and Prosperity. This exclusive and powerful grid is channeled by Zeenat Lakdawala, creator of the World's First Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids!

If you would like to change the energy around even one of the above and awaken to your true potential, then this is the grid for you!

So, What Exactly Is a Ganesha Grid?

The Light Language Ganesha Grid is the world's first handcrafted grid embedded with a powerful and extraordinary high frequency.

The SENTIENT Grid has been created with the ENERGIES of LORD GANAPATI in the form of LIGHT LANGUAGE CODES AND INSTRUCTIONS. These unique codes and instructions rework your DNA to expand, recalibrate and remodel your energy system to create a vibrational shift and to raise your frequency to attract positive experiences at all times.

This powerful energy has been placed on a UNIQUE SACRED GEOMETRY (this SACRED GEOMETRY does not exist anywhere on our EARTH).

The energies of Sacred Geometry create the space in which the energy travels concentrically to create an impact. We are constantly surrounded and are knowingly or unknowingly working by the framework of Sacred Geometry.

The energies of the Colors are the tones or hues that vibe with the Light Language and the Sacred Geometry create an impression in the auric field to balance your being or your energetic body.

Integration of Light Language, Sacred Geometry, & Colors MAKES THIS GRID POWERFUL AND UNIQUE

Awaken to a true potential that builds confidence in your PURE SELF and leads to the union of your PHYSICAL with the HIGHER SELF.

The ENERGY of the GRID is GENTLE and will assist in raising your vibration and expand your consciousness to REMOVING OBSTACLES to OPEN UP DOORS OF POSSIBILITIES as it activates your DNA to help you in tapping into your WISDOM and CREATE NEW BEGINNING and MORE MONEY.

Light Language Sacred Geometry with Color Articulates Lord Ganesha's Power, Intelligence, and Ability to Achieve the Highest Good

Every aspect of the Ganesh Grid carries the energy of the archetype Ganesha. The Grid through its powerful Light Language on this Sacred Geometry with color articulates Lord Ganesha's Power, Intelligence, and Ability to Achieve the highest good in both material and spiritual world across time, space and dimension.

Besides the undivided and warrior power of Ganesha, the Grids also reflects the compassionate energies. As Ganesha has an extreme fondness towards sweets so when you work and learn this nectar is received in form of rewards when working with the Grid.

The Powerful Light Language Ganesha is downloaded with powerful symbols of sacred geometry and created as follows:

The Top Circles are the representation of the intellect and the ability to listen to the tune of the universe with regards to your energy. It is also about the way to ask wisely and to be heard and to receive what is most required for growth. There is no limitation to your thoughts if they are filled with aspects of compassion, and growth with harm to none. You can solve problems and you can overcome any obstacles.

The Small Circle below the top big circle — take responsibility while you speak, it is one thing to express but it is completely different when you say and what has been spoken has caused pain to the receiver. When you stand for yourself the responsibility to have compassion is the by-product. Think twice as to from which space you are speaking. The circle also holds your true potential to instill calmness, tolerance, patience and grow your creative aspects.

The Celtic Weave in the center — the trinity that holds the past, present and the future — the Keeper of Karma. When you desire to excel there is a need to first clear old debts and to be in the now to have a stable future.

The Four Mid-Size Circles in a concentrated manner — everything that you want in your life is in your hand. You can pull yourself to the highest levels of success & prosperity (laddu — sphere-shaped sweet), by being detached (rope) of all past, present, and future karma and limiting beliefs, experience reality and enlightenment (lotus) and be blessed (Abhaya mudra) in one life itself. It works with your Root Chakra to not Fear as he will guide you and evoke the sense of giving.

The Smallest Circle at the bottom represents balance and drives you to overcome layers and layers of ignorance pushing you to take responsibility to achieve greater success.

Imagine a Powerful Piece of Work Created with Your Personal Energy

For the first time, Zeenat is introducing the Semi-Customized Light Language Ganesha Grid. Zeenat is guided to download additional Light Language codes and instructions based on your energy.

Zeenat will tune into your vibration and channel the codes that are meant ONLY FOR YOU. These specific Light Language codes will activate and awaken your DNA and the Light Codes within you. These codes are designed to directly connect to your soul without any filters.

The intention of the Exclusive Semi-Customized Light Language Ganesh Grid is to help you with:

  • Overcoming Fear and Obstacles and guard from the adversity that is preventing success in material and spiritual levels.
  • Assists in Gaining Wisdom in all aspects in terms of the way you are reacting and making decisions in areas of relationship, money, and investment or starting a new business or career shift etc. It is important to know how to evaluate and make healthy decisions for your growth.
  • Achieving Success, Building Good Fortune, Health, and Happiness in all aspects of your life big or small with the right knowledge, education, and path to attain wealth with ease. Allow intelligence and logic to prevail while making investments or money related decisions.
  • Overcoming Mental Blocks by molding the mind to work in raising your vibration by releasing lower energies and by becoming more flexible.

Open Yourself Up to Receiving… Even Your Health and Wellbeing Will Improve!

When You Need to Move Forward, The First and Foremost Thing Required to Be Done Is to Say 'YES'. The Universe Loves the Sound of This Word.

Below Introductory Prices Are for Limited Packages Only!

This Special Is Not Offered Anywhere Else and May Never Be Offered Again at This Price

Package A

Discount: 88% Off

Total Value: $1,698

You Wealth Special Offer: $207

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Package B

Discount: 88% Off

Total Value: $2,222

You Wealth Special Offer: $277

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Package C

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $3,376

You Wealth Special Offer: $297

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)

Package A

Item 1: Handmade World First Light Language Lord Ganesha Grid

Value: $777

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

Say 'YES' to More with EASE!!! It Has Been a Beautiful Experience in Making This Beautiful, Powerful Lord Ganesha Light Language Sacred Geometry Grid

The Light Language Ganesh Grid intends to help one with:

  • Strengthening the Root Chakra to move from the inertia (rigidity), stay grounded and bring instability to release lower energies towards higher energies of positivity and awareness.
  • Elimination and Release of negative energy and karma. Be in a high vibration and attract positive people and positive ideas. This will help in dissolving sources of suffering, hardships, and misfortunes that one experiences in life.
  • Flexibility and Innovation in the way of thinking for actions that are thereby taken brings in profitable results. Adaptability and improvisation lead to better and faster results.
  • Intelligence and Brilliance to expand your horizon of growth through tapping into your internal skills and externally by having an in-depth knowledge.

How Does a Light Language Grid Work?

Light Language can be experienced through frequencies of words in the form (writing or sound) that enter into the cells to rework on the DNA to expand and re-calibrate. Since Light Language is ENERGETIC and MULTIDIMENSIONAL, one receives an upgrade in their frequencies right into their aura.

Through the Language of Light, one can create extensive healing that spans across time, space and dimension. The remodelling of your energy system creates the vibrational shift which helps in moving to a higher vibration and from that space be able to attract and experience life differently in all aspects — material and spiritual.

The healing being Permanent helps one to sustain and maintain the achieved new vibration, for further expansion.

New energetic space is created as it guides you in releasing and healing blocks so that New Beginning with enhanced wisdom and wiser sense to invest in career or business is done with ease. There is a healthier relationship between you and your inner self and with the external world at large.

From this space, you will receive further assistance in your energetic body/space to achieve/manifest YOUR GOALS with ease!

Even before receiving the physical Grid, just by the action of you moving towards this program you will start to experience a Constant Flow of energy that will bring about a visible shift in your day to day life. You will experience the process of releasing at ease and there will be clarity of thoughts, feelings and action.

The grid's vibrational frequency along with your intention will assist and align your energetic body/space in helping you to achieve/manifest your goal.

This beautiful energy is not only the currency that we work with, it is about the energy of saying 'YES' to:

  • New opportunities (business ideas or job shift or new position)
  • Listening to people who are showing up to give guidance
  • Receiving help and support
  • Receiving extra without having to ask
  • People being kind and generous
  • Spending without guilt, etc.

When all of the above start showing up you must know that you are in the right direction in opening up to receiving more money.

Some people would like to be invisible and inaudible and when we work with Light Language things start to show up and when it does you have to say 'YES' because Money loves to see work being done.

Are there any processes or rituals to be followed when using a Light Language Grid?

There are no rituals for these beautifully handcrafted Light Language Lord Ganesha Grids. These are sentient beings. Place your grid either on an altar or on a wall near a window or an area that has sufficient sunlight.

As part of interaction you can touch it daily or whenever you feel like.

Even if you do not interact, the Grid in your proximity does all the work!

Light Language Lord Ganesha Grid dimensions: 10 inches × 10 inches

Please note: Though the Grid may not be with you in the physical, form the energies start working with you from the minute you've placed your order!

Non-customised Ganesh Grids will take 25 days for delivery to you!

Item 2: Releasing and Balancing

Value: $287

3 MP3s

Total Runtime: 44 Minutes

The Light Language is received with healing frequencies in form of codes and instructions.

The Language Light helps in awakening a dormant DNA. The language may seem like gibberish, however, be open and receive it with love as it is meant for your higher self.

It is understood at the deeper level as it surpasses the human mind, retaining its high vibration to heal and expand.

These audios will help with:

  • Expansion of your DNA
  • Clearing of programming that is no longer serving you
  • Show blocks to giving and receiving
  • Allow growth and more receiving in areas of health, wealth, and abundance
  • Prepare you to move from 2D into 5D

The Following Audios Are Included in the Releasing and Balancing Series:

Balancing — Root Chakra

To tap into this wisdom, one has to be awakened from within and this begins through a balanced Root Chakra. If there is fear, uncertainty and insecurity of the future and survival is doubted (the inherent nature to feel and be protected), a state of stability through grounding, trust, the desire to procreate, have good health and enjoy material well-being/prosperity climbing or growth. To progress, one needs wisdom or knowledge for both growth and joy in life.

  • Harness a belonging, offer strength to the physical body that help with weight issues
  • Looking at the external world with the sense of safety, stability, security, and connectedness
  • Bring in peace and happiness
  • Strengthening of the Root Chakra to keep the energy flowing and keeping the remaining chakras balanced

Releasing of Anxiety

To be in a constant state of Anxiety erodes your physical body and mind. Worry is a gradual progression of your thoughts into manifestation in your physical body. Anxiety makes problem-solving difficult and leads to a prolonged state of feeling unsettled. Anxiety can become persistent, even in unrealistic circumstances, leading to disharmony.

  • Assist in moving into solution mode
  • Bring in balance by bringing in mindfulness
  • Build tolerance by bringing forth or highlighting the situation that causes heightened anxiety
  • Improve focus and release nervousness, restlessness and discomfort

Releasing of Obstacles

Helps with the clearing of obstacles and barriers to gain more clarity.

  • Gain mental clarity in thoughts or ideas
  • Build strength to move and resolve hindrances
  • Penetrate through barriers and releases any obstacles
  • Become aware and tap into intuition to gauge obstacles before they show up

Item 3: Success and Achievement Energy Boosters

Value: $287

3 MP3s

Total Runtime: 44 Minutes

Through powerful Light Language, Zeenat guides you to letting go, overcoming obstacles, and removing blocks with 3 powerful Success and Achievement Boosters.

These audios are intended to shift energies and guide you to tap into your wisdom to create wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

The Following Audios Are Included in the Success and Achievement Energy Boosters Series:

New Beginning

  • A guide to receive clarity in a new direction
  • Assist in achieving success in all endeavors
  • Letting go of the old that is no longer working with the New
  • Allow success and prosperity and abundance as the New way of life

Tapping into Your Inner Wisdom (Awakening of Consciousness)

  • Overcome stuckness or stagnation
  • Letting go of darkness, ego and illusion that keeps one ignorant
  • Release abundance blocks — finance, health, and relationships
  • Recreation with ease through Inner Wisdom

Opening to Generosity and Self-Acceptance

Helps with the clearing of obstacles and barriers to gain more clarity.

  • Release low self-esteem that fuel failure
  • Build a higher association with Self with Love
  • Build an understanding of the infinite self — body, mind and intellect
  • Embrace your authentic self

Item 4: Two (2) Remote Energetic Booster Transmissions

Value: $247

Remote Energy Sessions

Tuesday, August 3rd and 10th, 2021

The Light Language Downloaded Codes and Instructions in these Booster Transmissions will help with the expansion of your DNA by clearing programming that is no longer serving you!

This will allow growth and more receiving in areas of financial wealth, health, and abundance.

This will be the preparation to move YOU from 2D to 5D!

Zeenat will begin each remote transmission at the time listed.

These Light Language encoded frequencies will be 15–20-minute transmissions that are encoded frequencies that are downloaded remotely and will be received by your energetically. The transmissions are effective even while you sleep!

As these transmissions are energetic downloads received anywhere, there is no particular ritual to be followed, just be comfortable and relaxed. You may sit quietly and receive, or simply go about your normal routine at home or work.

Note: These are not calls. The dates/times listed are when the healing energy is being transmitted. If you buy the package after the transmission date(s) channeled messages of the transmission will be shared.

Transmission Dates: Tuesday, August 3rd and 10th, 2021

Note on Times: All transmissions begin at 7:00pm IST. To map date and time for your respective country/timezone please refer to https://thetimezoneconverter.com.

To Receive the Transmissions:

  • Choose a Quiet Space for Comfort and Have a Glass of Water Nearby (this can be in your office, home, garden, park… wherever you are most comfortable)
  • Be open for the Divine and the Light Beings
  • The downloads are based on the Group Energies… be open to Receiving
  • These transmissions will bring in the required codes and instructions needed for your Higher Self
  • You can receive the downloads from anywhere, there is no particular ritual to be followed… just be comfortable and relaxed!
  • The transmissions are effective even while you sleep
  • Please do not drive during the transmission times

After the Session You May:

  • Feel Energized and Charged with a Desire to take MORE action!
  • Be driven to look at decluttering of mind and things around you
  • Feel heaviness and a need to sleep… which will be sound sleep
  • Urge to use the restroom more frequently
  • Tingling and Pulsating Energy
  • Desire to Rest and or Take a Break

You Will Also Receive This Bonus

Bonus #1

Facebook Private Group Support

Value: $100

Online Community

Be Supported Through Your Journey!

When you join Zeenat's program, you join her exclusive private community on Facebook.

You will interact with the group energy and Zeenat!

In this group, you are part of a big community and as the agenda of the group is the same as yours, you will tend to receive insights, support and TOGETHERNESS for you to buckle up and move forward.

  • We are all part of a big plan and we are responsible for our growth and progress. By being here you will be able to work and be part of a community whose goal is to improve and have more money
  • You will get the needed push and support from me and the group when things show up or when you are unable to move
  • Zeenat will be in the group to answer your questions, do some impromptu energy work based on the group energy, laugh with you, encourage you, and be honest with you. All these are only available within the group
  • Encourage you to share your success however small it is, post happy and encouraging pics, some awesome quotes, and great happenings

Package A

Discount: 88% Off

Total Value: $1,698

You Wealth Special Offer: $207

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Package B

Includes everything in Package A, PLUS:

Item 5: Two (2) 45-Minute Live Group Sessions with Zeenat

Value: $347

Via Webcast

Thursday, August 5th and 12th, 2021 at
6:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

The package includes two (2) Group Calls to optimize the key areas of stuckness to clear and allow the New Beginning and to move through with ease.

The calls are to give additional assistance and support and raise the vibration to tap into your highest potential for creation and expansion.

Each 45-minute session includes a Q&A that helps in clearing questions that show up during the call. These calls are on the InstantTeleseminar platform.

After the calls, the connecting links convert themselves into the replay link. Note in case you are unable to attend these live calls, listening to the replay is just as powerful too. These call replays are active immediately post the Live Call.

These Powerful Group Sessions are filled with additional Live Light Language downloads based on the group energy (whether you are on the live call or listening to the replay).

These two group sessions will include:

  • Each call takes you closer to the clearing and brings in clarity to achieve your goal of abundance and prosperity
  • Helps you to harness your inner wisdom to release stuckness or lack
  • Be able to raise your vibration to excel and to create NEW
  • Receive the collective energies of the group even if you are not actively participating in the interaction
  • Discussion on the shared mp3s
  • Additional transmission based on group energies
  • Will answer any questions that may come up during the program or call to help you clear issues that are keeping you stuck
  • Will give self-work in alignment to what would be required to move forward

The Sessions

Call 1 — Root Chakra Meditation with Light Language

Thursday, August 5th, 20216:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

Topics covered:

  • The connection between our physical body (bones and tissues) and the Earth
  • The right to be here and the right to have
  • Trust and release mistrust
  • Discovery and mastery of oneself — physical identification

Call 2 — Releasing the Blocks in the Solar Plexus That Impact Self with Will and Ego

Thursday, August 12th, 20216:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

Topics covered:

  • Releasing of Shame
  • Releasing blaming and victimhood
  • Gaining self-esteem and confidence
  • Feeling safe to express and be received
  • Saying 'YES to MORE' frequently

Note on Time: The transmission begins at 7:00pm IST. To map date and time for your respective country/timezone please refer to https://thetimezoneconverter.com.

You Will Also Receive This Bonus

Bonus #2

45-Minute Live Group Call with Zeenat

Value: $177

Via Webcast

Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 at
6:30am Pacific / 7:30am Mountain / 8:30am Central / 9:30am Eastern / 1:30pm GMT / 3:30pm CET / 7:00pm IST

Full Moon — Light Language Live Download

This is a wonderful time to absorb and receive the Full Moon energies and tap into high vibrational energy. It is time to renew and plant the seed of new creation.

The monthly Full Moon Light Language download is a 30 to 45 minutes session which is done via live call.

The session brings down the energies of Moon Goddess, Light Beings, Masters and Angels. It also includes channelled messages that help in receiving insight that you may have been looking for.

Note on Time: The transmission begins at 7:00pm IST. To map date and time for your respective country/timezone please refer to https://thetimezoneconverter.com.

Package B

Discount: 88% Off

Total Value: $2,222

You Wealth Special Offer: $277

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Package C

Includes everything in Packages A and B, PLUS:

Item 6: Light Language Semi-Customized Ganesha Grid

Value: $977

** Physical Item Will Be Shipped **

** 20 Semi-Customed Grids Now Available **

Upgrade to an Exclusive Semi-Customized Ganesha Grid!

This Limited-Opportunity Item includes additional codes and instructions that are brought onto the Grid based on individual energies. These specific codes will shift and support and help you move forward.

Through your energy signature, these codes and instructions will help with Healing, Balancing, Aligning, Releasing of blocks — at the physical, emotional, and spiritual level to achieve the highest benefits. These doubly-powerful sentient grids will become your personal guide to restore balance and help you be in the constant flow of abundance.

The Semi-Customized Grids will help you in tapping into your potential and work with you to improve your frequency and help raise your vibration to excel.

The Semi-Customized Light Language Ganesha Grid resonates only with the grid holder.

Zeenat's clients have received:

  • Resolutions up making it easier for you to move away from obscure situations, improving your stability and grounding you
  • Constant releases of toxic relationships by presenting them to you supported by your Ganesha Grid
  • An understanding of how to maintain healthy boundaries and find people being kind and generous
  • More money with ease! Your Ganesha grid will not only reward you with more money with ease but also help you to be recognized and appreciated
  • The required peace and calmness to move forward in harmony

Who is the Semi Customized Ganesha Grid For?

The semi-customized Ganesha Grids do not have timelines nor are they based on a first come first serve basis; it is based on your energy requirement.

Please note: Although the Grid may not be with you in the physical form, the energies start working with you from the minute you've placed your order.

Note: Semi-Customized Ganesha Grid will be shipped to you in approximately 45 days.

Item 7: Full Pink Moon — Light Language Download

Value: $177

4 MP3s

Total Runtime: 58 Minutes

The April Full Pink Moon in Scorpio will encourage you to go deep into your feelings as you can create a bustling and vibrant growth this spring. As this is the first full moon post the March Spring Equinox, it is important to allow the energy of new creation to take place. The old and obsolete is over, as the hurdles and obstacles are released and the time for the 'new' knocks on your door. There is a need for a 360 view of all relationships so that letting go is made easier.

The monthly Full Moon Light Language download is a 30–45-minute session which was done via live call.

The session brings down the energies of Moon Goddess, Light Beings, Masters and Angels. It also includes channeled messages that help in receiving insight that you may have been looking for.

Package C

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $3,376

You Wealth Special Offer: $297

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Special Added Bonus Expires Thursday at MidnightSpecial Added Bonus EXPIRED

Light Language Transmission — Prosperity with Goddess Laxmi & Lord Ganesha


Runtime: 13 Minutes

The Universe in itself is Abundant and Infinite — there is enough and more for all.

To be in Prosperity is leading a worthy life. It means to have both your internal and external realities in a balanced state. You are not only in LOVE with yourself you are in complete harmony with the world outside of you too.

You will prosper with:

  • Money: the flow of Goddess Laxmi flows through you with ease and you are in the process of creation at all times
  • Happiness: this flow with the intelligence and wisdom of Lord Ganesha brings in harmony in your health, wealth and relationships
  • Sustainability: this concentric flow brings in constant money to your space in the long-term

The Process for Listening to the Light Language Transmission:

  1. Start listening from today for 21 days
  2. If you miss a day you need to start the process again
  3. Hear 3 times in a loop for the first three days, thereafter you can hear it as many times as you wish

Note: Do not listen to light language MP3s while driving.

Package A

Discount: 88% Off

Total Value: $1,698

You Wealth Special Offer: $207

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Package B

Discount: 88% Off

Total Value: $2,222

You Wealth Special Offer: $277

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Package C

Discount: 91% Off

Total Value: $3,376

You Wealth Special Offer: $297

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

Want to Use PayPal Credit?
NO Payments and NO Interest for 6 Months *

Apply Here — Takes Around 1 Minute

* See PayPal Credit Terms (Applies only to U.S. Customers)


About Zeenat Lakdawala

Zeenat Lakdawala's headshot

Zeenat is a Wayshower, a Spiritual Artist, a Spiritual Guide, Creator of the Worlds first Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids & A Transformational Energy Healer with over 10 years of experience. A featured international speaker and has worked with over 1000s clients globally.

Zeenat has a high connection with the supreme consciousness from where she receives information from various Higher Dimensional Beings that assist her in bringing the most benevolent Language of Light in the forms of Codes, Instructions, & Sacred Blueprints.. This helps in the awakening of the dormant soul & high vibrational shifts that allows one with healing, renewed motivation, power, growth & abundance.

All through Zeenat's 15 years of working in the corporate scene, chasing deadlines was an exhilarating experience and in a way satisfactory. The work brought her the adrenal and joy and to see the brand make waves by changing the way people live was something she would look forward to.

Over a period of time all this Energy took another form when something unusual was planned out for her, and the more she resisted the more it persisted. From working in the corporate world to becoming a Wayshower seemed like a step-by-step process and she saw that the purpose was much bigger than the job she had in hand.

Zeenat finally introduced herself a decade ago as a Healer & Spiritual Artist, creator of the Worlds first Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids & A Transformational Energy Healer.

As a multi- and inter-dimensional energy conduit, she works with clients to assist them to move from lower dimension to a higher vibration; to experience 'Bliss' both in the spiritual and physical realms. While working with her clients, she uses different modalities that help and assist in healing and growth. So, she is NOT a FORTUNE TELLER but has a unique sense of individual energy and their signature blueprints and when she works with her clients auric field she can read their energy and guide them for their highest good. She empowers her clients so that they can do their healing with the tools that she brings down and also through the work assignments that she gives her clients to work on, between her sessions making them more self-reliant and confident.

She helps and assists her clients:

  • to heal and manifest more money
  • fulfilling careers with new jobs/roles
  • open to receiving financial freedom
  • find life partner
  • moving from stuckness to creation
  • have a healthy approach towards physical and emotional bodies

and much more!

She is currently a member of Living Philosophy wherein she dwells in practical aspects of philosophy that gives a deeper sense of life through investigation.

She further enjoys penning down her thoughts through a blog and quotes on her website.

Certified Practitioner:

  • The Akashic records
  • Tibetan singing bowls
  • Pendulum Dowsing with Angels
  • Crystal Therapy
  • Munay Ki teacher — 13 Rites
  • Hypnotherapy level one and two from the California Hypnosis Institute of India
  • Foundation course for Angel and Ascension (Atlantis) from The Diana Cooper School

Ancient Japanese healing art 'Jin Shin Jyutsu'

Designed to harmonize physical energies is one of her favourite modalities as she combines this with her Light Language healing when doing one-on-one sessions or group calls.

88% Off

Package A

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $1,698

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $207

Worldwide Free Shipping

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30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

88% Off

Package B

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $2,222

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $277

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

91% Off

Package C

Special Offer by Zeenat Lakdawala

A Total Retail Value of $3,376

brought through
You Wealth Revolution

Yours for Only $297

Worldwide Free Shipping

Sold Out

30-Day money back guarantee**

**No refunds available after Lord Ganesha Grid is shipped

**No refunds available after Midnight Pacific on August 2, 2021

**Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a PO Box

This is a limited time offer for registered
You Wealth Revolution Subscribers Only!

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AFFILIATE COMPENSATION NOTICE: You should assume that the You Wealth Revolution has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

**REFUND POLICY: You Wealth Revolution appreciates and values all our listeners and speakers. As a show of our appreciation, we are happy to offer a 30-day Money Back Guarantee to our valued customers to better help them discover if a product will work for them. In the case of Zeenat Lakdawala's package, a refund is available within 30 days of purchase, or until your Light Language Lord Ganesha Grid has been shipped, or until Midnight Pacific, August 2nd, 2021 (whichever comes first). However, as a way to help show our speakers how much we treasure their knowledge and hard work, a refund can only be offered on one package per customer in a 90-day period. Multiple refunds requested by the same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. Should we notice a pattern of excessive purchases and returns, we reserve the right to remove such person(s) from our mailing list, block future purchases, and/or deny future refunds. Should the speaker's offer involve a personal session, the guarantee will be voided in the event that the session has been used. Should the speaker's offer include digital content, the guarantee will be voided, and no refund granted if more than 30% of tracks have been downloaded. We rely on your integrity as a You Wealth listener to honor each speaker's digital assets. Additionally, all requests for refunds should be submitted within the 30-day guarantee period. In the case of Zeenat Lakdawala's package, all requests for refunds must be submitted within her 30-day guarantee period, or until your Light Language Lord Ganesha Grid has been shipped or until Midnight Pacific, August 2nd, 2021 (whichever comes first). We appreciate and thank all our listeners for understanding and respecting this guarantee.

**SURVEY OF YOU WEALTH LISTENER RESPONDENTS: In a survey conducted in August of 2013 listener respondents were asked specifically "Has the You Wealth Revolution Event Helped You Have a Better Life?". Out of 1164 total respondents, 1097 people answered "Yes". Only 67 respondents answered "No". A total of 94.24% percent of respondents said this event helped them have a better life. A copy of this survey and our results can be emailed upon request by emailing [email protected].